Chapter 1651
Under the aggressive questioning of the bald man, I narrowed my eyes. This was to make it clear for me to admit this matter so that they could deal with the superiors. They got it done easily, but I fell into a deadlock. middle.

I can't admit this. At that moment, I had an idea and suddenly remembered something, and said: "Li Chao was injured by me. I admit this, but I definitely did not kill him. In fact, if you want to know the whole story , it’s very simple, I have a solution here.”

Li Yi and the three of them looked at each other, and the bald man said, "What can you do?"

"There are countless capable people in your special team. There must be someone who knows how to summon spirits. Not long after Li Chao died, you captured his soul. If you ask, you will know. If Li Chao said he was killed because of my slap, Well, then I, Wu Jiuyin, will admit defeat and let you do whatever you want."

This is an idea that suddenly came to me. Although I don’t know how to restrain souls, I do know that there is such a method. Although this method of going to the underworld to capture people is very troublesome, I still believe in the special team. Means.

This matter is not trivial. It is related to the pressure brought by Dan Chengshan. I think they may take a chance.

The three people looked at each other again, and then the thin guy shook his head and sighed and said: "Mr. Wu, regarding the idea you mentioned, not long after Li Chaogang died, we had already invited experts to come over and use this soul-calling method. , but it has no effect. You also know that the spiritual soul of a practitioner is powerful and has his own independent consciousness. If he insists on leaving after death, he will leave much faster than a normal person, unless there is a master who knows spiritualism present at the time. Only then could we keep his soul. Unfortunately, Li Chao died too suddenly, and no one was prepared. After that, we also went to find masters who knew how to summon souls to try to summon his soul back, and it was the most effective method. The top spiritualist in Xiyanzhou's special team found nothing. After Li Chao died, his soul sank into the sea like a stone, without any feeling at all. Maybe he had nothing to miss in this world, so he entered directly. Yinsi, waiting for the six reincarnations."

I really didn't expect that there would be such a result. How could a person like Li Chao die without any nostalgia?
I think this is impossible. Even if he doesn't miss anyone else, he will definitely be thinking about me. How could he enter the six realms of reincarnation so willingly? This thing is getting more and more strange. I feel that there must be something wrong with it.

Then, I continued: "It was Ling Mo, the leader of Shanqing City's special task force, and a member of the special task force who sent Li Chao back to the hospital. What did they say?"

"What else can they say? Before you, we had already asked Ling Mo to understand the situation. He said that after you started fighting with Li Chao, you seriously injured Li Chao. Not long after he was sent to the hospital, he was already dead. After he died, after an autopsy, it was discovered that Li Chao's meridians were severely severed and his internal organs were bleeding. He was indeed killed by the force of his palm due to a huge impact."

The bald man said sullenly, and after a pause, he continued: "Wu Jiuyin, you should recruit quickly, all the evidence points to the fact that you killed Li Chao, and it is useless for you to quibble ."

I remained silent because I didn’t know what to say, because nothing worked at this time, so I remained silent.

When they saw that I was silent, the skinny guy came over to me with a piece of paper with "Confession" written on it, handed it to me, looked at it, and said, "Wu Jiuyin, look at this list." , if you have no doubts, sign it."

I took a look at what was written on it, and every word was against me, especially the last one, which also said that I admitted that I accidentally killed Li Chao. How could I sign such a confession.

As if he had expected this attitude of mine, the skinny guy smiled slightly, put away the confession, and then said: "It's okay if you don't sign it. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you sign it or not. It's a routine thing for us. Just go through the process."

As he said that, the skinny guy shouted towards the door and said, "Come here, take the prisoner Wu Jiuyin down."

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and two Yixians came in disguised, put a hood on me, and then quickly escorted me down.

Not long after, I was taken back to the cell and squatted in the underground cell.

When I returned to this place, I felt like I was in another world.

I have been to this cell twice, once in Shanqing City and once in Xiyanzhou.

But the reason for coming in every time was the same. They all framed me for killing someone.

At this moment, I really started to panic. They seemed to have decided that I was the murderer of Li Chao, and they couldn't shirk it. I don't know what will happen next, whether they will send me to Liusha Island directly Go to jail.

When I think of Quicksand Island, I get a headache. I seem to have someone who can't deal with Quicksand Island, that is, the Three Swordsman. When we were in the Coral Sea, we almost fought. If my grandpa hadn't appeared, things would have happened Oops.

If I were imprisoned on Liusha Island, I probably wouldn't have much to gain from it.

I must have been wrongly accused, and if this were to convict me, I would definitely refuse to accept it.

Damn it, who cares, if it comes to that, I will just turn against you. From now on, I can run for my life to the end of the world.

At worst, young master, I will sneak back to Shiguo, change my identity, find Tila girl, and never come back for the rest of my life. I want to see what they can do.

But this is just a hot thought in my head. My parents are still in Qingshan. If I really run away, what kind of situation will my grandfather be in?

As long as I run away, my whole life will be unclear, I will be hunted by two people, and I will not be able to live in the sun.

But if I don't run, it seems that I will only die.

I'm a little confused at the moment, sitting in the dungeon and thinking a lot.

I don’t know if Mr. Zeng has notified my grandfather or if they can think of some solution for me.

After thinking about this for a long time, I was really tired, physically and mentally exhausted, so I just lay there and fell asleep.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but suddenly there was a noise from the cell door. Being always vigilant, I quickly sat up and looked towards the cell door.

It didn't matter, I found a familiar person standing at the door. That person was my grandfather, and he came over directly.

But I saw that grandpa looked a little depressed at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and he no longer had the majesty of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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