Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1670 Order you to take it

Chapter 1670 Order you to take it
When I went to see Master Hua Xu again, he was still blown away by my move of Wandering Cloud Shocking Dragon. The power of this move was so powerful that it directly tore off all the water plants wrapped around Master Hua Xu. Xu Zhenren spurted out a mouthful of blood. He leaned against the water and slid to the other side of the river before rolling to the ground. He rolled several times before turning over and standing up.

The flag is set to win, and I take advantage of the victory to pursue.

This move will definitely seriously injure Master Hua Xu. After this time passes, he will definitely be taken down in three or five moves. So, I use the method of missing eight steps and fly away close to the river. .

However, at this time, Master Hua Xu had no intention of admitting defeat. After he stood up, he shouted loudly, threw the Soul Chasing Sword above his head again, and used the blue Dancheng Mountain Tianshi Talisman to move. Then he merged into the soul-chasing sword again. With the blue light making a loud noise, Master Hua Xu also released his ultimate move. I have seen Li Chao use this move twice before. It was very domineering, but I saw the rapid movement in his mouth. He chanted: "The divine sword chases souls, kills demons and eliminates demons. Thousands of sword shadows cover the four directions. If gods block, they will kill gods. If Buddha blocks Buddha, they will kill Buddha. This is the order!"

These complex spells were recited by him in less than a second, and then the soul-chasing sword split into twenty or thirty soul-chasing swords. Then in a flash, all those soul-chasing swords were released. The buzzing sound came crashing towards me.

When Li Chao used this move before, he could produce at most a dozen swords, but Master Hua Xu produced twenty or thirty swords now. The surrounding Qi field was greatly affected, and the air became tight.

At this time, the real Hua Xu had already moved to kill.

I, a junior in the world, was not taken seriously by him. However, after less than ten moves with him, he was seriously injured by me. How could he swallow this bad breath? Therefore, he must do it at this moment. If he kills me, he must not escape back to Dancheng Mountain in such a slippery manner. He cannot afford to lose this person.

When I saw Master Hua Xu engaging in such a battle, I was shocked. Even Chen Qingan, who was not far behind me, shouted: "Brother Xiaojiu, be careful!"

I had already rushed to the river, and I was about to cross to the other side and have a close fight with Master Huaxu. What happened now was that I had to brake immediately, and then at the critical moment, I directly used the Xuantian Sword. The move that uses white dragon water to hit the mark.

I don't know if this move can stop Master Hua Xu's desperate move, so I can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor for the time being.

With a move of the white dragon, more than a dozen water pillars suddenly burst out from the river and rose into the sky, blocking the separate shadows of dozens of soul-chasing swords. At the same time, I touched the ground with my toes and leaned back. I retreated quickly, leaving one hand free, and every time I took a step back, a void spell was condensed, and then turned into a barrier of stellar energy, blocking in front of me.

I took seven or eight steps back, and there were seven or eight Gang Qi barriers condensing in front of me.

But I vaguely feel that this is not enough, far from enough.

In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty flying swords, at least half of them penetrated the barrier of Bailong Chushui, and a dozen flying swords flew toward me at extremely fast speeds.

Those flying swords were as powerful as breaking bamboos, easily breaking through the aura barriers and hitting me directly.

In panic, I found that I had retreated to the pile of rocks by the river. Without thinking, the sword spirit in my hand flew away all the large and small stones by the river, towards the flying sword poles. Big past.

As soon as those flying swords hit the stones, they smashed them into powder and fell to the ground, but the shadows of the swords quickly disappeared.

Even so, there were still four or five flying swords that were not blocked and were still flying towards me.

Moreover, this flying sword is pulled by the Master Hua Xu, and it cannot stop without hitting the target. It does not go in a straight line, and can turn around and turn under the pull of the Master Hua Xu's magic formula.

In such a dangerous scene, I had no choice but to fight hard. I gritted my teeth and became ruthless, so I didn't care about that much anymore. I activated the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break in my hand, relied on the Eight Steps of Mystic Tracking, and withstood the great pressure, and finally Those flying swords flew out one by one. When the sword shadow of the last flying sword disappeared, I was shocked by the sword energy and flew out, and blood started to flow from the tiger's mouth.

But I didn't dare to stop, and then I quickly stood up, walked all the way through the water, and ran in front of Master Hua Xu. I waved the sword soul in my hand and slashed hard.

Master Hua Xu didn't even kill me with his ultimate move, so he was naturally shocked.

In fact, I don't even have to fight him now. He was seriously injured when he forced me to use Yunyun Jinglong, and then he activated the Soul Chasing Sword and unleashed a big move when he was seriously injured. After a while, his spiritual power was almost exhausted, and he felt a little exhausted.

If you don't fight him, you'll probably have a hard time walking down the aisle.

After I ran over, I used my sword soul to fight him two or three times, and then I kicked Master Huaxu away with one kick, and he threw the soul-chasing sword to the ground.

Before Master Huaxu could get up from the ground, I dodged in front of him with eight strides, and directly pressed against his throat.

"Master Hua Xu, you have lost. Ten moves have passed. What else do you have to say?" I said coldly as the sword spirit stepped forward.

Master Hua Xu raised his head and glanced at me. His eyes were unyielding and unwilling, and he was even more disappointed.

He must be thinking in his mind now that he has been practicing hard in Dancheng Mountain for decades, but he was defeated by a young boy in his twenties, and he was defeated miserably. Not only was he seriously injured, but he was also killed in the end. The sword was held to his throat.

As a heavyweight in Dan Chengshan, how could he accept this reality in his heart.

After looking at me blankly for a moment, Master Hua Xu sighed and said, "I am willing to admit defeat. You can take my life."

With that said, Master Hua Xu closed his eyes and waited for death.

At this time, I put away the sword soul and said in a deep voice: "Master Hua Xu, please go."

Master Huaxu opened his eyes, looked at me incredulously, and asked, "Why?"

"No reason, maybe I think you don't deserve to die. I, Wu Jiuyin, have killed many people, but I don't have any unjust dead souls under my command. You and I have no grudges. Because of a misunderstanding, we won't fight at all." It's a matter of life and death." I said solemnly.

"Wu Jiuyin, even if you don't kill me, I will not accept this favor from you. I may bring more masters to capture you and take you back to Dancheng Mountain in the future. Do you know?" Master Hua Xu said Shen vocal channel.

(End of this chapter)

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