Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1649 Dungeon Interrogation

Chapter 1649 Dungeon Interrogation
It was similar to the steps I went through in the Shanqing City special investigation team a long time ago. After I was put on a hood, I seemed to walk in a large place for a long time. I turned around what felt like many detours, and then entered a house. I got on something that looked like an elevator. The elevator didn't go up, but kept going down. It's just that this time, the elevator took a long time to go down. It was longer than the one the Shanqing City special team took. The elevator ride is much longer.

I think there must be a very deep dungeon down here to prevent practitioners from escaping.

If they want to escape, there is only one way, and that is through this elevator, and there are many experts guarding both the upper and lower parts of the elevator. If they want to break through the many levels, they must also ignore the various restrictions on cultivation in this dungeon. Runes, even the most top master in the world will definitely not be able to do it, at least I can't do it.

After I got off the elevator, I was escorted by the people from the special team, and then walked for a long time, and I also made a few turns. I don’t know if the people from the special team took me in circles on purpose. , now that I am wearing a black hood, I can't see anything at all. My cultivation level is also bound by the immortal rope, and I can't judge what is around me through the energy field induction.

After walking for a long time, I heard a dull rumbling sound, as if a huge and heavy iron door was opened, and then I was pushed in, and then the hood on my head was taken off.

Later, the rope that bound the immortals on my body was also untied, and was replaced with another set of things that bound my cultivation, which were somewhat similar to handcuffs and leg cuffs. The chains were quite long, making it easier for me to move around in the dungeon.

After untying me, one of the people from the special task force with a straight face said: "Wu Jiuyin, you stay here for now. They will come to interrogate you later. During this time, you can ask for something to eat and drink." , someone will deliver it to you at any time.”

After saying this, the people from the special team left the place and closed the iron door that was more than half a meter thick.

Go ahead, only a ghost can open such a thick iron door.

After those people left, I looked at the dungeon curiously. This dungeon was much cleaner than I thought. It was about ten square meters. The dungeon was filled with thick rubber mats, all of which were soft. , there is also a toilet in a corner of the dungeon. This toilet is made of plastic. It is probably to prevent the prisoners here from committing suicide. I couldn't think of it and looked for a dagger.

However, all the practitioners who are brought here should basically not have thoughts of seeking death, but think about how to get out. I think it seems a bit redundant for them to do this.

I walked around in this not-so-spacious dungeon, then sat down on the bed. I looked up at the handcuffs on my hands. Naturally, these handcuffs were also specially made. There was a dense circle of runes on them. , very small and dense, and I don’t know who the expert was who carved such small runes on the handcuffs. This is also a craft.

I tried to activate my spiritual power to see if I could break free of the handcuffs. I found that the air in my Dantian was completely empty, and I couldn't lift any spiritual power. I felt that as soon as I used my spiritual power, an inexplicable force would flow from my hands. It spread above and suppressed his spiritual power. Not only that, but his dantian also felt a slight sting. If he had to use force, the pain would become even more unbearable.

There are so many wonderful people and talented people in the Yan Kingdom. You really can't underestimate the heroes of the world. I am really convinced that someone can come up with this thing.

After I came back last night, I immediately lay down and fell asleep. I slept until the people from the special team rushed in and took me away. Then he kicked the iron door twice, trying to call someone over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I started, I heard movement from the cell where I was, and it was from above my head, but I heard a person say: "Wu Jiuyin, what do you want to do, just say it."

I looked above my head and found a speaker above my head and cameras in the four corners of the room. They were so hidden that I didn't notice them at first.

After I came in, he didn't treat me as a human being, and there was no privacy at all.

Being photographed by so many cameras made me feel quite uncomfortable.

Although I was unhappy, I still said, "Send me some food. I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat?" the voice replied.

I went there, but I didn't expect that I could choose here. I immediately said, "I want to eat shark's fin, bear's paw, ginseng and bird's nest. Do you have any here?"

"Don't make trouble. I definitely don't have these things. Do you really think of yourself as a master? I can take care of chicken feet, pig's trotters and so on. Do you want them?" the voice said again.

"I thought your special team had great powers and could get anything. So if you ask me, if you have anything delicious, just bring it up." I said impatiently.

The voice responded and said it would be delivered in 5 minutes.

I waited for 5 minutes, but then I heard a noise from the main door, and a small door opened. Someone handed the food through the small door, and said angrily that it was ready.

I walked over and opened the things, and saw that the food inside was pretty good, including a whole roasted chicken, pig's trotters, and two small green vegetables. What I didn't expect was that they even brought them to me. A bottle of white wine, although not great wine, is better than nothing.

When I came here, I probably received special care. Either Xu Peng said hello, or Mr. Zeng tried his best. He couldn't treat me badly here for a while.

When I think of Mr. Zeng, I wonder if he has contacted my grandfather and asked him to find a solution for me. Actually, I don’t want to trouble my grandfather, but this time I have no choice. I guess he knows this. He will definitely have a huge headache after the incident, which definitely poses a huge problem for him.

I didn't want to think too much at the moment, thinking that the boat would straighten out when it reached the bridge, and there would always be a way to solve it. Then I opened the wine, picked up the chopsticks, and ate all the side dishes like a storm. Let's get some food and wine first.

Not long after I finished my meal, I was about to squint for a while when I heard the dungeon door being opened, and then two unfamiliar faces appeared in front of me, with expressions like their dead fathers. One of them said : "Wu Jiuyin, come out, I'm going to interrogate you."

Then, someone came in and took me out.

(End of this chapter)

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