Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1671 Can't Hurt You

Chapter 1671 Can't Hurt You

"I said let you go, you can just go on your own, Mr. Hua Xu, let me tell you the truth, I really didn't kill Li Chao. Maybe you won't believe me if I tell you now. One day, I will investigate Find out the truth and get to the bottom of the matter, and you will know when the time comes. Without further ado, Master Hua Xu, please..." I stretched out my hand and said.

Master Hua Xu glanced at me doubtfully, then slowly got up from the ground, taking the soul-chasing sword in his hand, turned around and limped away. After walking for only two steps, he turned around He turned his head and looked at me and said, "Wu Jiuyin, I hope I won't see you again next time."

"I also hope that I won't see you next time. If I meet you again, I'll probably fight to the death. I won't be merciful anymore." I said sternly.

Master Hua Xu didn't say anything more. He picked up the soul-chasing sword and left here with a staggering step.

This kind of old Taoist priest who stays on the mountain every day and rarely comes down, sitting and observing the sky all day, thinks that his practice is invincible, so he doesn't take juniors like me seriously.

It is true that Master Hua Xu has a solid foundation in cultivation and must be above me, but his actual combat experience is still too little. Since I debuted, I have not stopped for a day, and I live a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife every day. The methods of practice are all killing skills, and the experience summed up from countless actual battles is learned from many brushes with death.

Unless his cultivation can form an absolute advantage over me, it will be really difficult to take me down.

Moreover, when I fought with Master Hua Xu just now, I did not fully display my strength, and I did not even use the energy in the sea of ​​​​dantian. This Master Hua Xu was already defeated.

It wasn't that he wasn't strong enough, it was just that the opponents he encountered were too difficult. Wu Jiuyin was no longer the Amon who allowed others to bully him.

After watching Master Hua Xu leave, Chen Qingan and I met together again. When I saw what happened to her, the girl finally had a happy smile on her face.

She is still very sensible. When I fought with Master Hua Xu, several of them were very dangerous, but Chen Qingan never interfered in the fight between our two men. This is about my dignity. This girl left enough for me. In order to save face, let me take action alone to solve the problem, but once it really comes to threaten my life, I think Chen Qingan will not stand idly by.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, let's leave quickly. There may be people waiting for us on this waterway. How about we walk up there? They don't know which direction we escaped." As he spoke, Chen Qing'an came over and stopped us. My arms will be on the road again.

However, I stood there motionless. Chen Qingan was stunned for a moment, then the smile on his face disappeared and asked: "Brother Xiaojiu, what's wrong with you?"

"Sister Qingan, let's go. You saw it just now. Whether it's Dan Chengshan or the special team, they are all trying to kill me. If you are with me, they will regard you as my accomplice." , it is very likely that they will be shot to death together, I can't harm you." I said sternly.

Chen Qingan pursed her lips, her face darkened, and said: "Save people to the end, send Buddha to the West. Now that I have rescued you, I must send you out safely, otherwise I won't worry, and I don't want to give up halfway. , Don’t worry, I won’t pester you, I will leave after you meet your friends.”

Seeing Chen Qingan's somewhat resentful eyes, I grabbed her little hand and said hurriedly: "Sister Qingan, I didn't mean that. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to drive you away. I was just afraid that you would follow me." Do you know that being together can be life-threatening?"

At this time, the solemnity on Chen Qingan's face gradually disappeared. She nodded and said: "I know, you don't have to worry about me. I have my own means of saving my life. My time in the world is not shorter than yours. Of course, When you were still a little rookie, I had been in the world for many years. I took you away with someone to look after you on the way. Our Chen family's power spreads all over the Yan Kingdom. With me here, it will be easier for you to escape. Isn’t it?”

Seeing Chen Qingan's eager eyes, I was really embarrassed to refuse her anymore, so I had no choice but to nod in agreement.

The waterway is definitely not allowed to go now. Many people saw Chen Qingan and I escaping from the waterway, so they must have set up protections at various levels of the waterway to make it difficult for us to move.

Next, we can only walk by land.

In order not to leave any traces of our final encounters on each other, Chen Qingan and I ran along the river for another three to five miles, saw a dense forest, and then plunged into it again.

However, it is not safe in this dense forest. There are many open posts and hidden sentries along the way. In addition, we also saw some Taoist priests wearing yellow robes who participated in the search for us.

Fortunately, although some people have been deployed in this place, they are not very powerful experts. Chen Qingyan and I hid in XZ, bypassed the pursuit of these people, climbed over a mountain, and then ran out of this area. woods.

When I was escaping, I was thinking that since I met Chen Qingan, we have been on the way to escape.

When we met her for the first time, we were both in the Netherworld. At that time, I was just a rookie and didn't understand anything, but at that time, Chen Qingan was already very powerful, and dared to run into the Wangchuan River alone Stealing the Flower Essence of the Other Side, I still remember that we were chased by the ghosts of the Netherland, and I hid in a hole.It was the first time that I could even have unreasonable thoughts about a strange woman. Since then, we have been friends in need. Today, several years have passed, and we are still on the way to escape. Don’t lament that this is a trick of fate.

After escaping from the forest, we took advantage of the darkness and ran forward for more than ten miles. The road was not peaceful, and there were many bright posts and hidden sentries. When it was almost dawn, we found a village. , and then hid in a dilapidated yard that had not been inhabited all year round. I knocked on the rusty lock, and then hid in with Chen Qingan.

When we entered the house and took a look, we found that no one had lived in this farmhouse for at least several years. The house was full of dust, but this was good, it helped us hide our presence, and the people from the special team and Dancheng Mountain were not very good at it. Find a place like this.

Now that we are on the run, we don't have to pay so much attention to it. It's already good to have a temporary place to stay.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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