Chapter 1669
The person in front of me is the younger brother of Master Hua Qing of Dancheng Mountain. In terms of cultivation, he is definitely not worse than Li Chao.

At this moment, Li Chao's flying sword, the treasure of Dan Chengshan, was in the hands of Master Na Huaxu.

This flying sword is a magic weapon. With this sword, his combat effectiveness can be greatly improved. No wonder this veteran can be so confident.

The two sides were confronting each other, and the old man was really unambiguous. After the Soul-Chasing Sword was suspended above his head, it immediately glowed with murderous intent. Following the pull of his fingers, the Soul-Chasing Sword let out a roar. , flew towards me, arriving in the blink of an eye, and the power was very fierce. When I saw the flying sword coming, my eyes suddenly widened. As soon as the flying sword burst out, a blast of wind blew towards me. The fierce wind was like a knife cutting.

As Chen Qingan said, this old man really has real skills.

As soon as an expert takes action, he will know if there is one, otherwise he would not dare to come and block my way single-handedly.

The next moment, I directly raised the sword soul in my hand, activated all my spiritual power, and slashed hard at the flying sword chasing soul.

"Dang..." After a loud noise, I swung the flying sword chasing soul away with the soul of the sword, but my hand holding the soul of the sword was also numb for a while, and I almost fell out of my hand, and my body fell back. He staggered for two steps and neutralized the force of the rush.

However, the flying sword that I swung away just turned around and continued to hit me, with even more power than the sword just now.

This old guy just wants to take me down with a flying sword. Is it really that easy?

Suddenly, I raised the sword soul in my hand again, aroused the power that turned the world around on my wrist, and slammed towards the flying sword fiercely.

This time, it was much easier than the last time. The flying sword chased the soul and was once again thrown away by me. Only this time, the flying sword fell directly to the ground and was inserted into a huge stone by the river. The sword body Most of it was submerged, and the soil under my feet became soft for a while, and my feet sank by more than ten centimeters.

It can be seen how powerful this sword is.

With the blessing of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po, you can transfer all your power to the ground. No matter how powerful you are, I can solve everything easily.

However, Master Hua Xu didn't know that I had another magic weapon called Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po. He was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "No wonder you can kill Chao'er. There is still such a method. It seems that it would be better if I don't use it." There is no way I can bring you back."

As soon as the words fell, Master Huaxu pinched his hand again, and the flying sword chased the soul out of the boulder, and the boulder split in two. Once again, the flying sword chased the soul and killed me Coming over, a strange red light suddenly appeared on the soul-chasing sword.

Naturally, I would not sit back and wait for death. I immediately performed a spell and threw the sword soul in my hand towards the soul-chasing sword. Only this time, I used the sword-walking dragon-snake move in the Xuantian Sword Art. And he also pushed his spiritual power to the extreme.

Accompanied by the sound of a dull dragon chant, the sword soul turned into thousands of sword shadows, covering the soul chasing sword and blocking its way, and the two divine soldiers fought in mid-air , making a jingling sound.

After stimulating the sword soul, I quickly took out the copper coin sword from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe again. Without giving Master Hua Xu any time to react, I directly used the Beidou sword formation at the same time, and quickly Thousands of sword energies were separated and shrouded towards Master Hua Xu.

Master Hua Xu didn't show any expression on his face. Instead, he snorted coldly: "It's a small trick!"

Seeing that the thousands of sword qi were about to fall on him, Master Hua Xu took out a few Dan Chengshan Celestial Master Talismans from his body, and sprinkled them forward. In the shape of a fish, it stood in front of him, and the yin-yang fish pattern composed of the celestial master talisman rotated rapidly, and soon condensed a barrier of stellar energy, isolating all the thousands of copper coins and sword qi, and the copper coin sword qi Suddenly they became invisible, and the copper coins quickly scattered everywhere.

And when the Big Dipper Copper Coin Sword Formation was activated again, my body rushed forward, wanting to take down that real Huaxu directly in one go.

Up to this point, Master Huaxu still looked like he didn't take me seriously, but when he saw his move, the Yin-Yang fish pattern crashed towards me.

I didn't dodge, but activated the tricks of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break and Yin Rou Palm again. Pushing forward with both palms, I sent the Yin-Yang fish flying away, and crushed it towards the real person Hua Xu, Hua Xu Xu Zhenren seemed a little panicked this time, he quickly waved his hand, took back the flying sword chasing soul, and slashed down heavily, the pattern of the yin-yang fish was cut into two pieces, and there was a huge roar .

At the same time, I also recalled the sword soul back into my hand, directly urging the trick of wandering clouds and startling dragons in Xuantian Sword Art. , A deep ravine suddenly opened on the ground, and a dragon-like force of the earth was pulled out by me, and slammed into the real person Huaxu fiercely.

This move is the most powerful move among the Xuantian Sword Techniques that I have practiced. Dilu, the third person in the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, was seriously injured by this move, and Hua Xu was in front of me. Although Zhenren is a master, compared with Dilu, he is still inferior. I firmly believe that he will never be able to catch this move.

While stimulating the sword moves of the Wandering Cloud Jinglong, he also used the power of the essence of vegetation and the Qinggang method to control the trees quietly. Master Hua Xu was concentrating on guarding against my Wandering Cloud Jinglong. When he moved his sword, in the big river behind him, the water plants at the bottom of the river grew crazily, lush and vast, directly entangling the lower body of Master Hua Xu.

At this time, the real person Huaxu can care about the top but not the bottom. Comparing the two, the sword move of Youyun startling the dragon is more terrifying. At the moment, the real person Huaxu suddenly felt two blue streaks from his body at the critical moment of life and death. The red Dan Chengshan Heavenly Master Talisman came out and slapped on the Soul Chasing Sword. The Soul Chasing Sword suddenly glowed with blue light, was lifted up high, and slashed down towards my condensed Earth Sha power.

There was a loud "boom" and the resonance caused by the huge Qi field caused the river water behind Master Huaxu to vibrate and spread all over the sky, as if it was raining heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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