Chapter 1646
I feel that there must be another hidden secret in this matter. I am [-]% to [-]% sure that my palm will not kill Li Chao. There must be some change in some link that will lead to the current situation. The point of tidying up.

Maybe it’s because someone wants to use Li Chao’s affairs to kill me. I have too many enemies. For a while, I don’t know who wants to deal with me. For example, the Li Yi in front of me is just like me. Not bad, he also had a reason to kill me.

After being stunned for a moment, Mr. Zeng then said: "Xiao Jiu, this matter has not been finalized yet, so don't worry. Our policy is not to unjustly accuse a good person, nor to let a bad person go. You now It's best to cooperate with the special investigation team to get to the bottom of the matter. Maybe things will turn around. Don't worry, I will investigate this matter personally and I will never let you be wronged."

I nodded, feeling that this was the only way it could be now.

If I have to leave by force, no one here can stop me. Even if they all join together, I can still fight my way out.

But I don’t think I should do this. The consequences of doing so would be very serious.

Once I kill the people of the special task force, the situation will be very serious. From now on, in this vast world, there will no longer be a place for me, Wu Jiuyin, to stand. I will be hunted down by the special task force wherever I go. Moreover, I and I The largest cult in the Yan Kingdom, Guiyong Dao, also has a big problem. Both cults will regard me as their enemy. I am not strong enough to be an enemy of the entire world, and I cannot do this. Whichever is more serious, I can still do it. Weigh clearly.

I couldn't put myself in a situation where I was alone.

Seeing me nodding my head, Li Yi gave another order, and soon four or five people from the special team came over. They took out the immortal rope and tied me up. That's not all. They also took off the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe hanging from my waist and handed it to Li Yi.

This time, I didn't put up any resistance and let them put the rope on me.

This Eight Treasure Pouch contains all my belongings. Except for the sword soul, all my magical weapons are in it, including my second senior brother.

However, I don’t have to worry if this magic weapon falls into the hands of the special team, because only people from our old Wu family can open this Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth, and we must pass some special magic formulas and formulas.

Li Yi took the Eight Treasures Bag of Heaven and Earth and held it in his hand. His eyes couldn't help but be greedy. He stared at it twice and tried to open it, but found that he couldn't open it at all.

No, I can't let the Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe fall into his hands. At that moment, I was picked up by those people from the special team. As soon as I got up, I said to Mr. Zeng: "Mr. Zeng, my Universe You can keep the eight-treasure bag on your behalf. I won’t trust it if it’s in the hands of that boy named Li. Don’t let his dirty hands touch my things.”

As soon as he heard what I said, Li Yi immediately became unhappy and said bitterly: "Wu Jiuyin, you have become a prisoner, why are you still quarreling in front of me? You are a murder weapon, and I still prefer it." Just keep it, what can you do?"

At this moment, I was tied up with the Immortal Binding Rope, which is a special rope that binds spiritual power. I couldn't use it even if I had the strength to do it, but I still took a step forward and stared at Li Yi. It should be very scary, because I already had murderous intent, and I said to Li Yi word by word: "I asked you to give it to Mr. Zeng, did you hear it? I will say it one last time, or I will kill you!"

Li Yi wanted to say a few words to me, but when he met my eyes, he was immediately stunned by the fierce light in my eyes.

After traveling in the world for so many years, I have killed between a thousand and eight hundred people, and I have a very strong murderous aura. Li Yi opened his mouth, his voice changed a little, and he still said unconvinced: "I... I won’t give it to you…”

I was about to have an attack, but Mr. Zeng was one step ahead of me and snatched the Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth from Li Yi's hand. He looked at Li Yi with some contempt before saying, "Okay, I'll keep this thing first." , there is an old man to take care of it, the big guy should have no objections, right?"

As he said this, Mr. Zeng saw Xu Peng, the leader of the Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Bureau.

Xu Peng had some friendship with me, and he was secretly attracted to me. He immediately said: "Mr. Zeng is an old man in the special task force. He is highly respected. Since Mr. Zeng wants to take care of it for you, we naturally have no objection."

Li Yi still wanted to have a fit, but the biggest leader here had spoken, so he didn't dare to speak anymore. He just said bitterly: "Take Wu Jiuyin away quickly!"

After that, I was escorted by five or six people from the special team and walked towards the outside of the guest house.

The moment I walked out of the room, I glanced at Mr. Zeng and said with a hint of pleading: "Mr. Zeng, I hope you can help me contact my grandfather and tell the truth..."

Mr. Zeng sighed, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, kid, I will definitely help you get there. You will be safe and sound. Don't be stupid, otherwise even the gods won't be able to save you." .”

I know what Mr. Zeng means. He is afraid that I will not be able to think straight and take action against these people from the special team. Mr. Zeng still fully trusts my ability.

I nodded, glanced at Mr. Zeng gratefully again, and was pushed out of the house by the people from the special team.

The people who came to arrest me this time were all brought by Li Yi, and they probably came directly from the Southwest Department.

When I walked out of the room and came to the compound of the guest house, I found that it was already evening. It must be that there was a lot of trouble about arresting me. At this moment, the courtyard of the guest house was full of people, most of them were The masters of the special dispatch team who fought side by side with me that night, as well as the seniors from the Daomen of Xiyanzhou, at this time, saw that I was being led out by a gangster, and someone immediately blocked my way.

Walking in the front were Master Yunyi from Chenshan Mountain and Master Yubo from Shimen Mountain. There were many familiar faces behind them.

"What's going on with you?! Xiaoyou Wu was still fighting for the people of Xiyanzhou last night, killing so many zombies. I didn't expect that your special team would cross the river and demolish the bridge the next day and tie up Xiaoyou Wu. Wouldn't it make all these friends in the world feel cold?" Master Yunyi said righteously.

"Fellow Daoist Yunyi is right. We were invited here by your Xiyan Prefecture special investigation team. You all fought to the death. If it hadn't been for Xiaoyou Wu who took action yesterday, at least half of you present would not be able to come back. Let him go, otherwise we won't agree!" Master Yubo stepped forward and said.

(End of this chapter)

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