Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1652 Southwest Department Su Bingyi

Chapter 1652 Southwest Department Su Bingyi
There are several people behind my grandfather, one of them is Luo Weiping, and those behind him are all people from the Southwest Bureau who are guarding me.

When I saw my grandpa appearing in front of me, I couldn't tell what I was feeling at the moment, I couldn't hold back my excitement.

I almost burst into tears in front of the old man.

Especially when I saw the old man's face changed and his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, I guess he probably hadn't slept a wink in the past few days, all because of me.

Moreover, the old man came here in person today, which shows how bad the situation has become.

I was stunned for a while before I yelled two words: "Grandpa..."

The old man nodded and walked towards me, followed closely by Luo Weiping.

"My child, you have suffered..." Grandpa said this after seeing me, which made me a little overwhelmed and didn't know how to continue.

"Grandpa...I..." Just as I was about to say something, Grandpa waved his hand, interrupted me, and said, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's change to another place."

After saying that, grandpa turned around and motioned for me to follow him.

Luo Weiping didn't say a word, just reached out and patted my shoulder, and gave me a relieved look.

I followed my grandfather and just walked to the door when I saw two Yixian suits from the Southwest General Administration blocking the way for the three of us. However, I heard one Yixian suit suddenly stood up straight and said with some fear. : "My lord... My superior has ordered that Wu Jiuyin cannot be allowed to leave this room."

Grandpa raised his eyebrows, seemingly displeased, and the frightened man quickly lowered his head.

At this time, Luo Weiping took a step forward, suddenly took out a top-secret document from his body, flashed it to the two people from the special investigation team in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "We have applied for an inquiry order from the Central Special Investigation Team. Talk directly to Wu Jiuyin, here are the documents, please take a look."

Those two people looked up at the document, and without saying a word, they took the initiative to get out of the way.

Then, Luo Weiping led the way and took me to a room not far away. This place seemed to be a rest room for the guards. As soon as the three of us entered, Luo Weiping closed the door.

After coming in, Luo Weiping walked around the room a few times, and then put down several magic weapons in the four corners of the room. Then he walked to his grandfather and whispered: "Director Wu, I have seen everything here. ,everything is normal."

Grandpa nodded, Luo Weiping stepped back and went straight out of the house.

After Luo Weiping left, I took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa...it's all my fault, and I made you worry about it again."

Grandpa waved his hand and said, "I can't blame you for this matter. You greeted me before you came here, and you came here with my permission, and you did a good job, I heard that the wandering corpse is still alive." You wiped out all the zombies in the walking corpse cave, so you didn't embarrass our old Wu family."

When he said that, I felt ashamed, the old man might as well scold me a few words.

After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly sighed and said, "Xiao Jiu, grandpa knows all about you, I came here to ask you the truth, did you kill the son of head teacher Dan Chengshan?"

I knew that grandpa would definitely ask this question, so I immediately said: "Grandpa, I didn't kill Li Chao. I'm absolutely sure. I only seriously injured him at that time. It's certain that he couldn't get out of bed for two or three months, but it's certain that he will die." Not quite yet.”

Grandpa nodded and said, "I knew you must have a sense of propriety, otherwise all these years in the rivers and lakes would have been in vain."

Hearing what Grandpa said, there seemed to be a turning point, so I immediately said, "Grandpa, it seems that the people from the Southwest Bureau have decided that I killed Li Chao. Is there any room for maneuver in this matter?"

Grandpa's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't speak for a while. He was probably thinking about how to speak, and then he said: "Xiao Jiu, the situation is extremely complicated now, and Grandpa doesn't know what to tell you. Anyway, your current situation is very complicated. The situation is very dangerous, and Grandpa is a little helpless. I have tried my best, and Dan Chengshan has exerted a lot of pressure from above. They have only one purpose, and that is to kill you directly, regardless of whether you are killed or not. Li Chao, you have to fight this thunder, because you seriously injured Li Chao before, if you hadn't seriously injured him, he would definitely not have died, grandpa said that, can you understand?"

What I heard was a bit cloudy and foggy, and I didn't quite understand it for a while.

Grandpa went on to say: "This incident happened on the boundary of Xiyan Prefecture, and it belongs to the special investigation team of the Southwest Bureau. Normally, you belong to the struggle between the rivers and lakes, and the special investigation team will generally not intervene, but this matter is more complicated." It's special, because the Xiyanzhou special investigation team invited you here, and Li Chao died under the eyes of the Xiyanzhou special investigation team. Dan Chengshan asked the Xiyanzhou special investigation team for an explanation, so this can't be done. It belongs to the Jianghu struggle, and everything is managed by the Southwest Special Investigation Bureau, and this is the key point, do you know who is the person in charge of the Southwest Special Investigation Bureau?"

I shook my head, expressing my ignorance.

The old man then said: "I'm telling you, you must know about two people. There is a family in Cangdong called Su Men Sanjie. The eldest son is Su Shanglu and the third son is Su Xiaotian. You should be familiar with them, right?"

As soon as I mentioned these two people, I was stunned. I am too familiar with it. The three masters of Sumen are very powerful in Cangdong. I even went to find trouble with that Su Shanglu and smashed his casino. , that old man named Su Shanglu was also beaten up by Monk Hua and me. The beam is quite deep, and I also know the one named Su Xiaotian. Isn't he the left envoy in the Cangdong sub-helm?Back then when we wiped out the Cangdong branch, we killed Song Zhe, and Su Xiaotian seemed to be killed by me too.

I talked about the situation of these two people, and Grandpa's face became more gloomy.

After listening to me, the old man said: "Among the three masters of the Su family, there is the second child who works in the government. He is the director of the Southwest General Administration. He is at the same level as my grandfather. That man is called Su Bingyi. Now he is dealing with you. This case directly complicates this case, Grandpa, it is difficult for me to see you, or ask for a special order from above, tell me, what good fruit can you eat if your kid falls into his hands?"

It's really unlucky. I remember that one of the three masters of the Sumen was working in the imperial court. He never took it seriously. Now it's over. Liang Zi of our Cangdong Su family is too deep. Their third son beat their boss, can this second son spare me?
(End of this chapter)

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