Chapter 1650
This time they took me out and put a hood on me, probably because they were afraid that I would figure out the structure of the dungeon of the Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Headquarters. The precautions cannot be said to be lax. This is the formal place to deal with practitioners. , all aspects have been considered, just to make it difficult for us practitioners to fly.

I was led around a long circle by those two guys, and then taken to a room, where I was made to sit on a chair, and then they fixed me on it so that I could not move at all. , and then took off my hood.

This should be an interrogation room. There is a long table opposite me. There are three people sitting across the table. I know one of them, Li Yi, the former boss of Shanqing City's special task force, but he has now become the Southwest General Manager. The special commissioner of the department seems to have been promoted. I don't know much about this official level, but I think Xu Peng, the big leader of Xiyanzhou, gives him face, so he shouldn't be much younger.

The other two people were also wearing Yixian uniforms, with majestic faces and thick eyes. They seemed to have some cultivation, but not high level.

One of them looks a little chubby, has small eyes, and is bald, and the other is very thin and of medium build.

Both of them looked to be around 50 years old, very serious, and seemed unable to smile.

Above my head was an incandescent lamp that was so bright that I could hardly open my eyes. It made me feel very uncomfortable and gave me a strong sense of oppression. It made me feel like a sinner.

Not long after he sat down, the bald man knocked on the table with the ballpoint pen in his hand, coughed dryly and said, "Sir, please cooperate. Let's make a note first."

I nodded and said nothing.

Then the man with the head said again: "Your name is Wu Jiuyin?"

"Yeah." I answered.


I didn't expect him to ask this. I suddenly got angry and said angrily: "Do I look very androgynous? Can't you tell whether I am a boy or a girl?"

"Wu Jiuyin, please be serious. We are handling a case. Do you know where this is? How dare you blow up here! The three of us are special commissioners from the Southwest General Administration to supervise your case." Li Yi suddenly stood up and pointed at me.

I don't know why Li Yi was so angry. I didn't say anything, it was like stepping on his tail.

Seeing Li Yi whose eyes almost popped out of his head with anger, I sneered and said, "Li Yi, don't point your finger at me. The last time someone pointed at me like this, the grass on that person's grave grew taller." taller than you."

"" Li Yi was so angry that he almost jumped up from behind the table. At this time, the thin man who had been silent grabbed Li Yi's arm and advised: "Old Li, don't be like this. I'm so angry. We are all public officials and we must follow formal procedures. Mr. Wu is a Jianghu man and it is normal to not stick to trivial matters. Let's sit down and talk things over and things will eventually be resolved..."

At this time, Li Yicai sat down, his chest rising and falling with anger.

Then, the thin man said kindly: "Mr. Wu, if you weren't angry just now, we are acting impartially. I hope you can understand. Since you don't like this step very much, then we will just omit it. Next, let me do it." I want to ask you a few questions, and you just need to come back truthfully." I like to listen to what this skinny guy says. I've always been soft-spoken and don't take hard-nosed words. Talk to me well. You can do whatever you want. Come with me. Seriously, I definitely won’t do that.

I glanced at the man and said nothing, which was my acquiescence.

The skinny guy smiled and nodded at me, and then said: "According to the information collected by our Southwest Special Operations Bureau today, it is said that you and Li Chao, the son of Master Dan Chengshan, have had a feud a long time ago, and they were very big. Is there such a thing as fighting?"

Their information is quite good. The feud between Li Chao and I was due to the fight over the thousand-year-old wild ginseng in Wanluo Sect. This matter has been in the past for a long time. How did they know about it?

But then I thought about it, and I got an idea. Two of Li Chao's uncles were with Li Chao at the time. It was very likely that they were the ones who told the story.

I couldn't argue with this, so I nodded and said, "Yes, I have fought with him before."

The skinny guy smiled slightly, wrote something in a small notebook, and then said: "A good start, isn't it? Let's talk about this matter calmly, and there will always be a result. Then I will talk about it again Let me ask you a second question."

After a pause, he smiled and said again: "Did you and Li Chao deal with the evil corpse last night, and then got into a dispute over a magic weapon, and then got into a fight again?"

Last night, when Li Chao and I were fighting, Ling Mo from Shanqing City's special task force was present, as well as one of his subordinates. They all saw Li Chao and I fighting. There was no way to shirk this. I nodded and agreed. down.

The thin guy wrote a few more words, and then asked again: "At that time, you and Li Chao fought, each of them wanted to kill the other. In the end, you won, and you and Li Chao had a last slap, and Li Chao spat. Bloody, seriously injured and fell to the ground, do you admit this?"

"Of course I admit this, but let me state in advance that I did not want to kill Li Chao at that time, and Li Chao did want to kill me. Li Chao was cruel to me at that time, but when I fought with him, The palm does have some energy left. If I really want to kill Li Chao, I can kill him with one sword after he is seriously injured." I said.

"So, you accidentally killed Li Chao, right?" The thin guy was still smiling slightly, but his eyes were sharp.Only then did I see that this guy seemed kind, but in fact he was hiding a knife behind his smile and seducing me step by step. He just wanted to get me to confess to the crime of accidentally killing Li Chao. Once I admitted this, it would be irrefutable evidence. , nothing can be changed. They have the final say on how to convict me when the time comes. How could I not know these tricks?

I looked solemn and said sternly: "I don't admit that I killed Li Chao by mistake. I have been walking around in the world for so many years, and my hands are all measured. My palm was not likely to kill Li Chao, and neither did I." Knowing how Li Chao died, you can't just blame it on me."

"There are all the witnesses and physical evidence, Wu Jiuyin, do you still want to deny it? You didn't accidentally beat Li Chao to death. Could it be that he committed suicide?" The bald man said solemnly.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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