Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1638 Join Forces to Kill

Chapter 1638 Join Forces to Kill
As soon as the wandering corpse escaped, Li Chao and I quickly chased after him. In addition to the experts from the special team, Yue Qiang from Chenshan Mountain was also among them. The one who encountered the wandering corpse first was the special team. Ling Mo gave the order to those who had been mobilized, and he led the crowd with various magical weapons in their hands and rushed towards the wandering corpse.

They adopted the most violent method, which was to fight head-on. Without saying a word, they directly took out various magic weapons and talismans and greeted the wandering corpse.

I don’t know if they are stupid. There is a saying that goes like this: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and a centipede is dead but not stiff. Although this wandering corpse was beaten into a bear-like shape with many scars on its body, it It is still a wandering corpse with extremely high moral standards. It is running for its life in a hurry. It is when the Buddha is blocking the way to kill the Buddha, and the God is blocking the way to kill the God. The people of the special team are confronting it head-on. It is completely a rhythm of seeking death. .

My cultivation level is much higher than theirs, and I also have the eight-step method specifically for escaping. I don’t even dare to fight head-on with this wandering zombie. It’s all about guerrilla tactics, one shot and another place. .

Those people in the special team looked like they were working hard.

"Get out of the way!" Li Chao and I were chasing, and I yelled at the people in the special dispatch team.

But it was too late. The wandering zombies escaped quickly, and the buddies from the special team died quickly.

Just when they were about to collide, the wandering corpse spit out a mouthful of corpse aura as thick as black ink, and enveloped the few buddies from the special team in front. Those few people didn't even scream. In time, it immediately turned into pools of pus and blood, and then the zombies pounced forward, grabbing the two members of the special team one by one, and put them directly into their mouths. In one bite, It swallowed half of the person's body into its belly, and threw the other half of the body away casually, and continued to run forward.

At this time, Ling Mo and Yue Qiang flashed over from one side, and several yellow paper talismans were thrown in front of the wandering corpse. They exploded instantly, making the wandering corpse stunned. Then I saw Yue Qiang. Qiang stepped forward quickly and used a set of fast and fast Alluring Sword Techniques, and quickly slashed several swords on the body of the wandering corpse. The sword in Yue Qiang's hand was not ordinary, and instantly struck the body of the wandering corpse. Several cuts were made, and corpse air spurted out.

The wandering corpse roared crazily, and swept his hands towards Yue Qiang. The speed was too fast, and Yue Qiang was unable to dodge, and was swept on the back by the claws of the wandering corpse. At that time, I saw Yue Qiang using He blocked it with his sword on his back, reducing some of the damage. However, after being hit by the wandering corpse, he still spat out a mouthful of blood and rolled down into the grass not far away, never getting up again.

Not long ago, this kid also said that he was a good friend who was hanging around with me, and that he was shot by that wandering corpse.

Just because Yue Qiang and the people from the special task force blocked him, Li Chao and I rushed to the vicinity of the wandering corpse. I stepped in front of the wandering corpse, while Li Chao blocked the wandering corpse behind him. , the flying sword was right above his head.

But Li Chao suddenly took out a blue talisman from his body, slapped it on the sword soul, and recited a spell: "The divine sword chases the soul, kills demons, and thousands of sword shadows, Covering the four directions, God will kill God if he blocks it, Buddha will kill Buddha if he blocks it, edict!"

Damn it, Li Chao is going to use a big move, I have to block it. If the zombie dodges this big move, Li Chao probably won’t be able to do it a second time. The big move consumes the most spiritual energy. .

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind, and I suddenly remembered a magic weapon. This magic weapon was placed in the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun and I never had a chance to use it. I even ignored its existence. If I hadn't seen Li Chao zoom in I still can't remember it.

My grandfather said that this thing came from Dan Chengshan, Li Chao's sect. My ancestor snatched it from a rebellious Dan Chengshan.

This thing is called a corpse mirror.

When I saw Li Chao's big move, I thought of Dan Chengshan, and by the way, the corpse mirror sounded.

I heard that this thing was also the treasure of Dancheng Mountain more than a hundred years ago. Later it fell into the hands of my ancestor and became an heirloom of our family.

This thing is mainly used to deal with zombies. If you don't use it now, it will be useful later.

Thinking of this, I directly took out the corpse mirror, activated my spiritual power, activated the corpse mirror, and shrouded the speeding corpse.

In an instant, a vigorous and powerful force suddenly shot out from the corpse mirror, and it immediately enveloped the corpse. The power of the corpse mirror was very powerful. As soon as the light came out, the corpse's huge body was blown away. Let Bengfei fly out.

The body of the wandering corpse was still in mid-air, and I saw that after Li Chao made a big move, his body was shaking. One person turned into six people, and the soul-chasing sword turned into more than a dozen. The powerful force of the carrier struck at various vital points on the body of the wandering corpse.

The dozens of soul-chasing swords pierced through the body of the wandering corpse, and after the wandering corpse fell to the ground, there were more than a dozen transparent holes on its body, but even so, after the wandering corpse fell to the ground, it still stood on the ground .

Its body was trembling non-stop, a large amount of corpse energy was leaking out, and its huge mouth was opening and closing, and it was already exhausted.

However, it still struggled hard and took steps towards me.

If you don't die yet, wait until later.

I saw that the wandering corpse had no power to resist at this time, so I took out the corpse-laying ruler, arrived at its side in eight steps, and threw the corpse-laying ruler directly into its mouth.

It's okay if this corpse-laying ruler fell into its mouth.

The wandering corpse could no longer hold on, and his body shook violently. Even the zombie aura that came out of his body was quickly gathered back, and was swallowed up by the zombie rule. I stood beside the wandering corpse and saw The red light in the mouth of the wandering corpse was flickering, and the corpse-laying ruler was exerting force at this moment, swallowing up the remaining strength of the wandering corpse.

This time, the wandering corpse couldn't run anymore, and there was only a dead end waiting for it.

I withdrew my gaze from the wandering corpse and looked towards Li Chao, but I saw that Li Chao had also retracted the Soul-Chasing Sword and was half-kneeling on the ground, panting. He looked at the wandering corpse lying on the ground with a look on his face. There was a look of excitement and ecstasy on his face.

Now he can brag to others, saying that the wandering corpse was killed by him.

But without my cooperation, he wouldn't be able to do this.

I have no intention of taking credit from him, no matter who I love, the wandering corpse has been destroyed anyway.

Soon, I thought of Yue Qiang, who had been seriously injured by the wandering corpse just now, and quickly ran towards the place where Yue Qiang fell, and soon found him. The kid's mouth was full of blood, but he was still alive.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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