Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1657 Take turns in battle

Chapter 1657 Take turns in battle
I thought to myself that I have already pushed the young man to death. If I give up resistance, I will die. If I don’t give up, there may be a chance of survival. Those responsible for escorting me may not know the inside story, but once I give up resistance, I will be led by them again. When I go back, Li Yi and the others will naturally have a hundred ways to kill me. I don't think it's possible for them all to be sent to Liusha Island.

Someone in front blocked my way, and two people came up from behind, blocking my retreat from the front, back, left, and right. All the magic weapons in their hands were pointed at me.

I still had the instrument of torture on my body and held the sword soul in my hand. I turned around and looked around at them.

But the current situation is not too bad. At least those who use firearms have been stopped by me using the power of plant essence mixed with the Qinggang method of controlling trees. If they come here, they will surround me again. , that’s the real trouble.

I stood motionless. After a moment, another person said: "Wu Jiuyin, I'm warning you one last time. If you still resist stubbornly, don't blame us for killing you!"

I sneered and said: "What a painful killer. It seems that I will die either in Li Yi's hands or in your hands. I didn't expect that I would come to this southwest place to help you solve the problem of evil creatures." He worked so hard to survive, and finally ended up like this, and was framed to death by the official people. It’s really unreasonable.”

After hearing what I said, those people were stunned. The man holding the magic bow said: "Wu Jiuyin, please tell me clearly, who framed you?"

"I didn't kill Li Chao. You all framed him. Not only that, but just now, that bastard Li Yi took me out of the car and wanted to kill me with one shot. I have no choice. I just escaped with my life, otherwise my head would have been blown by now." I said solemnly.

The expressions of the four people were a little surprised, and they obviously didn't believe what I said. One of them said again: "Wu Jiuyin, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. Li Yi has no enmity with you." , why did he want to kill you?"

It didn't make sense to talk to these people, and I didn't want to talk to them anymore. My expression turned cold and I said in a cold voice, "You guys really want to stop me?"

"You have to follow your responsibilities, Wu Jiuyin. In fact, we also admire your character. Not only when dealing with Gui Yongdao or the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult in Tongnan Continent, you are an upright man. We don't want to fight with you. It's difficult, as long as you give up resistance, a few of us can ensure your safety and send you to Liusha Island." The guy holding the magic bow said again.

They didn’t say anything speculative. They were too naive in their thinking. How could I place my life on a few strangers? What would I do if they were in the same group as Li Yi? ?
At this moment, I had already observed the battle situation and found the weakest one among the four of them. I shook the sword spirit in my hand and followed the trace in eight steps to kill that person.

As soon as I made a move, the other men immediately took turns taking turns. Some had swords, some had whips, and one wielded a knife. They attacked me in several directions, without waiting for me to reach the guy with the knife. , and then a long whip was whipped towards me. At the critical moment, I used Mizong Babu again. However, it was still a little late. The whip made an explosion and did not fall on me. However, the shackles on my feet were wrapped around my body. With a sudden pull, my body flew out and was pulled to the ground by the man.

Oops, the shackles and handcuffs I'm wearing are the biggest hindrance. I feel like I'm going to die in the hands of this thing. As soon as the man's whip falls on my shackles, I know I'm going to be doomed.

However, I did not give up my resistance. After my body rolled to the ground, I quickly slashed my sword towards the man holding the whip and attacked his lower body.

This move is the move of the Xuantian Sword Technique where the dragon sweeps away thousands of troops, but I also held back my strength. A sword energy shot out horizontally and slashed towards the man's feet. Even so, the one with the whip The guy didn't give up the whip in his hand. Instead, he touched the ground with his toes, jumped into the air, and dodged the sword energy.

When I made this sword strike, several other people also made moves. First, the guy with the magic bow aimed in my direction, and then made a sound like two kicks, which scared my scalp. Feeling a little numb, I quickly activated Mizong Babu again and dodged to one side. The moment I just activated Muzong Babu, the flying arrow landed next to me, and then there was an explosion. There was a loud noise, and the earth was swept up all over the sky. A wave of air hit me, knocking me over several times.

I was almost hit by the flying arrow and died on the spot. Even so, several wounds were scratched on one side of my body by the air waves from the flying arrow, and the blood continued to flow.

Before I could react, the guy with the whip used force again and pulled me flying. The other three people rushed up and tried to take me down. Before I could react, I quickly pulled out the butt in my hand. Seeing that the sword soul was thrown out, I used the sword-walking dragon-snake technique to entangle the guys who were killing me.

As soon as this sword-walking-dragon-snake move was performed, the sky was filled with sword shadows, covering those few people. Sadly, before I could breathe a sigh of relief, several more people suddenly rushed over not far away. As they walked, they shouted loudly: "Kill Wu Jiuyin, we can't let him escape..."

The person who spoke was none other than Li Yi, the bastard. He was accompanied by a bald man and a thin man wearing glasses.

Originally, I couldn't afford these four guys. If I add Li Yi and the others, I would be no match for them. What should I do?

The key is not to kill them yet, it's too frustrating.

I was shocked when I saw them coming. While the sword soul was entangled with the other three people, I quickly reached out to untie the whip that bound my shackles, but the guy with the whip would definitely not let me relax. Untied, before my hand touched the whip, the man jumped a few steps away and pulled me around on the ground a few times. Not only was the whip not untied, it seemed to be getting tighter and tighter, and even my His hands were also tied.

Li Yi saw my appearance from a distance and suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Wu Jiuyin, can you run away if you want? If you fall into the hands of our Southwest Department, even Monkey Sun cannot escape from our Wuzhishan." !”

Seeing Li Yi and the others running towards me, my heart felt like death. Is this the end?

(End of this chapter)

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