Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1644 Raise Your Hands

Chapter 1644 Raise Your Hands
Moreover, everyone also discovered that the zombies wearing armor were of high levels, some had become bronze-armored zombies, and some had become red-haired zombies.

The nine zombies who carried the coffin for the wandering corpse before must have been the wandering corpse's confidantes, and I don't know what method the wandering corpse used to trick them into dying with me. I feel that using immortality as a cover is wrong The best way, through the ages, how many people have fantasized that they can live forever, immortality, everything is extravagant, but refining themselves into zombies is also a way.

Zombies are born from the resentment of the world and can live forever, but zombies have no consciousness of their own, and can only rely on instinct to kill and drink blood, so they can no longer be called human beings.

However, it is still possible for a zombie to regain consciousness, unless the zombie has a very high level of Taoism and can cultivate to a state where it cannot turn into bones or destroy corpses, then it can regain some human consciousness, but still retain the instinct of the zombie.

It's just that if zombies want to reach the highest level of cultivation, they will inevitably have to slaughter innocent people and drink blood. Once some signs are revealed, they will be attacked by humans. In the end, they will inevitably die and their souls will disappear. Even the chance of reincarnation in the six realms will be lost. Extinct together.

Even if it can escape the siege of humans, there is still divine punishment waiting for it. A zombie that can be cultivated to the point where it cannot turn into bones is already a very powerful evil thing, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth. As long as it dares to show up, it will point out... At some unknown moment, a thunderbolt struck down from the sky and chopped it into a pile of ash. After thousands of years of practice, it was completely destroyed.

Many masters of Taoism know how to cultivate themselves into zombies, but very few people will do this. If they go against the sky, there will be no good end after all. Instead of being a walking dead, it is better to enter the six realms of reincarnation and be reborn as a human being.

As for whether the wandering corpse was a general fighting on the battlefield, everyone could only guess and couldn't be sure.

Next, the special team will definitely lead some experts to sneak into the lair of the wandering zombies and turn the lair upside down to see if there are any remaining zombies. If there are any, they will definitely be wiped out. Even those The corpse raising ground where wandering corpses hide must also be destroyed to prevent people with ulterior motives from using that place to do evil.

At that time, some cultural relics and archeology departments will definitely intervene to truly determine the identity of this wandering corpse.

This is beyond the scope of what I can dabble in.

The wandering corpse was destroyed, my mission was completed, and I could give an explanation to Mr. Zeng and my grandfather. After a day of repairs in Xiyanzhou, I planned to return to Qingshan to see my parents, and pick up little Mengmeng by the way.

After chatting with everyone for a while, the second senior brother staggered over and ran over, as if he was drunk.

The second senior brother who came back has shrunk, and it feels like he has gained weight again after eating this meal. As soon as he came to me, he lay down next to me and fell asleep.

I put the second senior brother into the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun. At this time, the battlefield was almost calmed down. The zombies were collected by category, and the special team and the Xiyanzhou Taoist masters who died in the battle were properly placed.

Most of the experts from the special team will be left in this village to continue handling follow-up matters, but there is no point in us foreign aid staying here.

At that moment, Xu Peng from the Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Bureau asked several people from the special adjustment team to take us outside the village, find the car that had been placed there earlier, and take us back to the local Bangdai City.

Those Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou specially used two buses to pull them back.

Since I have my own car, the special team arranged a driver for me to take me back in my car.

My car was very spacious. Because Mr. Zeng was old and could not bear the bumps, he followed us back to the city. He took my car back. In addition to Mr. Zeng, I was also accompanied by Yubo Zhenren. , this old man is quite interesting. Ever since I rescued him from the corpse cave last time, he has been polite to me. This time he insisted on going back with me. Along the way, the three of us talked and laughed. Also very interesting.

When we got back to the city, it was almost dawn, and the people from the special dispatch team arranged all of us foreign aid in a guest house of the special dispatch team in Bondi City.

Although the conditions are very average, but at the moment they are very tired, and everyone is also exhausted, so there is no need to pay so much attention.

I lived in a single room. When I returned to the house, I didn't even take off my clothes. I fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

I'm really too tired.

After dealing with You Zhi for so long, he also had a fight with that bastard Li Chao. He was not killed by You Zhi, but was almost killed by Li Chao.

When I think of this, I feel angry.

I hope I never meet this guy Li Chao again in this life. I will definitely beat him up every time I see him. Damn it, he still wants to steal my body mirror, there is no way.

I slept soundly. Since I was in the guest house of the special team, I didn't have any worries and went to sleep without any worries.

While I was drifting off to sleep, I suddenly heard a noise, as if someone was tinkering with the door bolt. I was too sleepy to pay attention to it, but after a while, the door was suddenly pushed open. Then the footsteps of several people were heard.

My alertness is still very high, even in my deep sleep.

As soon as I heard footsteps, I quickly sat up from the bed and looked towards the door.

It didn't matter. I suddenly saw a group of special forces rushing in from the door. There were also many special forces with guns in their hands, aiming at my eyebrows. For a while, this small room was full of people. People, all looked at me very vigilantly.

"Wu Jiuyin, raise your hands, or we will shoot!" Suddenly someone shouted at me in a stern voice.

I was woken up by them, and I was a little confused for a moment. Could I be dreaming?

Subconsciously, I stretched out my hand and pinched my face, it was quite painful, this is not a dream, could it be real?
Let me go, why?

I just helped them kill the wandering corpses, but they turned around and pointed their guns at me. Isn't the speed of crossing the river and destroying the bridge too fast?

Instantly, I was filled with rage. I looked at the few Yixian attires in front of me. One of the leaders turned out to be Xu Peng, the big leader of the Xiyanzhou Special Adjustment General Administration. He also held a magic weapon in his hand. He was lying across his chest, and beside him was Mr. Zeng who looked sad.

Mr. Zeng is a person I trust very much. I looked at him first and asked gloomily: "Mr. Zeng, what do you mean?"

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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