Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1675 Grandpa Chen Lingbo

Chapter 1675 Grandpa Chen Lingbo
In fact, I was still very worried while staying on the roof. I was really afraid that they would run up to the roof and take a look.

It’s just that there is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place. They definitely didn’t know that I had a breath-hiding weapon like the Hidden Breathing Finger on me, and they didn’t expect that I would be so bold. Right under my nose.

This was the best time for me to escape. After they all entered the house, it would be best for me to sneak away quietly. However, I was worried that these experienced people would be detrimental to Chen Qingan, so I did not Don't want to leave now.

If they really dare to take action against Chen Qingan, I will risk my life to fight with these Taoist priests from Dancheng Mountain.

A woman can risk her life for me, how can I, a handsome man of [-] feet, run away in despair?
However, I think the Taoist priests of Dancheng Mountain should not embarrass Chen Qingan too much. After all, she is a girl, and Danchengshan is a well-known sect no matter how you say it. The world is righteous, and there is still a bottom line in doing things. What's more, Know the rules.

But there is always a possibility of things happening, so how can I rest assured?

So, I continued to hibernate on the roof, waiting silently.

After the Taoist priests entered, Chen Qingan turned around and glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally. Her eyes were quite anxious. She seemed to want me to leave, but she didn't show it too much. Obviously, she didn't dare to stare at me all the time, for fear of being discovered by those experienced people.

After more than ten minutes, the veterans walked out of the room one after another, their faces becoming more solemn.

After coming out, the veterans looked at each other and shook their heads, saying that they had gained nothing.

The young master is right above their heads, and it would be evil if they could find it.

"It's impossible. According to the information provided to us by the people from the Southwest Department, Wu Jiuyin is hiding here. Why can't we find him?" Master Hua Ning said with a depressed look.

"Senior Brother Hua Ning, I think that girl must be causing trouble. She just hid Wu Jiuyin a little more tightly so that we can't find her. If we take her down and question her, we will definitely be able to find out something. "The short Taoist priest looked at Chen Qingan and said.

At this time, the other Taoist priests looked at Chen Qingan with evil eyes.

Lying in the dark, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that this was going to be troublesome. I was really afraid of what would happen. I never thought that these veterans would be so shameless.

Even Chen Qingan didn't expect it. He couldn't help but tighten the black iron sword in his hand and looked at them coldly.

Finally, the eldest Master Na Hua Ning said: "That's all. We are a powerful and famous sect. How could we start a fight with a little girl and lose the face if word spreads?"

But the little Huayin Master said: "Senior Brother Hua Ning, this matter is not trivial. That Wu Jiuyin killed Li Chao's nephew, and that kid is very cunning. If he escapes this time, what will happen again?" It will be difficult to catch him. If you don't take action, Pindao will go and meet that girl for a while. As long as he can catch Wu Jiuyin, what will Pindao do with his face?"

With that said, the Master Longyin was walking towards Chen Qingan with his whisk in hand.

Chen Qing'an sneered and said sarcastically: "Everyone claims to be a disciple of the famous sect of Dancheng Mountain, and they do things so dirty and shameless. You broke into this house and searched it. Even my girl's The boudoir has not been spared, and now a group of seasoned masters have joined forces to bully a weak woman. Well, you can do whatever you want, and I am not afraid of you. But if you do this, you will definitely have to bear some consequences. I will definitely I will tell my great-grandfather Chen Lingbo about this and ask him to come over and give me justice, so that everyone in the world will know what kind of face you Dan Chengshan is!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the Taoist priests of Dancheng Mountain changed, revealing a hint of fear. They couldn't help but look at each other. The real Huayin who was about to walk towards Chen Qingan also stopped.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn. At this time, the gray-bearded Hua Ning Master looked at Chen Qingan and said seriously: "Are you a descendant of the ancestor Chen Ting? Who did you say Mr. Chen Lingbo and Mr. Chen are?" ?”

"Chen Lingbo is my great-grandfather, Chen Xuanqing is my grandfather, Chen Mingdan is my father, and my name is Chen Qingan. If you have the ability, feel free to bully me. Our Chen family is not afraid of you. I will let my grandfather and great-great-grandfather do it someday." I will go to Dancheng Mountain to settle accounts with you, and I will announce this matter to the world and see how you Dancheng Mountain people bully a junior in the world." Chen Qingan said in one breath.

I don’t know much about Chen Qing’an’s family background. The only thing I know is that she is the descendant of Chen Ting’s ancestor. Chen Ting’s ancestor is a very powerful person, and his descendants are naturally not bad. I guess the old man of Chen Qing’an’s family and I Grandfather Gao was very coaxing in those days, so these people in Danchengshan were so afraid when they heard her name her family members.

Now, those old Taoists did not dare to make mistakes again.

At that moment, Master Hua Ning's tone softened a lot, and he said politely: "This girl from the Chen family was so offended just now... It's just that we, Dan Chengshan, have no intention of embarrassing the girl. The person we are looking for is the person named Wu Jiuyin's boy, he killed our nephew, the son of the current leader of Dancheng Mountain. He was eager for revenge, that's why he was so anxious. Anyway, since Wu Jiuyin is not found here, then we will leave, offended offend……"

As he said that, Master Hua Ning waved his hand, and those veteran Taoists turned around and left quickly.

Then, the man named Uncle Wang quickly walked over, closed the door, and quickly lowered the bolt.

I lay on the roof and saw that after those old Taoists from Danchengshan came out of the courtyard, they did not leave immediately. Instead, they stayed at the entrance of the courtyard for a long time, and they were still discussing something in a low voice. As for saying What, I didn’t hear it because it was too far away.

After a while, they dispersed and headed towards several directions in the town.

I lay there still not daring to move. At this time, I went to see Chen Qingan and found that the girl was also very frightened just now, and there was sweat on her forehead. Fortunately, the girl was so excited that she moved their old man. Come out and scare these people away, otherwise the consequences will be really unimaginable.

After waiting on the roof for a while, and seeing that the old Taoists could no longer be seen, I gently rolled down from the top and walked to Chen Qingan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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