Chapter 1666
As soon as Chen Qingan and I appeared, we were immediately discovered by these people from the Southwest Department. A group of people wearing Yixian uniforms quickly moved towards us, and the bullets in the hands of those Special Ans were moving towards us crazily. Shooting from here, I could only push Mizong Babu to the extreme. At the same time, I condensed a Gang Qi barrier to block the two of us, and fled madly towards the north.

Soon, those people in Yixian uniforms seemed to have noticed our intention and blocked us directly. However, Chen Qingan and I had no intention of getting into trouble with them. When we saw them blocking the road, I didn’t say anything and just stopped in front of us. He took out the copper coin sword and launched the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation from a distance. Thousands of copper coin sword energies were immediately separated and then shot out, sticking to the ground and sweeping forward.

The reason why I stay close to the ground is because I don't want to hurt the lives of these people, and these are all very good practitioners. As long as they are not deliberately seeking death, standing there motionless will generally not hurt them.

As expected, most people are afraid of death, and no one dares to touch the sharp edge of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. These thousands of sword energies cleared the way, and immediately opened a gap for Chen Qing'an and me. The two of us held hands, and with the help of the Mizong Eight With a single step, I instantly moved a hundred meters away. Then with a wave of my hand, I gathered the copper coin sword back and put it back into the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe.

The really powerful experts of the special team are probably on the front. These people are just responsible for surrounding the village, and they are not very powerful people. That's why we were able to escape so easily.

After ducking out from here, we continued walking quickly towards the big river due north.

Along the way, we also met some scattered people from the special task force, but they were all passed by us and did not fight with them at all. In fact, the people from the special task force of the Southwest Department also knew that I was not What kind of characters are easy to deal with? Without very powerful masters shaking the field, they don't dare to confront me head-on. To deal with these ordinary members of the special team, you can get them with just three or two moves. Down.

As we were running away, bullets kept coming from behind, and many of them hit the Gang Qi barrier, but they couldn't hurt us at all.

Our footsteps were very fast, and after a while, we came to the bank of a surging river. Before reaching the bank, I took out the water-repellent beads and threw them into the river to stimulate my spiritual power Underneath, the water-preventing beads condensed quickly, and Chen Qingan and I hid in the water-preventing beads with a flicker, and then quickly sank into it.

As soon as it sank into the water, a lot of bullets were knocked down from the water. They hid on the water-proof beads, and you could clearly see the traces left by those bullets in the water.

Some bullets also landed on the water-avoiding beads, but the water-avoiding beads also have a certain ability to resist blows, and those bullets will also be ejected when they hit it.

Immediately, I activated the water-avoiding beads, no matter which direction it was, I walked directly against the water, and within a few minutes I was far away from that place.

Now that we escaped from these sieges, Chen Qingan and I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. We glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Sister Qingan, I have dragged you down this time. You really shouldn't have to suffer this fate with me." I said politely.

Chen Qingan just smiled faintly and did not respond. I rarely saw her smile before, but this time, her smile was often shown. Not to mention, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. We hid in the water droplets and walked along the water. Suddenly, I suddenly remembered something, and I frowned unconsciously.

It's really bad. When I fell into Li Yi's hands before, Li Yi wanted to take away my Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth. I specially handed this Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth into the hands of Mr. Zeng.

This time I used various means to prove that the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe fell into my hands again. It can be easily analyzed that the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe was returned to me by Mr. Zeng. If this matter is dealt with by the special team People know that, I am afraid that Mr. Zeng will be implicated in some ways.

Speaking of which, Mr. Zeng was also apologetic to me. He originally asked me to come over to clean up the wandering corpses, but ended up getting into such a situation. Mr. Zeng must have felt guilty. This time he secretly handed over the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe to me. At great risk, all the reputation and achievements gained in the special team for most of his life will be destroyed this time.

You might even be severely punished.

However, Mr. Zeng has retired and now serves as a consultant to the special task force. At such an old age, I hope the special task force can treat him well.

After all, he has served his country all his life. When he gets old, he cannot be sent to jail, right?
I thought to myself and sighed softly.

Seeing me like this, Chen Qingan asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiaojiu, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just remembered some troublesome things. The reason why I was able to escape was with the help of a friend in the Xiyanzhou special investigation team. I was afraid that he would be implicated." I said lightly.

The current situation is a bit tricky. I'm a little unsure about how the special team and Dan Chengshan will deal with me. I guess it won't be so smooth sailing for me to escape from the Yan Kingdom until it's too late and hide for a while. There will be people in all directions. Master blockade.

It would be great if I could know their defense situation, which would be of great benefit to my escape.

When I think of this matter, I think of another person, that is Fatty Jin from Wanluo Sect. Wanluo Sect has people from both sides, and the special team also has many informants. If I ask about this matter He didn't know if he could get some useful information.

This is what happened to me. I was hunted down by two gangs. It seems that I can’t stand up anymore. Will a sect like Wanluo Sect, which only cares about profit, still treat me, Wu Jiuyin, as a friend? ?

There is no telling if if I call him now, the other party will stab me in the face and sell me directly.

After pondering over and over again, I decided to contact Fatty Jin and check the situation first. Anyway, we have been exposed now, and the other party also knows that we jumped into the river to escape.

So, I asked Chen Qingan for my mobile phone again and dialed Fatty Jin. Because it was an unfamiliar phone number, Fatty Jin didn’t get through at first. I called several times before the call was finally answered. stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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