Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1647 Challenge the Authority

Chapter 1647 Challenge the Authority
As soon as the two well-known figures in the Xiyanzhou Taoist sect stood up, the Taoist sect masters behind them suddenly became filled with indignation and shouted for the special team to release them.

Among them, most of them have received my favor, especially the real Yubo, who was rescued from the lair of wandering corpses with my own hands. Seeing that I am in trouble now, they will definitely not stand idly by.

Jianghu people are righteous, and there are not so many twists and turns.

The crowd was excited for a moment, and it was almost uncontrollable. At this time, Li Yi stood up again, adding fuel to the fire. He came up and pointed at the crowd and said: "The official is here to get someone, you are one of them." Are you all tired of living? Believe it or not, I will arrest you all and send you to Liusha Island to jail!"

It's okay if he didn't say it. As soon as he said this, this group of all-powerful Taoist masters in the world could not withstand such a threat. At that moment, someone pulled out all the magic weapons. Among them was a white-bearded Taoist priest who said angrily: " What's going on with the authorities? You're so loud, you're so loud. If you can, arrest us all, and let's compete on our hands and feet. If you don't catch us, you're a coward!"

Jianghu has had its own circle since ancient times. The relationship with the court has always been bad, but now the situation is better. The current court is much better than the previous court. We Jianghu people also do our duty. Yes, they can practice independently, but once they touch the bottom line of Jianghu people, they will definitely not agree.

Practitioners are all very capable. Once trouble breaks out, anyone who stands up will be a huge figure. This is what the court is most afraid of. Therefore, most of the time, they will adopt a appeasement strategy to avoid offending. It must not be offended.

But this kid Li Yi is just a fool. He is really an anomaly. He doesn't even understand the simplest principles. I really don't know how he can stay in the officialdom.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, at this time, Xu Peng stood up, pressed his hands down, and said politely: "My friends in the world, please don't get angry for now. We have something to talk about. I admit, last night , Mr. Wu Jiuyin played a decisive role in dealing with the wandering corpse. Without him, things would definitely be a mess, and there would definitely be countless casualties. It can be said that he has contributed indispensable. But one code leads to the other, last night, in After killing the wandering corpses, Mr. Wu Jiuyin had a private fight with Li Chao, the son of Master Dan Chengshan. As a result, Mr. Wu Jiuyin struck harder and severely injured Young Master Li. His life was in danger. He was sent to Not long after the big hospital in the city, the person died... This matter is not trivial. Master Hua Qing of Dancheng Mountain was furious and asked the official for an answer. This time we took Mr. Wu Jiuyin to Xiyanzhou to transfer the general manager We want Mr. Wu Jiuyin to assist in the investigation. Before the matter is clarified, we dare not jump to conclusions. We also ask for your understanding. We are also forced to give Dan Chengshan an explanation. …”

Upon hearing Xu Peng's words, all the Taoist masters in Xiyanzhou let out a sigh of relief. It seems that no one has understood what happened yet.

The son of Headmaster Dan Chengshan was killed by me. This matter is naturally no small matter. Xu Peng’s words are still very shocking. He moved Dan Chengshan out as soon as he came up. This Dan Chengshan is a top-level one that can be compared with Qingshan. Who among the Daomen dares to face Dan Chengshan as an enemy?
This is to tell the masters of Xiyanzhou Dao Sect that you should think about it yourself. If Dan Chengshan is offended, none of you will be able to eat and walk around.

Everyone sighed for a while, talked a lot, and looked at me differently.

At this time, Master Yunyi of Chenshan said again: "Mr. Li is aloof by nature and doesn't take anyone seriously. From the very beginning when he first met Wu Xiaoyou, he tried to make trouble for him time and time again. Wu Xiaoyou has been patient. I don't have the same knowledge as him. Pindao thinks that he and Wu Xiaoyou must have started the fight with Mr. Li first. Didn't you say that someone saw the two of them fight on the spot? Call them up and ask. In this way, Li The young master's doing this should be his own fault. People in the Jianghu fight, and swords have no eyes. Once the anger rises, the subordinates will inevitably be unable to contain it. This is human nature. If this matter was left in the past, it would all belong to the Jianghu struggle. , your officials are not qualified to take care of it at all. Even now, the officials don’t intervene in the battles of the rivers and lakes. Why are you officials going to take care of it this time? Is it because Mr. Li is the son of the head teacher of Dan Chengshan? Others are afraid of Dan Chengshan Chengshan, but I, Chenshan, are not afraid of it. Pindao came to give Wu Xiaoyou a guarantee, so you can let him go."

It really touched me that Master Yunyi could say such words.

I have only known Master Yunyi for a few days, and we can't say we have a deep friendship. But now, he dares to openly challenge Dan Chengshan's authority for me. This is something I did not expect.

However, since Master Yunyi dares to speak like this, he has some confidence. Chenshan's background is also very profound. They belong to one of the top Taoist sects in Yan Kingdom. They are very powerful and not inferior to Danchengshan.

But if he does this, it is very likely to cause a fight between the top Taoist sects in the world, and it may lead to a bloody storm. This is something I don't want to see.

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone seemed to have seen a turning point, and defined the matter as a battle between rivers and lakes.Battles between rivers and lakes have always been about life and death. It is a conventional agreement, like signing a life and death certificate. Once it becomes a fight between rivers and lakes, it will be easy to handle. The official can't control it and can only deal with it privately between rivers and lakes. The worst is, Dan Chengshan people seek revenge on me, so I don't have to face such strong pressure.

However, if Master Dan Chengshan seeks revenge from me, I will definitely die. There is a big difference in our cultivation levels. I really don’t have the confidence to challenge this top master in the world.

Things got a little complicated. These Taoist masters blocked the way and asked the special team to release them. However, the special team was under pressure from all parties and was unwilling to let go. For a while, the situation became a bit stalemate. The angry Taoist priest seemed eager to take action.

Once the two sides start fighting, it will be a big mess, and I don't know how many casualties there will be. How can I feel relieved?

At that moment, I stood up and coughed dryly, and the noisy crowd suddenly became quiet. With full gratitude, I bowed deeply to the seniors in front of me and said seriously: "Wu Jiu I would like to express my gratitude to you seniors, thank you..."

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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