Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1664 Not Alone

Chapter 1664 Not Alone
"Well, I just escaped less than two hours ago. Please inform Bai Zhan and the others immediately to cancel the operation. Don't hijack the prison van. Otherwise, everyone will be trapped there. I will explain to you later." I said anxiously.

"Okay, Brother Xiaojiu, please wait for a moment. I'll call you back later." After saying that, Zhou Yiyang hung up the phone happily. After waiting for less than a minute, Zhou Yiyang handed over the phone. He called again and came up and said: "Brother Xiaojiu, I have already informed Bai Zhan and the others. This call came just in time. If you had called five minutes later, they would probably start taking action."

"What's going on with Bai Zhan and the others?" I asked anxiously.

"Bai Zhan and Banxian ambush on another road. I led the Zhou family to ambush all the way, and then the Dragon Sect Master of Sihai Sect also ambush all the way. The troops were divided into three groups in total. Originally, we wanted to fight. It was divided into four groups, but the manpower was really not enough, so we gave up. Now there is no movement from all the troops. Brother Jiu, did you escape from the road where we didn't ambush?" Zhou Yangyang was slightly depressed. Tao said.

He really told me that the three people they ambushed were all enchantment formations set up by the Southwest Department to deceive others, and only Chen Qingan accidentally hit me and saved me.

If they make a move, they will definitely miss me. It doesn't matter. Once they make a move, they will end up like me, being hunted down by the Yan Kingdom's special team.

I responded, briefly explained my situation to him, and told him not to worry about my situation, everything was under control.

Then I asked him if his mobile phone was safe and to make sure it wasn't being monitored. He just made a call to Bai Zhan, so Bai Zhan's mobile phone must not be safe either.

Zhou Yiyang told me not to worry. They had changed their phone numbers long before they took action. The only one was his. It was the number from Zhouyi District. Yan Guo couldn't monitor it at all, so it was very safe.

This is probably Li Banxian's idea. Before taking action, Lao Li usually arranges things in every detail without making any mistakes. Especially for such head-turning matters, Lao Li doesn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Afterwards, Zhou Yiyang said to me again: "Brother Jiu, why did you kill that guy Li Chao? I heard from Laohua and Bai Zhan that you didn't get along well with Li Chao before, and that person is absolutely It’s time to deal with it, but this guy has a special status, so you have to think about what to do before taking action.”

I explained the cause and effect to Zhou Yang again, and Zhou Yang was shocked and angry. I might have been tricked by someone from the special team.

After Zhou Yiyang heard this, he said angrily: "Two days ago, I received a call from Bai Zhan and Laohua. We were sent to Liusha Island to be imprisoned. We inquired with Li Zhanfeng and heard that the people imprisoned on Liusha Island were not released. They either died of old age or were shot in there. I heard that this was not possible. Ah, I quickly attracted a group of brothers to come over, and also called the Dragon Sect Master to bring a large number of masters to sneak over. They said they would snatch Brother Xiaojiu back at any cost. Among our brothers, no matter who dares to touch one of them, The rest of the brothers have fought with them, and we have to fight to the death to peel off their skin. Let alone rob the prison car, we dare to even poke a hole in the sky."

Zhou Yiyang was originally a polite guy, but after this incident came out, this kid actually started swearing. He was obviously very angry.

I comforted him and told them not to act rashly. If nothing happens, I might have to follow him to Zhouyi District to stay for a while. Compared with Yanguo, Zhouyi District is still very safe. After all, it is very safe there. The people who coordinate the team will definitely not be able to stretch out their hands and feet, and with Sihaimen taking care of them, they will definitely not be able to cause any trouble.

Zhou Yiyang was overjoyed and said that was the best. He also hoped that I could go to Zhouyi District with him and treat it as a vacation. During this period, the troubles came one after another, and there was never any leisure time. when.

After finally escaping from Tongnan Continent, only to be plotted against by one of his own people, it was really frustrating.

I told Zhou Yiyang not to expose his body, let alone make any noise, and asked the people from Sihaimen to return to Zhouyi District for the time being. There were too many people and the target was too big. The special team was still very vigilant in case they were caught. If you find out, it will probably be very troublesome.

He even told him to tell Li Banxian and the others that they were safe, go back to their homes and find their own mothers, and don't worry about my affairs. From today on, I will only contact Yiyue Yang through a single line. If anything happens, I will contact him. I conveyed it through Yiyi Yang that I would contact Bai Zhan and the others after I arrived in Zhouyi District.

Zhou Yangquan agreed to what I said and said he would remember it. Then we made an appointment to meet at a hidden place in Nanfang State, and then smuggled into Zhouyi District from there. The rest will be done later. Say it again.

After hanging up the phone, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I finally solved a major problem in my heart. Fortunately, I remembered Zhou Yiyang, otherwise the consequences might be unimaginable.

At the same time, I was secretly glad in my heart. Even though I was in trouble now, I still had a group of loyal friends following me. I felt a warmth in my heart. With such a mortal brother, what should I be afraid of?
There is a beautiful girl beside me to help me, so it seems that I am not particularly lonely.

After pondering for a moment, while I was planning how to escape from here, Chen Qingan suddenly said: "Wu Jiuyin, without further ado, I will send you away quickly under the cover of night. This place is not an absolutely safe place." People from the Ad hoc group will find this place soon."

I nodded, stood up, and said, "Okay, let's go now."

As soon as I started to move, Chen Qingan grabbed me and said, "Wait a minute, it's definitely not possible for you to leave like this. I'll help you disguise yourself, so that you can still be fooled."

I almost forgot that Chen Qingan had the ability to disguise herself. It was so good, so I sat down and said to Chen Qingan: "Sister Qingan, don't call her by her first name in the future. I think you should be younger than me." , please call me Brother Xiaojiu from now on, so that we can be more friendly."

Chen Qingan didn't respond, his face turned slightly red, and he dug out a wooden box from the house. It was probably filled with things used in disguise.

But before I started to disguise myself, footsteps suddenly came from the yard, walking quickly towards us.

(End of this chapter)

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