Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1653 If You Can't, Just Slip

Chapter 1653 If You Can't, Just Slip
Thinking about it now, it’s no wonder that the three heroes of the Su clan are able to enjoy themselves. One of them works as an errand in the imperial court and is also a very big leader. In addition, he is also very prosperous in the Guiyong Dao, the largest cult in the Yan Kingdom, not to mention the boss. Well, casinos, real estate... there are all kinds of industries, and basically everything that can make money is involved. It would be really evil if the Su family could prosper without being mixed up.

My heart was in turmoil. At this time, Grandpa hit me again and said: "What you know now is not the worst situation you have to face. There is one more thing I have to tell you. Su Bingyi's background is In Dancheng Mountain, and the relationship with Dancheng Mountain's headmaster Hua Qingzhenren is still a brother. This matter, Danchengshan's headmaster Huaqingzhenren must have said hello to Su Bingyi. They will definitely kill you and they will solve it quickly. , settle the case as soon as possible and convict you of a serious crime. Although there are still many doubts about this case, they definitely don’t want to wait, so you have to be more careful to prevent others from plotting against you."

I really don’t know whether grandpa came to save me this time or to attack me. After hearing what he said, I felt that I was at the end of my rope and there was no chance of a comeback.

Seemingly seeing my doubts, grandpa then said: "Xiaojiu, I have already submitted an application to the superiors for this matter, and personally intervened in the matter, saying that if I want to find out the doubts and postpone the handling, it is very possible. , your final result is that you will be temporarily detained and guarded on Liusha Island. After grandpa has completely investigated this matter, he will redress your injustice. Now your matter is not simple, and it is no longer your alone. Instead, there are several forces competing, undercurrents are surging, and murderous intentions are everywhere. In the circle that Grandpa hangs in, it is even more sinister than Jianghu. If one step is wrong, every step is wrong, and Grandpa cannot make things too obvious. , once something goes wrong, grandpa’s black gauze hat is gone, and he can’t protect your safety, do you understand?”

"I know, Grandpa." I nodded.

Then, I suddenly remembered something, and said, "Grandpa, who do you think might be behind this incident?"

Grandpa was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Well... Grandpa, it's hard to say. You have many enemies, and Grandpa has many enemies. It's also possible that someone is specifically causing trouble for Grandpa, and it's not known to use the topic as an excuse. In Grandpa's circle, , I don’t know how many people want to push me down, it’s not easy to get along anywhere.”

At this point, Grandpa's expression became stern, he came closer to me, and whispered again in a very solemn voice: "Xiaojiu, once it comes to a life-threatening moment, you can also take special measures and run away directly."

I was surprised. I didn't expect that such a serious person as the old man could say such a thing.

"Grandpa...where will I go after I run away?" I whispered back.

"You can go wherever you want. Find a very secluded place to hide. Grandpa will help you find out about this matter secretly. After redressing your injustice, you can come back. Don't fall into the trap of the special task force again. In the hands of others, but you must remember one thing. You can run, but you must not hurt the lives of people in the special team. Once you kill the official people, the nature will be completely different. By then, Grandpa can't save you either." Grandpa said sternly.

I responded, expressing my knowledge, but I felt very aggrieved. How could I run away with these magical tools that restricted my cultivation?He couldn't exert any spiritual power at all.

However, my grandfather had already considered this matter. He took out a pill directly from his body, handed it to me and said, "If you take this pill, within seven days, you will be able to block all the magic around you that limits your cultivation." You can escape when the time comes, but this is the worst-case scenario. If they really plan to send you to Liusha Island, then just wait and Grandpa will find out for you as soon as possible."

I took the pill and stuffed it directly into my mouth. After a while, I felt a burst of warmth in the dantian, which soon subsided. After thinking about it, I said, "Grandpa, I know someone who feels Very reliable, that person is called Yue Qiang, he is the apprentice of Chen Shan's head teacher, but he was seriously injured and has never woken up. Tell Master Yunyi to send Yue Qiang to Hongye Valley and find the two of Xue's family. Old man, take a look, I think Yue Qiang may know some of the situation, he was sent away with Li Chao."

Grandpa responded and said: "Okay, I will let someone do this."

After I finished chatting with my grandfather, he walked out of the house with me, and then I was imprisoned in that cell again.

When I just entered, my grandpa suddenly stopped me again. I looked back and saw my grandpa saying solemnly: "Xiaojiu, you must remember what grandpa told you and take good care of yourself. "

"Don't worry, Grandpa." I responded, and then got into the cell.

After I entered, grandpa and Luo Weiping left, and I suddenly felt a little messed up in my heart.

Grandpa came here in person, just to tell me that things had reached a point where he could not control it, and to let me take care of myself. The most important thing was to prevent people from the Southwest Department from secretly murdering me.

But I don’t have to worry about this matter anymore. Grandpa gave me the pill. I tried it just now and I can already use my spiritual power. But I didn’t dare to do anything. There are surveillance cameras all around. My every move.

Next, all I have to do is wait, waiting for the unknown to happen.

However, the next few days have been very peaceful. At one o'clock every day, someone will come to deliver food. I eat when I am full, go to bed, wake up and eat. When I have nothing to do, I start to ponder the Xuantian Sword Jue and the The Yin and Yang Eight Harmonies and the Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra are two spiritual practices.

It wasn't until the third day that the cell door was opened again, and then two people from the special team came in, put a hood on me, and took me out.

I thought it was the people from the Southwest Department who wanted to interrogate me again, but no, the two people from the Southwest Department took me a long way, then got into the elevator and kept going up. Only then did I understand Come here, they are taking me away from the Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Office. I don’t know where they will take me, or they may find a place to kill me directly.

I faintly stimulated my spiritual power, without being noticed by others, feeling the changes in the surrounding energy field, and always guarding against someone who would be against me.

After getting out of the elevator, I was taken a long way, and then I heard the sound of a car door opening.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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