Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1648 Dare to do it

Chapter 1648 Dare to do it
Seeing my behavior, all the Taoist masters present were moved, and the scene became quiet for a while.

Master Yunyi sighed and said seriously: "Little friend Wu, what you do is seen by all your friends in the world. You don't have to be afraid. Pindao represents Chenshan and is here to support you. I think there are some people today." Who dares to take you away?"

"Reverend Yunyi, I, Wu Jiuyin, appreciate your kindness, but this matter, Xiao Jiu has some responsibilities that cannot be postponed. A man is a man who dares to act bravely. Since I have already provoked this matter, I will let you go." It would be good for Wu Jiuyin to bear it alone, so that you won't be a drag on your seniors and friends, if I, Wu Jiuyin, can escape safely in the future, I will definitely treat you seniors and friends to drink." I said loudly to everyone.

Having said that, it was my fault that I took the initiative to let the masters of Xiyanzhou Taoist sect give way, so naturally they would not stop me any more.

I'm afraid that things will get out of hand and there will be casualties again. This is something I don't want to see.

Next, Li Yi asked the people from the special team around him to escort me and strode out of the yard.

When passing by Master Yunyi, I paused and asked politely: "By the way, Master Yunyi, what's going on with Brother Yue Qiang now?"

Master Yunyi couldn't help but let out a long sigh because I asked him a question, and said with some sadness: "The child Yue Qiang's situation is very complicated. He has been unconscious since he came back, and his life may be in danger at any time. It is estimated that this child is also vicious. Too much luck..."

Hearing Master Yunyi say this, I was suddenly stunned for a moment. It shouldn't be. I know Yue Qiang's situation best. Although he was seriously injured at the time and his life was in danger, I gave him Xue's medicine. There should be no problem with the elixir and holding on to life. I thought that after returning to the hospital, reconnecting his broken bones, and recuperating for three or two months, he would be back to his original state. Why was it so bad?
Just as I was about to say something, Li Yi, who was following me, became a little impatient and urged: "Hurry up and stop the ink stains. If you keep talking for a while, it will get dark."

I ignored Li Yi, but looked at Master Yunyi, and said sternly: "Master Yunyi, if it really cannot be cured, I will recommend a place to you. Find Xue Family Pharmacy in Dongchen Hongye Valley. You can go with that place." The people in the drug store said that Yue Qiang is my friend, Wu Jiuyin, and they will definitely try their best to treat him."

Master Yunyi nodded, cupped his hand towards me, and said, "I understand."

After saying this, I was pushed a few steps forward by Li Yi.

Not to mention Li Yi's proud look on the artifact. He looked at those Taoist masters with a condescending look. His expression was really worse than that of the still alive Li Chao, which made the surrounding Xiyanzhou Taoists The master became very angry for a while.

In the end, Xu Peng from the Xiyanzhou special team said a few words to him, and Li Yi restrained himself.

Soon, under the watch of everyone, I was taken to a prison car in the yard. This prison car was covered with anti-theft nets, and there were also many runes specially carved in the prison car to restrict cultivation, which is For fear that the prisoner would break free and escape, the security was tight enough.

I don’t want to run at this moment. If I wanted to run, I would have already rushed out the moment they rushed into the house. Even among the people in the special team, no one could stop me. Xu Although Peng's cultivation level is good, he can't do it either.

After I was placed in the prison car, Li Yi and several other people from the special team were responsible for guarding me. Xu Peng and Zeng Lao got into the first few cars and led the way, pulling me all the way to the capital of Xiyan Prefecture. , that is, the state special task force, that place is the most heavily guarded place in the entire Xiyan Prefecture. As long as ordinary practitioners are imprisoned in that place, it is difficult for anyone to escape.

I have been to the dungeon of the special task force before, and I know what that place is like. It is a hundred times tighter than ordinary prisoners, and not even a fly can fly out.

I sat in the car without saying a word, and the people responsible for escorting me sat beside me like statues, with gloomy faces.

The car started quickly, and I was sitting in the car wondering which link had gone wrong.

It is true that Li Chao was seriously injured by me, but it was definitely not fatal. I am absolutely sure of this, but why did he die inexplicably?

To be honest, I still feel that people like Li Chao really don’t deserve to die. He just has a bad temper. He is really capable and his intentions are not bad. That’s why I took him out of the corpse cave last time. After being rescued, he also knew to come over and say thank you to me, and that showed something.

It’s just that his competitiveness is too strong and his self-esteem is extremely strong. In his heart, he feels that he is the most powerful among the younger generation of masters, and no one can surpass him. The appearance of an alien like me completely disrupted the situation. His rhythm made him feel like he was better than me, and he always wanted to compare with me, which is why he ended up like this.

Moreover, Li Chao has no scheming at all. He just lets his temper come to him. If someone plots against him, I would not be surprised at all.

What surprised me even more was Yue Qiang. He was obviously not seriously injured, so why couldn't he wake up?

If Master Yunyi listens to my persuasion and sends him to Hongye Valley, maybe the Xue family can figure out some clues and cure him. This would be the best.

Now my situation is completely at a disadvantage. It can be said that it is extremely bad. All the evidence points to me. It was me who killed Li Chao. Once this evidence of crime is confirmed, I will not be able to escape.

Dancheng Mountain, a thousand-year-old Taoist sect, plays a very important role in the cultivation world of Yan Kingdom and even in the entire special team. Even if the officials don't trouble me, Dancheng Mountain will definitely not let me go.

I think this matter is serious, even if my grandfather comes forward, this matter cannot be excused.

The only thing that can get me out is that I have the ability to prove that Li Chao did not die in my hands, but is this possible?
I thought that someone must have tampered with this and wanted to kill me with a borrowed knife.

This move is so cruel that I may not be able to stand up for the rest of my life.

As I sat in the car, I was thinking a lot, but even if I racked my brain, I couldn't come up with a reason. Before I knew it, it was getting dark. When the car stopped, my A hood was put on my head, and then I was escorted by several special team members and walked forward. I thought I had arrived at the Xiyanzhou Special Team Headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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