Chapter 1665
As soon as I heard the footsteps, I stood up immediately, and the sword spirit in my hand was activated.

However, Chen Qingan grabbed my hand and whispered: "Brother Xiaojiu, don't get excited, we are one of our own."

own people?
Are there any of her own people here?

I was a little confused, but I still put the sword spirit away and listened carefully to the movements outside. I quickly felt relieved, because there was only the sound of one person's footsteps outside, and it was definitely not someone from the Southwest Department.

If the people from the Southwest Department really found this place, a group of people would have come up and surrounded it with water.

They are still very afraid of me. The special team is so heavily guarded, with handcuffs and footcuffs on me, and restrictions on my cultivation, so that I can escape. They will definitely send more experts to guard against me. I ran away from here again.

I glanced at Chen Qingan, who was holding my hand, and suddenly smiled slightly. She actually called me 'Brother Xiaojiu' just now. It was time to say it so soon, instead of calling him by his first name, which made me feel a little secret. happiness.

When Chen Qingan saw my smile, she immediately understood and knew what I was laughing at. She quickly let go of my hand as if she was electrocuted, and her face turned slightly red.

In just a moment, someone walked to the door, knocked gently on the door, and shouted in a low voice: "Miss, are you there?"

"Come in..." Chen Qingan said.

Before he finished speaking, the man quickly pushed the door in, and then quickly closed the door. This man was a man in his 30s, dressed like a villager, with very dark skin. As soon as he came in, he said anxiously : "Miss, it's not good. Just now our people saw people from the court coming, and there were quite a few people. Not only practitioners, but also a group of Te'ant'an, and some people saw them holding hands. As for the big wolf dog, it is estimated that it will arrive in our village in three to five minutes, so I will come and inform the young lady."

"I understand, please step back, take everyone back, go back to sleep, and don't show any signs of weakness." Chen Qingan said sternly.

The man nodded and left here quickly.

Chen Qing'an is the descendant of Chen Ting's ancestor, and Chen Qing'an's old man is also a very powerful figure. It is said that he has many friends all over the world. He belongs to a very secretive power in the world and acts very low-key. I understand this very well.

Even Chen Qinghuan does things without being flashy or revealing.

When that person left, I felt a sinking feeling in my heart. I thought that the people from the Southwest Department were very fast. We had just walked for less than an hour when they came over with a large number of people, and they were still there. Came here with a big wolfdog.

I really hate wolf dogs now, my nose is too sharp. I must have had something on my body that was confiscated by people from the Southwest Department. As long as I am smelled by those specially trained wolf dogs, as long as the distance is not too far, those wolf dogs will follow Wei'er was able to find them, and they probably found them all the way under the leadership of those big wolf dogs now.

But this big wolf dog can't smell it from too far away, not even if it's too far away.

The top priority is that I still have to escape, as far away as possible. At least I have to leave Xiyanzhou, so as to avoid their pursuit.

Without waiting for a moment's rest, I said to Chen Qingan: "Sister Qingan, our green mountains will not change and our green waters will always flow. There will always be a chance to meet again. I took a step first. I will definitely come to you again when I have the opportunity." .”

With that said, I was about to walk outside. At this time, Chen Qingan grabbed me again and said, "Wait, I'll go with you."

"It's very dangerous to be with me. You might lose your life. I can't harm you. You should just stay here and be obedient. Don't worry, I can escape." I said sternly.

"But you are not familiar with the terrain here, and you don't know where is the safest place to escape. It's better for me to take you away, so that you can have someone to look after you on the way. I'm still worried about you walking alone," Chen Qing'an said.

"Okay then, just send me away from here, and don't follow me the rest of the way." I'm not a Moji person, so if we are so polite to each other here, we might as well walk a few more steps. There are still three people in the special team. It's only 5 minutes away. I really can't afford to waste time.

Chen Qingan was speechless, just carrying the small wooden box used for disguise, holding me with the other hand, and ran outside.

As soon as we arrived outside the yard, we both tiptoed up to the roof. Then we lowered ourselves down like two civet cats and walked quietly on the roof for a few steps. First we looked for I found a hidden place to hide, and glanced around twice. It didn’t matter. It shocked us. There was a big fight in the Southwest Department, and I saw a large crowd of people at the entrance of the village. , the flashlight light was swaying everywhere, and the total number of people in the mess was at least several hundred. It was really a huge battle.

In addition, people were constantly gathering from other directions in the village, but there were far fewer people than in the front. Unknowingly, the village was already surrounded.

The big wolf dog must have followed my scent and found me.

Seeing so many people, I was a little flustered, but I quickly calmed down, and asked Chen Qingan in a low voice: "Sister Qingan, are there any big rivers near this village?"

Chen Qingan said without hesitation for a moment: "Yes, there is a big river just north of the village, about three or four miles away from here. Do you want to take the waterway?"

Having said this, Miss Chen Qingan smiled slightly, a rare smile, which made her look even more charming. She was very close to me at the moment, and I could see clearly through the moonlight, and she felt a little distracted.

This girl immediately remembered that I had water-repellent beads on me. Because of the incident about the baby with the fate of the cauldron, I had used Chen Qingan with water-repellent beads. She would definitely not forget it.

After the two of us smiled knowingly, without saying a word, we stepped on the roof and walked quickly towards the north of the village.But once you leave the village, there is no place to hide your figure, and there are also many people from the Southwest Department directly north of the village. In addition to the masters of the special team, there are also some special and special people, to say the least. One hundred and eighty people.

As soon as Chen Qingan and I landed, we quickly attracted the attention of those people. One of them shouted, and the bullets swept towards us as if they were free.

"let's go!"

I grabbed Chen Qingan's hand, my anger sank in my Dantian, and I immediately moved Mizong eight steps, and my figure flashed in the direction of him like a ghost shadow.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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