Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1654 Don't give me face

Chapter 1654 Don't give me face

Hearing the sound of the car door, I asked the people around me: "Where are you taking me?"

But the two people responsible for escorting me were like two pieces of wood. They didn't even speak to me and just pushed me into the car.

I had been locked up in that dungeon for so long that I couldn't tell the difference between day and night. Now my head was covered again, and I couldn't even take a look at my surroundings.

In fact, I also had a rough guess in my mind. There were only two possibilities for them to bring me out.

The first is to find a place where no one is and kill me.

The second thing is what grandpa said, which is to escort me to Liusha Island and imprison me temporarily.

Now even if the people from the Southwest Bureau and Dancheng Mountain want to kill me, they will not blatantly do such a thing at the Xiyanzhou Special Adjustment Headquarters. If I die here, the standard is that someone has done something wrong. , no matter what, they had to find an excuse to move to another place to kill me.

In fact, there is a third possibility, which is to find a way to kill me on the way to Liusha Island. In short, if they want to kill me, they can find various ways and reasons to make it difficult for people to guard against it.

Fortunately, the last time my grandpa came over, he gave me a pill to block these magic weapons. I am not a piece of fish to be slaughtered by others. As long as they make the slightest move, I can beat them until they can’t even recognize their own mother. .

The car started quickly and drove slowly in a certain direction.

However, the car started not long before it stopped, and then there was the sound of the car door opening.

"Director Xu, Mr. Zeng, what are you doing?" Li Yi's voice rang.

"It's nothing. I just came over to take a look at Wu Jiuyin. This kid has committed such a big thing. I probably won't be able to see him again in the future. I came here to see him off." Mr. Zeng said from afar.

"Mr. Zeng, you also know that Wu Jiuyin is a key criminal designated by the Southwest Department and a dangerous person. I think it is best for you not to read it, so as not to cause trouble." Li Yi said angrily.

In fact, there are many disputes between Mr. Zeng and Li Yi, but they are not very obvious.

Mr. Zeng was speechless. At this time, I heard the voice of another person. This person was Xu Peng, the director of the Xiyanzhou Special Task Force. He said in a deep voice: "Li Yi, Mr. Zeng just met Wu Jiuyin. Say a few words, can you please, for my sake, let us go over and talk to him, and then leave after saying a few words."

"Director Xu, it's not that I don't want to give you face. This is really not okay. You should go back. It's getting late now and we can't delay our schedule." Li Yi was not accommodating at all.

At this time, Xu Peng snorted with some displeasure and said: "Li Yi, this is the territory of my Xiyanzhou Special Adjustment General Administration. In my place, you don't give me face. Isn't it a little unreasonable?" …”

"Director Xu..."

Li Yigang was about to say something more, and then a hearty laughter came over. I could clearly hear it was the bald voice interrogating me.

"Director Xu, how could I not give you face? Since you want to meet Wu Jiuyin, then go and meet him, but the time cannot be too long. Three minutes is enough, right?"

Xu Peng then said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zeng just wants to have a simple chat with Wu Jiuyin and leave after just a few words."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard footsteps walking towards me. Then the door of the car I was sitting in was opened, and someone pushed me out of the car.

However, before I could get down, a pair of hands grabbed my body, and then I felt the man's fingers move at a very fast speed, stuffing something into my clothes.

"Oh... no, no... no need to let him get off the car, I'll just go up and have a chat with him."

This is Zeng Lao's voice. He took advantage of the opportunity of holding me back and quietly stuffed something into my clothes. Soon, I sensed a very familiar breath.

The thing that Mr. Zeng stuffed into me just now was none other than my Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe.

I can sense the aura of the second senior brother in the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe. This feeling is too familiar.

I finally knew why Mr. Zeng wanted to see me at this time. His only purpose was to return the Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe to me.

I don’t know why Mr. Zeng did this. Did he know there was something hidden in it?
Or maybe Mr. Zeng once contacted my grandfather, and Mr. Zeng also knew about my current predicament?
Mr. Zeng pushed me into the car again, and then he squeezed into the back seat, patted my shoulder, and said: "Xiaojiu, you kid, what can I say to you about this matter?" Well, you are indeed too impulsive, but I can understand it. Young people don't care about the consequences when they are impulsive. Men dare to do what they do. Since you have messed with this matter, you have to bear the consequences. You should be good If you stay on Liusha Island for a few years, you might be able to make a difference in the future."

The words Mr. Zeng told me were all pretexts, how could I not know, but these words of Mr. Zeng revealed a very important message, that is, Li Yi and the others are detaining me to go to Liusha Island, so they immediately followed me He said: "Thank you, Mr. Zeng, for your advice. Xiaojiu will definitely remember his teachings."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zeng said: "Xiao Jiu, be smart and pay attention to safety on the road. If you encounter any problems, just tell Commissioner Li and others, and they will definitely help you."

There is still a mystery hidden in Zeng Lao's words, asking me to be smart and pay attention to safety. He wants to tell me that there may be some changes on the road. Li Yi and the others may be detrimental to me, so I should be careful. If things are out of control, control Li Yi first and then find a chance to escape.

After saying this, Mr. Zeng briefly exchanged greetings with me again. Before we had much conversation, Li Yi lost his patience and urged Mr. Zeng and Xu Peng to leave quickly.

Mr. Zeng had no choice but to say goodbye to me and reminded me again to pay attention to safety on the road.

From this point of view, Zeng Lao really knew something about the inside story, so he emphasized it to me again and again.

Next, I was controlled again by the two people from the Southwest Department, and I was caught in the middle. When I was talking to Mr. Zeng just now, I had already moved the Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth to a safe place. I was afraid that These people are searching me.

Not long after, the car started and drove towards the outside. At first, the car didn't go very fast, but after driving for more than an hour, probably out of the city, the car suddenly accelerated. I sat in the car. I was still a little uneasy, not knowing what methods these people should use to deal with me.

(End of this chapter)

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