Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1645 Won't Embarrass You

Chapter 1645 Won't Embarrass You
I was sleeping well in the guest house of the special task force. Suddenly a group of people broke in and pointed guns at me, asking me to raise my hands.

This group of people, I fought side by side with them last night, helping them destroy the evil zombies, and also killed countless zombies that the zombies brought ashore. Among them, many people's lives were saved by me. down.

In the blink of an eye, they pointed their guns at my head, asking me to raise my hands and stand ready to be captured. This was probably something that most people would not be able to accept, let alone me.

I looked at Mr. Zeng, whom I trusted the most. It was he who invited me here when I came here.

If it weren't for repaying him for saving my life before, I definitely wouldn't have come here to wade through this muddy water.

Mr. Zeng was a little embarrassed when I saw him. His expression looked extremely awkward, and he looked even more flustered, looking very confused.

Mr. Zeng opened his mouth and wanted to say something. At this time, a person suddenly walked out from among the elegant clothes. When I saw this person, I couldn't help but be stunned. This is also an old acquaintance. , this person used to be Li Yi, the leader of Shanqing City’s special task force. A few years ago, Li Zhanfeng and I were almost killed by this person. He framed me and Li Yi for the second senior brother in me. In the end, Xu Yan, the leader of the Central Special Operations Bureau, came forward to resolve the crisis. What happened at that time is still vivid in my mind when I think of it.

A person like Li Yi should have been imprisoned in Liusha Island a long time ago and could not be released for the rest of his life. Why did he appear here today?

I can't figure it out.

At this time, Li Yi looked very arrogant. He smiled at me and said arrogantly: "Wu Jiuyin, Wu Jiuyin, I didn't expect you to be here today. Someone came and tied up Wu Jiuyin for me. Xiyanzhou Special Operations Headquarters!"

Li Yi gave the order, and immediately several people from the special team walked towards me quickly, holding something like a fairy rope in their hands, and they really wanted to tie me up.

However, at this moment, I was still shrouded in fog and had no idea what was happening.

Seeing the people from the special team surrounding me, I stretched out my hand and said gloomily: "Wait a minute!"

As soon as the words came out, the aura on my body suddenly arose, and an extremely terrifying majesty spread towards the surroundings. The people in the special team were frightened and did not dare to take another step forward. Their expressions were full of fear. A look of horror.

How ruthless my methods are, most of the people present have seen it, the walking corpse cow is no better than the cow, no, don’t let the young master beat and crawl, in the end, he was wiped out under the dead body, the village All kinds of zombies in the game were also cut off by my sword, and their heads were cut off one by one.

In short, my reputation as a murderer is definitely not in vain, and I, Wu Jiuyin, am not a piece of meat left to be slaughtered.

The King of Heaven and I are not afraid of making my young master angry.

Seeing those members of the special task force stopped, Li Yi suddenly became furious, pointed at me and said: "Wu Jiuyin, do you still dare to resist the law and resist arrest? Are you really ready to make an enemy of the entire country?" ?”

"Why don't you put such a high hat on me in the first place? The special team can take me if they want, but they have to give me a reason, right? They just took me without asking any questions. I agreed, but the one in my hand Jian refused." I said gloomily.

Li Yi suddenly burst out laughing and said very arrogantly: "You want a reason, fine! Then I will give you a reason. You should know Li Chao, the son of Headmaster Dan Chengshan, right? He was seriously injured last night. Not long after he was sent to the hospital, he died of his injuries. Someone was present at the time and saw you and Mr. Li fighting. It was you who seriously injured him, which led to his death. Do you dare not admit this? "

When I heard Li Yi's words, my mind went blank for an instant.

Li Chao is dead... Li Chao is actually dead.

Was he beaten to death by me?

At that moment, I felt dizzy and couldn't accept this fact.

The palm that Li Chao and I confronted back then was really heavy. Not only did I use the strength of the soft palm, but also the strength of the heart-breaking palm.

However, I was very measured when I attacked him. I knew Li Chao's cultivation very well. Although he was a little less powerful than me, I held back my strength at that time and used at most [-]% to [-]% of my strength. Normally, Li Chao should not be so fragile. He could stay in bed for at most two or three months before walking around. If the Xue family treated him, he would be back to normal in less than a month.

How did he die?

Could it be that there were other hidden injuries on his body that led to his death?
It shouldn't be. If he always had hidden injuries on his body, he wouldn't be able to perform the Dan Chengshan stunt like Xiao Yan's Sixth Transformation.

I felt that it was impossible for my palm to kill him.

At this moment, I have a lot on my mind.

Seeing me sitting there dumbfounded and silent, Li Yi suddenly smiled and said: "Wu Jiuyin, what else do you have to say? Today, as a special commissioner of the Southwest Special Task Force, I am here to personally supervise this matter." If you have something to quibble about, then go to the Xiyanzhou Special Investigation Team with me to talk about it. Anyway, you can’t escape involvement in this matter."

I looked up at Li Yi, thinking that if I fell into Li Yi's hands, there must be no good fruit to eat. I had a grudge with him, but I was surprised that such a picky person would not Should he be fired from the special task force or put in prison on Liusha Island?
Looking at him like this, not only did he have nothing to do, but he was promoted and went directly to the Southwest General Administration as an errand.

This official factory is so chaotic, far beyond my imagination.

Seeing that I still didn't speak, Li Yi waved his hand again and ordered: "What are you still doing? Arrest Wu Jiuyin quickly!"

With that said, the people from the special team stepped forward again and were about to take action. However, at this time, Mr. Zeng took a step forward, stopped everyone, and said, "Wait a minute..."

I looked at Mr. Zeng. Mr. Zeng also had a troubled look on his face at this time. He walked to my side and sighed: "Xiaojiu, why are you so impulsive? You are not like Mr. Li." I have always known how to deal with it, but no matter how much you don't deal with it, you can't be so harsh as to beat him to death... Mr. Li is the only son of Master Hua Qing, the current leader of Dancheng Mountain, and he is also an old man. Lai Dezi, if Master Hua Qing doesn’t give an explanation for this matter, the entire Dancheng Mountain will definitely rebel... You said this is a cause for trouble... I can’t do anything about it..."

Seeing Mr. Zeng's expression of regret, I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Zeng, don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you..."

 There will be two more later.

(End of this chapter)

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