Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1656 Divine Bow and Arrow

Chapter 1656 Divine Bow and Arrow
After the sword spirit was inspired by me, I first tried to cut off the handcuffs and shackles that bound my hands and feet. When I struck down with the sword, sparks scattered in all directions.

Since my hands and feet are tied, I cannot use my full strength. Furthermore, the handcuffs and legcuffs that restrain my hands and feet are not made of ordinary iron or steel. They should be a special kind of black iron. If this sword is struck, it will not work. It just left a deep gap in it, but didn't completely cut it off.

Just when I was about to see the second sword, it was already too late. First, the people from Li Yi pointed their guns at me. Regardless of Sanqi 21, they fired at me. I could only pass it temporarily. I used Muzong Babu's method to temporarily escape, and by the way, I condensed a void spell and turned it into a Gang Qi barrier, standing in front of me to block the bullets that were constantly coming towards me.

At the same time, the people around Li Yi were running towards me quickly while shooting, and those who were originally staying on the dirt road and were responsible for escorting me were also running towards me quickly.

While Li Yi called on those around him to shoot at me, he shouted in horror: "Come quickly, the prisoner Wu Jiuyin has escaped. The superiors have orders to kill him on the spot!"

As soon as this sound went on, it was okay. From a distance, those special guards in camouflage shot at me.

They are all well-trained sharpshooters, and their bullets are all fired without missing a beat. Bullets kept hitting me "swish". If I hadn't been blocked by a few gang energy barriers, I would have been beaten by now. It became a hornet's nest.

What's even more terrifying is that among those responsible for escorting me, there must be many experts from the special task force. If I were surrounded by them, I would not be able to escape at all, and I would eventually die.

But even as it is now, it's a bit difficult for me to escape.

Although grandpa gave me a pill, which lifted the restrictions on my cultivation by this set of torture instruments, they still restrained my hands and feet. If I couldn't open them, even if I wanted to escape, it would have a great impact on my actions. Big trouble.

Grandpa didn't tell me how to open this torture device.

No matter what, I originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to clean up Li Yi and vent his anger, but now I had to escape for my life first and then make other plans.

In fact, the most irritating thing is not these, but the fact that these people I face are all members of the special team, official people, neither the cult Gui Yongdao nor the Tongnanzhou cult Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. I can be unscrupulous and kill people like them, but once I kill the official people of Yan Kingdom, it will be a big trouble. Even if it is not because of Li Chao's case, I will not be able to escape the death penalty.

Most of the people in these special teams acted in accordance with the orders from above, and most of them were very good people. It was impossible for me to kill them for no reason.

Moreover, my grandfather also specifically told me before that I must not kill these people, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

This is so frustrating. They can kill me, but I have the ability to kill them, but I can't do it.

Therefore, now I have only one way, and that is to escape from here as soon as possible and escape from the pursuit of these people.

Next, I activated the Eight Steps of Mizong, basically flashing wildly for a while, and at the same time, I circulated the Qi Sea in my Dantian crazily, constantly absorbing the power of the five elements of heaven and earth to make up for the spiritual power deficit of the Eight Steps of Mizong.

Even so, many of those people caught up with them, and the gunshots never stopped. They kept flying past me. I could only put a Gangqi barrier on my back and follow me. Constant escape.

Among them, I saw three or four old guys in the special team. They were very powerful, and I was the one chasing them the hardest. They seemed to know a method similar to the Qingshan Divine Walking Talisman. When they ran, they were like a gust of wind. I As soon as I turned my head, they were still about a hundred meters away from me, and it was still getting shorter.

The shooters at the back were the most annoying, forcing me to carry a Gang Qi barrier on my back, leaving me so obviously exposed.

However, I quickly came up with a way to deal with it, and quickly used the power of the essence of grass and trees to make the grass and vines behind me grow wildly, dragging down most of the pursuers who were chasing me, including those from the special team. The old guy also got his ankles tangled up in the wildly growing vegetation and vines, but they quickly broke through and continued to chase me.

In fact, I can escape faster, but my hands and feet are too awkward, and even the method of missing eight steps is greatly reduced.

I didn't dare to look back, so I could only run away desperately, not to mention even the slightest pause.

Just as I was running wildly, I suddenly heard a sound like two kicks coming from behind me, which startled me. I thought to myself, these people were chasing after me, so why were they setting off firecrackers?

While I was running wildly, I looked back and found that it was not a kick at all, but an old guy from the special team who took out a bow and arrow, shot it, and a flying arrow pierced the night sky. , let out a mournful cry, and flew toward me.

Damn it, what age is this, and there are still people using such ancient weapons.

I thought it was a weapon, but it was not. It was a magical weapon. I instinctively dodged, but I still didn't. The sword hit my back, and then exploded, and the strong energy barrier behind me It immediately shattered into pieces, and I was thrown out by the flying sword, rolling around on the ground several times.

There was something strange about the bow and arrow. Once it hit the target, it exploded immediately.

I wasn't seriously injured, but I felt my ears were ringing and my head was spinning. The old guy's bow and arrows were much better than the pistol.

Before I could stand up, the old guy shot another arrow at me. This time there were two arrows. I was shocked. If I were hit by this thing, I would definitely be dead.

So, I quickly sacrificed my sword soul and used the sword-walking dragon-snake move in the Xuantian Sword Art. It turned into thousands of sword shadows and intercepted the two flying arrows. I was stopped, but the flying arrow that was shot made two roars, and actually broke my sword-walking dragon-snake move. Finally, the sword spirit flew back and fell into my hand again.

No, it’s better to run, don’t do it forcefully.

But as soon as I stood up and ran a few steps, two guys in Yixian clothes came out from both sides of my body. They were both young, about fifty years old. They both had short hair and a little gray hair. , blocking my way.

One of them said: "Wu Jiuyin, give up the resistance quickly and surrender, otherwise you will only die!"

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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