Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1663 I'm Not Afraid

Chapter 1663 I'm Not Afraid
There is a saying that goes, care leads to chaos.

If girl Qingan hadn't reminded me, I almost forgot about this. I know the special team very well because I used to hang out with Li Zhanfeng a lot. How capable is the special team? I am a gatekeeper. clear.

The special task force is not under the jurisdiction of the relevant local departments. It is only subject to the central leadership and the top leadership of the higher-level special task force. Moreover, they have great power and can call on all available support. The other departments must support unconditionally. We The matter of escaping has probably caused a storm in the city. The Southwest General Administration must have mobilized all forces and is searching for me everywhere.

Moreover, everyone related to me will be closely monitored and monitored. Even if they can't find Li Banxian and his friends, all the mobile phones and landlines at home must have been monitored. As long as I make a call, the other party will soon be there. It can lock my current position and it is very accurate.

It's really not a wise move to call Bai Zhan now.

But I'm afraid that if I don't make this call, Lao Li and the others will fall into the trap of the Southwest Department again, and all of them will fall into the hands of the Southwest Department.

If it doesn't work out, I just put them all in one pot.

In fact, when I calm down and think about it, it’s really scary to think about it. The other party’s purpose may not be to kill me alone, but may also kill me and all my friends. If this is the case, then The people behind it are really scary.

I pondered for a moment, with a gloomy expression on my face. As if seeing my concerns, Chen Qingan said: "Wu Jiuyin, actually I have always wanted to ask you a question, but I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"But it's okay, you saved my life, so there's nothing wrong with asking." I said.

"Did you really kill Li Chao?" Chen Qingan said seriously.

I shook my head and said: "I didn't kill him, I just beat him seriously. He died inexplicably after being sent to the hospital. I think someone might be behind this and wanted to kill me. "

After hearing what I said, Chen Qingan said with relief: "I said you are definitely not such a brainless person. Li Chao is the only son of Master Hua Qing, the master of Dancheng Mountain. If you really kill him, you will have to fight with the entire family." Dan Chengshan is your enemy, so you will be a little too courageous."

"But now, regardless of whether I killed Li Chao or not, Dan Chengshan wants my life. I am a mute who eats Coptis chinensis. If I have trouble, I can't even wash it off by jumping into the Kun River." I said depressedly.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Chen Qingan asked.

I shook my head and said: "I don't know what to do. For now, I can only save my life. There are still many doubts about this matter. I will investigate slowly by myself. Maybe I can gain something to prove it." My innocence."

"If you can't prove it, won't you be hunted by two gangs for the rest of your life and never be able to hold your head up?" Chen Qing'an said worriedly.

"Yes, that may be the case, but since this matter has fallen on me, I have to stand up and resist. Otherwise, what else can I do? Everyone who is with me now will probably be implicated. I will leave soon I'm already unlucky enough here, I can't let you get in trouble again." I said sternly.

Chen Qingan looked at me blankly, with a heavy expression on her face. After a while, she said, "I'm not afraid."

Although these four words were said very lightly, they felt extremely heavy in my heart.

"I'm not afraid"

In just a few words, a warm current rose in my heart. Now I am besieged on all sides, being chased and killed everywhere, and I am almost an enemy of the whole world. There is still a woman in this world who chooses to stand with me Together, how can you not let me dare to move.

I took a deep breath, stretched out my hand, gently held Chen Qingan's fragile and boneless hand, and said sincerely: "Sister Qingan, thank you. I didn't expect that I, Wu Jiuyin, would end up like this. You If you can still stand up and help me, if I, Wu Jiuyin, can survive this catastrophe, I can trust you with my life if you just say a word from now on."

Holding Chen Qing'an's little hand, Chen Qing'an had no intention of taking it back. Her little hand was a little cold, but it shook slightly. Her face turned red again, and she lowered her head. After a while, she calmly He gently retracted his hand and said in a low voice: "You will be fine. You have always been lucky. You were able to survive in the hands of the two elders of Guiyong Dao. Not long ago, you escaped under the nose of the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult. After escaping, I believe you will be able to save the day this time."

"I hope so." I nodded, and soon something came to my mind again. No, Chen Qingan told me just now that he saw three people. They might be Bai Zhan, Laohua and Li Banxian. My dear There seems to be one less brother. If such a big thing happened to me, Zhou Yiyang would definitely know about it. Why didn't he come?
When I thought of Yiyi Yang, an idea flashed through my mind again, and I asked Chen Qingan, "Do you have a mobile phone with you?"

"What, you still want to call them?" Chen Qingan asked in surprise.

"I also have a friend named Zhou Yiyang. He is from Zhouyi District, and his mobile phone number is also from Zhouyi District. The special investigation team has the ability to monitor Yanguo's network, and it certainly cannot monitor calls from Zhouyi District. I will talk to Zhou Yiyang first. Make a phone call and tell him that he is safe. Don't act stupidly and get ambushed by the Southwest Special Task Force." I said sternly.

After hearing what I said, Chen Qingan felt relieved, took out a mobile phone from his body, and handed it to me.

I memorized their cell phone numbers by heart, so I immediately called Zhou Yiyang. However, the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered, which made me worried for a while.

I still refused to give up and continued to call Zhou Yang. After making three calls in a row, the call was finally connected, but I heard Zhou Yang say in a very small voice: "Who are you? If it's not important, I will kill you for sure!"

I'm going to have such a bad temper. I said in a deep voice: "Yiyang? I'm Wu Jiuyin..."

"I'll go! Are you kidding me? Are you really Xiaojiu?!" Zhou Yang asked with a trembling voice, looking very excited, but he still kept his voice low.

"Yes, it's me." I returned.

"Brother Xiaojiu, you escaped? How did you escape? The brothers were all very anxious and were planning to ambush the prison car halfway. How could you escape on your own? You're so awesome!" Zhou Yiyang was excited. Some of them couldn't help themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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