Chapter 1636
While everyone was frantically besieging the wandering corpse, I was sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away and slowly regaining my breath. The battle was getting more and more intense. The wandering corpse spit out corpse elixir, dark clouds covered the top, and the power of the moon and stars Being shrouded and unable to exert force, the wandering zombie had a chance to break free from the magic circle. Therefore, the wandering zombie became crazy at this time, and casualties began to occur. Several masters of the special team Lost their lives, even those Taoist masters in Xiyanzhou were killed and injured several times.

The wandering corpse kills people extremely ferociously. When it opens its mouth, the breath of the corpse will have a very strong corrosive power, and the people around it are very dense. Many times, it is impossible to escape. Immediately enveloped by the corpse, many The person turned into a pool of pus and blood on the spot, with no bones left.

What's even more powerful is its pair of long and big claws. Even with its brute strength, no one can parry it. With one claw swing, it can cut down a waist-thick tree. Not to mention the human beings, they were completely in a state of ruin.

After the wandering zombie injured and killed more than a dozen people, some among the crowd began to show timidity and began to retreat.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is that this zombie is very resistant to fighting. Ordinary swords and guns cannot pose any threat to it. My fierce moves just now were like tickling it. The special team plus Xi There were hundreds of masters from the Yanzhou Dao Sect. They fought for such a long time, but they didn't fall down.

At this time, my spiritual power has almost recovered, so I thought about joining in, using a few big moves, and just knocking this wandering corpse down. In fact, this wandering corpse has been beaten by all of you even now. The master's talisman weapon was seriously injured.

It's just that not long after I stood up, I suddenly heard a sound from a distance, and the whole ground felt shaking slightly. After a while, I looked in the direction of the village entrance, and I was startled.

But I saw a dense group of zombies suddenly jumping over from the direction of the village entrance. These zombies were of all kinds. They were jumping towards this side very quickly.

At this time, I suddenly realized why the wandering corpse kept making a rhythmic roar just now. It turned out that it was calling for foreign help.

The special team can invite so many foreign aids, and there are also wandering zombies. In the lair of the wandering zombies, there are hundreds of zombies of all kinds, and they are all coming here now.

When they jumped together, there was a bang when their feet landed on the ground, and their bodies were extremely heavy, so they felt like the sky was shaking.

When the group of zombies came out, the Special An and Special Security invited by the special dispatch team soon appeared, and there were quite a few of them. They blasted at the zombies with long guns and short cannons.

The bullets of those guns were specially prepared, and it was easy to destroy ordinary zombies. After a few rounds of shooting, dozens of zombies fell to the ground and became silent.

However, there are also some special zombies, such as iron-armored zombies and bronze-armored zombies. Even specially crafted bullets cannot penetrate their bodies and cannot stop their bodies. Soon, the mighty The swarm of zombies rushed to the outskirts of the village and started fighting with those Te'an and Te'an.

As for those zombies, even Taoist masters had to spend a lot of effort to subdue them, and those special Ante'an were simply vulnerable in front of these zombies.

Good guy, seeing the current situation, we seem to have been launched a counter-attack by this wandering zombie, and the situation has become very bad.

Once these zombies pounce on us, even if we can kill the wandering corpse, most of us here will probably be injured.

Injuring the enemy by [-] and injuring yourself by [-] seems to be a bad deal.

At that moment, I took a deep breath and couldn't calm down anymore. I jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the zombie army.

These zombies are all raised by wandering zombies in its lair. Any corpse that has been bitten or sucked by it will basically turn into a zombie. It is not known how many years it has survived in the world and how many people it has sucked. Only blood can be as powerful as it is now. Seeing this dense mass of zombies, I felt a little dizzy.

It was my mistake at first. I didn't expect that the wandering zombie could summon all the zombies it raised in the cave.

There is no other way. You have to attack the scalp. You must not let all these zombies come over. You must buy time for the masters of Xiyanzhou Dao Sect.

When I ran towards the zombie army, I had already taken out the copper coin sword. As I ran forward, I used the Beidou sword formation at the same time. As I ran forward, thousands of things suddenly changed above my head. When he saw the sword energy, the vast area was very spectacular, and then he slipped out the second brother from the eight treasure bags of the universe and threw it towards the front. The second brother also had some means to restrain these zombies. , once the power of true fire is breathed out, it can also incinerate those bronze-armored corpses and iron-armored corpses.

Now I really miss Xiaomengmeng very much. It would be great if it was by my side. It is best at such group fighting scenes. Once the ghosts, soldiers and ghosts are summoned, they will definitely be able to withstand these zombie armies.

It's a pity that Xiao Mengmeng is still with Master Longyao of the Qingshan Ghost Sect Sect. I thought it wouldn't be so troublesome to deal with the wandering zombies this time, and that Xiao Mengmeng could be taken home after that. How could I have imagined that it would be like this.

When I was still more than 20 meters away from the zombie army, I made a hand gesture, pointed my sword forward, and the large piece of copper coin sword energy suddenly fell down, crushing the zombie group.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of zombies fell in front of them, at least one hundred and eighty, and they were all beaten into colanders.

Immediately afterwards, the second senior brother turned into a flaming monster, rushed into the zombie group and rampaged, spitting fire from his mouth, and ignited more than a dozen zombies.

Even so, there are still a lot of these zombies, and they are all fearless and swarming towards this side.

I didn’t care about so much anymore. I collected the copper coin sword, sacrificed the sword soul, and took out the Corpse Ruler, the sword soul in my left hand, and the Corpse Ruler in my right hand. I waved it left and right, and rushed forward for a while, in front of the zombies. After several rounds of killing in the group, many zombies naturally fell to the ground.

Just when I was about to kill, I suddenly heard someone shouting loudly: "Hurry... stop it quickly, and let the evil zombie run away..."

Hearing this, my heart tightened, and I looked towards the source of the sound, but I saw the huge wandering corpse, with white smoke coming from its body, running towards the side of my body...

(End of this chapter)

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