Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1655 Sending You On Your Way

Chapter 1655 Sending You On Your Way
Along the way, everyone in the car was very quiet. I had a hood on my head, and I didn’t take it off even when I was talking to Mr. Zeng. I don’t know how many people were in the car I was sitting in. Man, when the car was driving for about three or four hours, I suddenly felt something was wrong. A buddy sitting next to me didn't seem to be breathing so steadily. Not only that buddy, but also the rest of the people in the car. , the heartbeat also accelerated.

I held my breath and concentrated, quietly releasing some spiritual power, and sensing the changes around me through the energy field, I discovered that there were at least five people sitting in the car, including me.

The inexplicable people suddenly became nervous, indicating that something was about to happen.

To be honest, I was a little nervous at the moment because I didn't know what conspiracy they would use to frame me.

Suddenly, the car slammed on the brakes and stopped suddenly, and then two people stretched out their hands towards me, grabbed me, and pushed me off the car. At this moment, I didn't I felt the murderous aura in them, so I didn't attack.

After the two men took me out of the car, they walked a certain distance before stopping. Then the hood on my head was taken off. I shook my head, opened my eyes and saw that it was the sky at this time. It was dark. There was a circle of people around me, including Li Yi and the two bald men and thin guys from the Southwest Department who were responsible for interrogating me.

I was surrounded in the middle, with heavy shackles and handcuffs on my hands and feet, and they were magic weapons that could limit my cultivation.

The people surrounding me had already displayed their magic weapons, and some were pointing guns at me. In an instant, I knew what they were going to do.

Li Yi glanced at me, smiled, and suddenly said: "Wu Jiuyin, I didn't expect that your kid would also have this day."

"What do you want to do..." I glanced at Li Yi in a feigned panic, and then at the bald man and skinny guy next to him.

Li Yi smiled gloomily again and asked, "Don't you know what we want to do?"

"Of course I don't know. You are all official, so you shouldn't mess around, right?" I replied.

While I was talking, I glanced around again and found that I was being taken to a barren mountain. There were more than a dozen cars parked not far from where we were, and they should all be there. The person responsible for escorting me.

This area is indeed a good place for killing people and selling goods.

When I was sitting in the car, I thought about many ways they would deal with me, but I didn't expect them to be so direct and clear, and they were a little too bold.

"I'm sorry, Wu Jiuyin, we were specially sent to give you a ride. Do you have anything else to say before you die?" The thin guy looked at me with a smile.

"You want to kill me? Is this the decision of your Southwest Department?" I asked in a deep voice.

The bald man smiled slightly and replied: "This can be regarded as the decision of our Southwest Department. Originally, we wanted to send you to Liusha Island for detention, but the higher ups couldn't wait any longer, and neither could Master Hua Qing of Dancheng Mountain. , I want your life right away, you can’t blame us for that.”

"Aren't you afraid that my grandpa will hold you accountable?" I continued to test.

Li Yi and the three of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Li Yi said: "What's there to be afraid of? We are doing everything according to the rules. Just as we are escorting you back to Liusha Island, you You said you were in urgent need of urination and asked us to let you out of the car to let you drink water. But for some reason, you suddenly broke free and tried to escape in fear of crime. You also injured several of us. For a vicious criminal like you, we can only take extreme measures. , shot you to death on the spot, do you think this is a sufficient reason?"

This trick is a bit too dirty, but it is indeed very effective. Just as I thought, if they want to kill me, they will always find various ways to make it difficult for people to guard against it.

I had a sullen face and said no more words. Li Yi thought I was scared, so he said again: "Wu Jiuyin, you are going to die soon. Do you have anything else you want to say? If not, we will send you on your way immediately."

When he said this, he winked at the person next to him, and soon there was a man in Yixian uniform who raised the gun in his hand, pointed it at my head, and turned on the safety.

"Wait...I have something to say." I said.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Li Yi's face darkened.

"I really want to know how Li Chao died. Did you kill him and frame it on me?" I asked.

"This is a good question, but I don't know either. We only know that you seriously injured Li Chao and died shortly after being sent to the hospital. Don't worry about how Li Chao died. You won't survive anyway, right? , after you die, you can go to the underworld and ask Li Chao personally, maybe he will tell you."

After saying that, Li Yi laughed loudly, stopped suddenly, and suddenly said: "Do it!"

When Li Yi said these words, I activated the eight-step method in an instant, and quickly hid a few meters behind the shooter.

A deafening gunshot resounded through the sky, and with a "boom", the birds in the forest not far away were so frightened that they flew into the sky, and there were also crows quacking.

Suddenly I moved a few meters away. The person who fired the shot and the people around me were all dumbfounded.

I thought that after this shot, my head would be blown open by the bullet, my brains would fly out, and I would be killed on the spot.

However, no, I just dodged slightly and dodged before the man fired.

After the gunshot, the dozen or so cars parked on the dirt road not far away all opened up at the same time, and soon a group of heavily armed guys rushed out.

Among these people were experts from the special team, as well as special guards wearing camouflage, holding firearms in their hands and rushing toward me quickly.

Li Yi, the bald man and others quickly spotted me not far away, and they all opened their mouths in surprise.

"This... how is this possible? You are wearing a torture device that limits your cultivation. How do you activate your spiritual power?" Li Yi said in shock.

"Didn't you say that when I released the water, I somehow managed to break free from the shackles of these magic weapons, and then planned to escape? You are right, I was planning to escape, but before I escaped, I had to be fierce I need to teach you a lesson, otherwise I won’t be able to swallow the bad breath in my heart." I narrowed my eyes, and the sword spirit in my hand was activated.

(End of this chapter)

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