Chapter 1639
I have seen other people who were photographed by the wandering zombie, and all of them died miserably. Four or five people were put together. The wandering zombie slapped those people and directly turned them into a pile of minced meat and blood. Splatter.

If the wandering corpse hadn't been surrounded by people and beaten violently, causing great damage to its moral character, Yue Qiang would definitely have died by now.

Seeing him lying on the ground with blood spraying out of his mouth, I quickly walked over and gently picked him up. When my hand touched his back, I suddenly felt it sinking in. took a piece.

I went and found that several of the bones in this kid's back were broken. I don't know if he had injured his spine or not. He might have to be paralyzed in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

"Little... little brother Jiu... am I... am I going to die..." Yue Qiang said with difficulty, and as soon as he spoke, blood gushed out.

When he spoke like this, I felt a little sad, and I quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense, you will definitely not die. I will take you to the world in the future. How could you die so easily?"

With that said, I took out the Xue family's medicines from the Eight Treasure Bags of Qiankun. They were all healing medicines. I stuffed them all into Yue Qiang's mouth, then patted his throat and asked him to swallow. Go down.

Yue Qiang was breathing heavily and felt drowsy. He really felt like he was going to die soon.

I quickly felt his pulse again and felt his vitality. I found that although the boy was very weak now, he would not die. However, he had to be transferred to a large hospital in the city for treatment in time. .

Yue Qiang's injuries were basically external injuries. Several bones in his back were broken, his internal organs were shocked, and there might be some internal bleeding. If not treated in time, he would still be very likely to die.

Just when I was holding Yue Qiang and wondering what to do, I discovered that there were two people left in the special task force. One was Ling Mo, the leader of the special task force in Shanqing City, and the other one was following Ling. The members of Mo Mo's special task force looked familiar, but they didn't speak much.

After the two of them glanced at the corpse on the ground that had lost all life, they quickly walked towards me.

Ling Mo cupped his hands towards me and said very excitedly: "Mr. Wu, you are so brave. If you hadn't tried your best to stop the wandering corpse just now, it would have jumped into the Kun River by now. The corpse was also beheaded by you yourself. You must be the first to contribute to this important matter, and I will definitely report it to my superiors truthfully."

I was just about to say something polite when a man walked over to me with a murderous look on his body. I looked back and saw that it was the bully Li Chao. He had an angry look on his face at this time. , pointing at Ling Mo's nose and yelling: "Are you so blind? Who are you talking about who killed the wandering corpse just now? It was clearly me who used the most superior cultivation method of Dancheng Mountain - the Six Transformations of Xiaoyan. , after killing that evil zombie, why did someone named Wu kill that zombie? If you can’t explain this clearly today, I will have to break your legs!”

With that said, Li Chao slammed the Soul-Chasing Sword in his hand to the ground, and half of the sword was directly immersed in it, still making a buzzing sound.

Being criticized by Li Chao with such fierce words, Ling Mo's face turned red and white, looking very embarrassed. Although Ling Mo was the leader of Shanqing City's special task force, he did not dare to palm Dancheng Mountain. The reason for the trouble in front of the son of the teacher is not that Li Chao is more powerful than Ling Mo, but because Dan Chengshan is more powerful. Among the entire Yan Kingdom's special task force, many of the top leaders of the special task force are from Dan Chengshan. It is said that the director-general of the Southwest Department came from Dan Chengshan.

That was Ling Mo's immediate boss's immediate boss. With just one word, Ling Mo could be driven away in pain. How could Ling Mo dare to offend the great god Li Chao.

However, Ling Mo's face was still a little confused, and he said sincerely: "Master Li, I admit that you also put in a lot of effort when killing the wandering corpse, but I can't open my eyes and tell lies. The wandering corpse broke free back then. When they ran towards the outside of the village, no one dared to stop them. Only Mr. Wu chased after him without fear of life and death. After entangled with the wandering corpse for so long, he gave us an opportunity. Mr. Li just now, you used your little Yan Liubian seriously injured You Zhi, but it was Mr. Wu who finally destroyed him. He stuffed the corpse-burdening ruler into You Zhi's mouth and swallowed up the corpse energy from You Zhi, and the You Zhi finally died. The power of resistance.”

"What the hell are you saying again?! I was hit by Xiao Yan's Sixth Transformation move, and the wandering zombie was already dead. Wu just got a ready advantage. Why don't you tell me more about this matter?" , I will never forgive you!" With that said, Li Chao pulled out the soul-chasing sword, as if he was about to take action.

Ling Mo's temper also rose. He was blushing and thick-necked. He was about to argue, but he was stopped by me. He said impatiently: "Okay, okay... Is there anything to argue about? You Zhi has already been beaten." Once destroyed, our primary goal is that the people in the Kun River Basin can live and work in peace and contentment. As for who killed the wandering corpse, it doesn't matter at all. Team Leader Ling told the others that Mr. Li killed the wandering corpse. I No comments at all.”

Hearing what I said, Li Chao's face showed a hint of imperceptible joy, while Ling Mo's face became even more ugly. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but I interrupted him again. He said: "Brother Ling Mo, don't worry about those idle people anymore. Here is Chenshan Sect's disciple Yue Qiang. He was seriously injured by the wandering corpse. Several bones were broken and his internal organs were also damaged. , Send him to a big hospital for treatment quickly, otherwise he may not be able to be saved."

The most important thing is to save people. Otherwise, I really don’t want to argue with them here. It’s meaningless at all. As long as it’s clear from my heart, that’s fine.

This kid Li Chao has always wanted to overpower me and put me in a difficult position. Actually, this kid is not bad at heart, but he is too competitive. I have been around for so many years and my mind has matured a lot. I can't handle this kind of thing. If you don't want to fight, let's fight. Why cause so many unnecessary troubles? This time the limelight will be given to him. From now on, there will probably be no other contact between me and him in the world.

It's like old age and death.

Hearing what I said, Ling Mo glanced at Yue Qiang in my arms, quickly called to the person next to him, took Yue Qiang from my hand, and said anxiously: "Mr. Wu, I'll send him away right away." Yue Qiang went to the hospital for treatment, but I still have to trouble you with something. There are hundreds of zombies in the village. You should go back and kill all the zombies..."

(End of this chapter)

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