Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1674 Did not come to the wrong place

Chapter 1674 Did not come to the wrong place
The old man who came out with Chen Qingan was also the old man who came to report to us before. The old man stood in front of Chen Qingan, holding a cleaver in his hand, looking extremely alert.

The two old Taoists who came in at the beginning were really well-dressed. The people there often wore yellowish Taoist robes. As soon as the two old Taoists came in, their eyes did not fall on Chen Qingan and the old man. Instead, they scanned the surroundings one after another, their eyes alert and fierce, with a murderous intent.

When these two old Taoists looked towards me, I moved my gaze to the side and only glanced at them with the corner of my eye. Although I was holding my fingers with a hidden breath at the moment, if I stared at these old Taoists If you look at it, he might actually be able to sense something, but I don't dare to take the risk.

Only when the two veterans looked away from my direction did I look at them again, but I tried my best not to look directly at them.

These two veterans must be at least 60 years old. Each of them looks majestic and moves like a dragon. Needless to say, they must be masters.

Not long after the two men broke in, the old man holding the sword took two steps forward and said angrily: "Where are you from? Why are you so rude? Leave quickly, otherwise I will not be polite."

At this time, the eyes of the two old Taoists fell on the old man, and they paid no attention to his intentions. Finally, they set their eyes on Chen Qingan. One of the old Taoists said in a sinister voice. : "Girl, where is that boy?"

"Who?" Chen Qingan asked knowingly.

"Don't pretend to be confused with the poor Taoist, you should be very clear about who I'm talking about, what about that kid Wu Jiuyin?" the old Taoist said again.

Before Chen Qingan could speak, several old Taoists soon came outside the yard. These old Taoists looked a little older, they should be around 70 years old, and their faces were gloomy and scary.

As soon as the three came in, the old Taoist who spoke just now asked, "Three senior brothers, did you find anything?"

The Taoist Priest, who looked to be the oldest and had a gray beard, said somewhat depressedly: "It's really strange. When I came to this town just now, I felt that the kid's aura was still very strong. Why did he seem to disappear out of thin air now?" Same, where can people go?”

A short Taoist priest pointed directly at Chen Qingan and said: "Where did that kid go? That girl must know. Junior Brother Hua Xu once saw this girl and Wu Jiuyin together. Since this girl is here, it means that we have not Wrong place."

As soon as these words were spoken, the five Taoist priests all looked at Chen Qingan, as sharp as a bone scraper.

Finally, the Taoist priest with a gray beard took two steps forward and said politely: "Girl, where did Wu Jiuyin go? Just tell me, don't worry, we are just here to find Wu Jiuyin, no. It will be difficult for you."

Chen Qingan was not afraid. She smiled slightly and said, "Taoist priests, you guys came at the wrong time. He just left, less than half an hour ago. It might be too late for you to look for him now."

The short Taoist priest immediately said angrily: "You girl, you are talking nonsense. Five of our brothers were around this town half an hour ago. How could Wu Jiuyin escape under our noses? Even if he is tall Even if you lose your wings, you can’t fly out.”

"How do I know this? Maybe Brother Xiaojiu is clever and you are not good at it. It is not impossible for him to escape under your noses. The special team was so tight on guard against him. Didn't he just escape in the same way? "Chen Qingan said with a hint of sarcasm.

After saying this, the expressions of the old Taoists all changed. At that moment, the short Taoist priest said angrily again: "Brothers, stop talking nonsense to this girl. Wu Jiuyin must be here, maybe in this courtyard Is there any secret room or secret passage in there? Let’s go in and search it and we’ll find out!”

As he said that, the five old Taoists stepped forward and were about to break in directly. However, the old man holding the sword took a step forward again, blocked in front of them, and said angrily: "Wait a minute! I don't care whether you are... Who, this is a private domain, how can you search it if you want?"

"Dan Chengshan is here to get people. The rest of the people are waiting to retreat quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Another old Taoist stood up and said with a majestic look.

"If you want to go in, you have to ask me if the knife in my hand is okay!" The old man didn't look like a good person, standing there with his knife across his shoulder.

Several priests paused and looked at each other. At this time, the old Taoist with a white beard said to one of the priests: "Junior Brother Huayin, you can do two tricks with him. Let Dan Chengshan not bully others. It would be a bit unethical for all the fellow apprentices to come together, but fellow apprentice Huayin must remember not to hurt this person’s life.”

"Senior Brother Hua Ning, just don't worry, we have our own sense of discretion."

While speaking, a Taoist priest with a whisk came out and said to the old man, "Let's make a move."

The old man didn't hesitate. He directly waved the sword in his hand and slashed at the real Huayin. Judging from his method, he was indeed quite capable. The sword was also dancing with great vigor, which was quite impressive. There is momentum, but it seems that something is missing. There is momentum, but there is some lack of foundation. On the contrary, the Huayin master looks calm and composed. He did not take action at the beginning, but relied on his flexible skills to dodge. He moved around to avoid the old man's sword. After the old man quickly swung the sword for more than a dozen times, Master Huayin finally found a flaw. The whisk in his hand quickly flung out, and it immediately entangled the old man's sword. Saber, and then with a strong effort, he pulled one hand and quickly pulled the Saber out of the old man's hand, and swung it towards the not far away, and the Saber was pierced into the wall not far away. , the sword was inserted directly into the wall, and it was still buzzing. Before the old man could react, Master Huayin stepped forward again, grabbed his throat, and threw the old man out.

At this time, Chen Qing'an stepped forward, caught the old man, and said with concern: "Uncle Wang, are you okay..."

"I'm fine...these old men are bullying people too much!" The old man said angrily and wanted to come forward again, but Chen Qing'an held him tightly and said: "Uncle Wang, leave it alone and let them search. Yes, what if they arrest someone?"

In fact, there was no need for Chen Qingan to say anything. All the veterans rushed into the room with a "hoo!" and began to search quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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