Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1673 came to the door again

Chapter 1673 came to the door again

This house is quite big, with a lot of rooms. After Chen Qingan and I entered, we chatted for a while, feeling quite reluctant to leave. However, a man and a woman live alone in the same room. As time goes by, I am really afraid that something will happen. Now I have too much time to take care of myself. , my life is about to be in danger, we should wait until later to discuss these matters of love between children.

Immediately, Chen Qingan and I said goodbye and returned to our rooms.

I had been running around for my life, and this was my real destination. At that moment, I was in the room, sitting cross-legged on the bed, and began to practice with my eyes closed, going back and forth for several days to reduce the fatigue on my body.

In fact, meditation practice is the best rest. Your pores are dilated, your head is empty, your consciousness is completely relaxed, and your mind is free of distracting thoughts. This kind of practice method can give you a good night's sleep in one hour, and it is also Can improve one's own cultivation.

There is no sun and moon in my practice, and I cannot feel the passage of time. However, at this time, I still retain a trace of clarity and preparedness. If the pursuers come to the door, I can respond immediately.

He thought to himself that he had escaped from Xiyanzhou and arrived at Shanqing City. He didn't show any signs of trouble along the way, so he should be safe now.

However, many things will surprise you.

While I was calming down and meditating, I soon heard the sound of hurried footsteps in the yard. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the door of the house being pushed open with a "clang", and Chen Qing'an was carrying him. The black iron sword rushed directly into my room, startling me.

Before I could speak, Chen Qingan suddenly said: "Brother Xiaojiu, hurry up and leave. Those old Taoist priests from Dancheng Mountain are here!"

Hearing this, I jumped out of bed and asked in surprise: "What happened? Why did the people from Dancheng Mountain come up to me as soon as I got here?" "I don't know about this either. The person who was in charge of the peripheral realm just now Tell me, a few people wearing yellow robes are surrounding us and they will be there soon. Let’s leave quickly. If we don’t leave, it will be too late!” Chen Qingan said anxiously.

I was also puzzled. It seemed that every time we stopped, the enemy could find our precise position. I thought there must be a problem in some link, but this was not the time to think about it. It was still important to escape.

Immediately, Chen Qingan and I ran out and walked quickly towards the outskirts of the town. As we walked, I asked anxiously: "Sister Qingan, how many people are there?"

"Five, and they are all powerful masters on the top of Dancheng Mountain. They should not be as different as the Master Hua Xu we met last time. Maybe Master Hua Xu is also among these people. This time, we can't fight with them head-on. , once the fight breaks out, you will definitely fall into the hands of these experienced people." Chen Qingyan said with a frown, looking even more anxious than me.

A master like Master Hua Xu is already very difficult to deal with. Now there are five of them. It is true that they cannot fight head-on. It is easy to suffer big losses.

This is really evil. How did those people find us?
When I was thinking about this matter, there was a sudden sound of footsteps coming from the front, I pulled Chen Qingan and dodged to the side.

As soon as he hid, he saw a man walking around the corner. When he looked closely, he saw that it was not someone else, but the old man who had just met Chen Qingan today.

As soon as she saw him, Chen Qingan pulled me out again. As soon as the old man saw us, he said excitedly: "Miss, it's too late. The old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain have already arrived in the town and are starting from several different places." I came from the direction of a quick search, and I guess I will be able to search here soon, what should I do?"

Chen Qingan glanced at me with a very anxious look on her face. I hesitated for a moment, then suddenly had an idea and said, "Let's go back to the original place."

Chen Qingan glanced at me, quite puzzled, and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, what are you doing? Why don't you go back and wait for them to come and catch us?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. I have a way to avoid the searches of these experienced people. The person they are looking for is me, and it has nothing to do with you. You have no need to hide at all. You can talk to those few When the old Taoists meet, you can directly tell them that you are separated from me. With the prestige of your Chen family in the world, those old Taoists shouldn't make it difficult for you, right?" I asked.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, are you sure you can avoid their search?" Chen Qing'an said with some worry.

"I'm not sure, but for now I can only give it a try. Anyway, if I go out now, I will definitely have to confront them head-on. It's better to take the risk and play an empty city plan with them." I said solemnly.

"Well, if it doesn't work, we have to fight with them." Chen Qingan said, and we returned to the yard where we just lived. As soon as we entered, I climbed up on the roof and hibernated down.

Chen Qingan pulled off the human skin mask on his face and got into the house.

The old man went over and quickly closed the door.

After I got on the roof, I quickly took out something. When I met the snake king Su Mo at the Cangyi border, he gave me a hidden breath ring. I have always kept this thing in the Qiankun eight. He took it out of the treasure bag and carried it on his thumb.

The Hidden Breath Finger is a magic weapon that blocks out all auras on the body. Even the most elite master in the world cannot feel me once he wears the Hidden Breath Wrench and is hidden within ten steps of him.

A skilled practitioner usually relies on Qi field induction to search for his opponent. Once he stands there, he can feel the sound within a hundred meters, not to mention a living person, just a cricket. Even if he calls, he can determine the specific location.

The other party can completely determine whether I am in this town based on my current cultivation level, and the other party is a master of five pill mountains, so he still has this ability.

This hidden breath made me lose all my breath, as if I disappeared out of thin air, so that the other party could not feel any of my breath.

I had just been nesting on the roof for less than 3 minutes when I heard footsteps coming from the small town, and they all converged towards the yard where I was. A moment later, I heard the sound of the door being kicked open. Two people walked into the yard one after another.

Armed with a hidden breath, I found a dark place on the roof and found a gap where I could peek into the courtyard.

As soon as those people kicked open the courtyard door, Chen Qingan quickly walked out of the house with the sword soul in hand and said angrily: "Who is it? How dare you break into a private house in the middle of the night!"

 I went out to take my kids for a walk, so I’m missing one chapter today, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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