Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1668 ordered to take people

Chapter 1668 ordered to take people
Avoiding water drops and walking against the water is much faster than our speed on land. With just one phone call, you have already traveled several miles away. Relying on avoiding water beads, I thought I could run amok in the water without anyone stopping me , actually, I was wrong.

There was actually someone waiting for us on the waterway.

This is an old Taoist wearing a yellow robe. He looks to be between 70 and [-] years old. His appearance is quite intimidating. He is sitting cross-legged in the water, his butt is not touching the water, and his head is not exposed. He is just like an old Taoist. The monk seemed to be in trance, floating in the middle of the river, blocking our way. There were green aquatic plants floating around him. He looked like a master, but judging from his actions, we didn't know he was in the water. How long have we been waiting? It seems that the water quality of this veteran is still very good.

He does seem to be a master, but I don't know what his methods are.

The water-avoiding bead stopped dozens of meters away from him. After seeing this person, I knew that this must be a master who came down from Dancheng Mountain. The robe was the best explanation.

Fatty Jin just told me that people would come down from Dancheng Mountain, and they had already arrived in Xiyan Prefecture, and they were cooperating with the special team to capture me. Now they saw the real owner. It seemed like this person was blocking the road. A fight is inevitable.

On the contrary, at this time, I calmed down and was not afraid. Instead, I controlled the water-avoiding beads and approached the old man. I stopped about ten meters away from him. At that moment, I cupped my hand and said very politely: "This senior must have come down from Dancheng Mountain, right? It's the first time we met. I don't know the name of this senior. I hope senior won't blame me. I'm polite to you, junior."

When I was talking to the old man, I used some tricks to make the river buzz. I was afraid that the old man wouldn't be able to hear my words in the water.

However, just when I finished speaking, the old man opened his eyes and glanced towards me without opening his mouth. He only saw his throat moving a few times, and then a voice came over: "Poor Tao Dao, whose name is Hua Xu Zhenren, is here to get someone on the orders of his master brother. Pindao won’t bully you, a kid. His sword has no eyes, so as not to hurt your life. Bind your hands and follow Pindao to Dancheng Mountain. Bar."

I smiled slightly and said: "Master Hua Xu, I heard that the way Danchengshan Criminal Court serves people is a bit scary. I'm afraid I can't stand it, so I won't go over for tea. I don't want to do anything with you, so please get out of the way." Come on, let us go..."

Before he finished speaking, the old Taoist glared and said angrily: "It seems that you forced Pindao to take action?"

Immediately afterwards, the old man waved his hand and slapped me in the distance, causing the water to roll, and a surging power came over me. Even though I was far away, I felt that this power was quite strong. Terrified, Chen Qingan immediately dodged to the side, then surfaced from the water, collected the water-avoiding beads, and reached the river beach.

Not long after we came up, a splash of water exploded on the water, and the old man jumped out of the river and took a few steps towards the opposite side of us.

When he first came out, the old Taoist's clothes were still wet. After walking a few steps, his Taoist robe stopped blowing in the wind, and he directly used his true energy to dry the clothes.

It works like a hair dryer.

The reason why I jumped out of the water was that I was afraid that I would not be able to use it in the water. I wanted to come up and fight with him. Although this old man is powerful, I am not afraid of him. Fortunately, this old man is just a person, and there are no special people around It's okay to fight him if you adjust the ambush.

If you can't beat him, Chen Qing'an is still here. I don't believe that either of us is a match for this old guy.

After landing on the shore, the old Taoist still kept a distance of seven or eight meters from me, and said in a deep voice again: "You killed the only son of the master's brother, and even killed the nephew of Pindao. If Pindao didn't take you with you today, After we go back, Dan Chengshan will no longer have the face to hang out in the world, so you two should take action together, I won’t bully you either."

I took a step forward and said seriously: "Master Hua Xu, we can fight, but first I have to declare that I did not kill your nephew Li Chao. I admit that I have seriously injured him, but my subordinates I have retained my strength and have no intention of taking his life. As for how he died in the end, I don’t know. Maybe there is someone with ulterior motives who wants to deliberately instigate the relationship between me and Dan Chengshan. Please ask Hua Xu A real person should think twice before he acts.”

Master Hua Xu didn't accept this trick at all, and said calmly: "It's useless for you to tell Pindao. If you have any questions, you can go to Dancheng Mountain to talk to Pindao. You can decide what is right and wrong. Pindao is only responsible. Come here and get someone, the rest has nothing to do with me, stop talking nonsense, just do it, you can come together and save yourself the trouble."

I don't know if this old man has been in the mountain for a long time, but his tone is quite loud. Didn't he ask about the things I did before he came out?

The Suzaku Elder of Guiyong Road, the Ancient Ridge Corpse Demon, Huaxi Granny of Guimen Village, Dilu, the third figure of the Black Water Holy Spirit... all died at my hands. Take these characters individually, and none of them are in the world. A powerful character that makes people fearful?An old Taoist priest from Dancheng Mountain dared to challenge me like this and asked me to go with Chen Qingan. I thought he thought too highly of himself.

At that moment, I felt a little unhappy, so I put out my hand to block the way of Qingan, and stepped forward and said, "Since the senior insists on taking action, the junior has no choice but to go overboard, but I can do it alone. If the junior loses, then I will I am willing to go back to Dancheng Mountain with you without any hesitation."

Master Hua Xu glared, snorted coldly, and said: "Boy, you have such a strong tone. Pindao also dropped his words here. If I can't take you down within ten moves, Pindao will naturally let you go." .”

"That's what you said, don't go back on it?" I said with a smile.

"Let's do it." Master Hua Xu said.

The next moment, I directly revealed the sword soul, and when I was about to take action, Chen Qingan said worriedly: "Brother Xiao Jiu, you have to be careful. This veteran has real abilities, so don't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, I'm measured." I said with a smile.

When I showed the sword soul, Master Hua Xu also showed his magic weapon. When he showed the magic weapon in his hand, I was surprised, but when I saw that the magic weapon he took out was a sword, I Suspended above his head, isn't this the flying sword chasing soul that Li Chao once used?

Why did it fall into the hands of Master Hua Xu now?

But I soon thought of the reason. This sword is the treasure of Dancheng Mountain. After Li Chao died, the sword naturally had to be returned to its original owner and brought back to Dancheng Mountain.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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