Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1672 Easy to get out of trouble

Chapter 1672 Easy to get out of trouble
When Chen Qingan and I arrived here, it was already bright outside. After running around all night and fighting a few times, we were indeed a little tired and hungry. I have been on the road all the time, and encountered all kinds of troubles. Every time I used almost all the things in my Qiankun Babao bag, I would save a batch in it. There were all kinds of food and drink, everything have.

At that moment, I took out some food and drink from the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag, and then we had a big meal with Girl Qingan. Of course, I was the one who had the big meal, and Girl Qingan ate very little. Girls, Everyone likes to be slim and maintain a good figure, but practitioners don’t have to worry so much. Generally, there are very few fat people in our profession, and the consumption of daily practice is huge, such as the golden fat man of Wanluo Sect. That kind of person belongs to a different category. Their purpose is not to practice, but to earn money from the practitioners. Furthermore, Fatty Jin is the great steward of Wanluo Sect and has a large number of masters under his command. His practice is simply a waste of time.

However, Fatty Jin's cultivation is naturally not too weak. It is said that he gained weight in the later period because of his pampering.

After a brief meal, I discussed the next itinerary with Chen Qingan. Naturally, my plan was to meet up with Zhou Yiyang.

And Zhou Yiyang is in Yizhou at the moment, once I get to Yizhou, Zhou Yiyang will use their company's relationship to let me go to Zhouyi District and stay with him for a while.

If I can't escape through formal means, then I can only use the relationship of the Four Seas Gate to find a way to smuggle me out of here.

During this period of time, I want Zhou Yiyang to return to Zhouyi District. When I am about to arrive in Yizhou, I will contact Zhou Yiyang and ask him to come back as soon as possible.

What I'm afraid of is that the special team will monitor Yiyang Yang's movements and determine my whereabouts, which will not be fun.

In extraordinary times, everything must be very careful.

But from Xiyanzhou to Yizhou, we have to cross five or six states, and we can't blatantly leave here by train or motor vehicle. Therefore, we must carefully plan the safest way to leave. .

Chen Qingan told me that now that Dan Chengshan and the special investigation team have been strictly controlling all over the country, it is a bit too ostentatious to go out with my own "handsome face", and the most urgent thing is to make us easy for each other , changing your face and clothes will make it easier to escape.

Originally, Chen Qing'an was going to disguise me when we arrived at her destination, but the people from the Southwest Department were chasing her so hard that we had to escape in a hurry before we could take action.

Now that she finally had time, Chen Qingan took out her set of disguise tools and began to put them on my face. First she put on a human skin mask, and then she took out some small tools and put them on my face. Some minor adjustments were made to the face.

When she was disguising me, Chen Qingan was fully focused, and her chest was facing me. I immediately had the urge to have a nosebleed. It was too big, and I didn’t know what this girl grew up on. She should be thin. There is no ambiguity about where she is thin and where she should be fat.

After cleaning up for me, Chen Qingan also cleaned up for herself and put on a human skin mask. However, after putting on the mask, it was not as good-looking as herself, but it looked okay.

I was dressed like a college student who had just graduated, and I looked very immature. Standing next to Chen Qingan at this time, I looked like a young couple.

After the procedure was completed, Chen Qingan told me that we could go directly to Shanqing City at the next stop. She also had someone to take care of her in Shanqing City, so I agreed.

Then, I took out two sets of sportswear from the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun. After the two of us changed into clothes, we looked at each other, couldn't help but smile, and climbed over the wall of this dilapidated courtyard without a care in the world. After we got out and walked around the village, we soon saw a van driving towards us, and I stopped it.

The driver was a young man who asked me what I was doing.

I asked him if he had time to take us for a ride, but the young man simply refused, saying that he was not free, he had to go to the city to buy goods, and he had no intention of paying attention to us.

After that, the man started the car and was about to leave here, but I took a step forward, grabbed the window, and used some force. The buddy's van skidded on the spot and couldn't move forward for half a minute. He first I was startled, and even a little annoyed. Just when I was about to say something, I took out 1 yuan from the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun, waved it in front of him, and asked, "Are you free?"

"Yes." The boy immediately beamed, jumped out of the car, took the money from my hand, and opened the door for us himself.

After getting in the car, Chen Qingan reported an address, and the buddy started the car and drove us away.

I just had a big meal, and now I feel a little sleepy sitting in the car, but I don't dare to take it lightly. Sitting in the car, I have been observing the movements around me.

When the car drove out of the village, I saw a few guys in Yixian uniforms walking back and forth on the outskirts of the village. At first glance, they were from the Southwest Department.

Fortunately, those people didn't notice the van we were sitting in, and drove out directly.

Along the way, there were many people on guard posts and secret posts. During this period, we were also stopped twice. It was the people from the special task force who cooperated with the relevant local departments in joint operations. They told us that they were going to track down two very dangerous people. Fugitives, let us cooperate and show them our ID cards.

At that time, I thought we would have to fight to resolve the issue, and when we continued to flee, I didn't know that Chen Qinghuan took out two ID cards. After those people verified our identity, they let us go, but it was just a false alarm.

It seemed that Chen Qingan was well prepared and everything was planned by him.

The two human skin masks he made were indeed real people, made to look like them, but he didn't know if the ID cards were real.

In this way, that night, we arrived at a town near Shanqing City. There, Chen Qingan found her contact point here. The person who answered us was an old man, about 60 years old, who knew the rules very well. , without asking any more questions, he took us to a house. Chen Qingan told the old man to prepare a car early tomorrow morning and take us away from here. The old man agreed, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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