Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1676 Some serious

Chapter 1676 Some serious
The two of us looked at each other and smiled, and couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for each other. We were really in danger just now, and our whereabouts were almost exposed.

If those old Taoists from Dan Chengshan were about to start a fight with Chen Qingan, I would naturally not stand idly by and watch, otherwise all the previous efforts would be wasted. Fortunately, Chen Qingan revealed his life experience and shocked those Dan Chengshan people. Sophisticated.

"Sister Qingan, you were so witty just now, I really thought those veterans were going to attack you." I sighed.

"They don't dare. Although our Chen family is very low-key in the world, our old man is so advanced that even Master Zhiqing of Dancheng Mountain has to give some face. Who do they think? I'm afraid of you, Brother Xiaojiu. Unable to keep calm, he suddenly jumped out and the situation was beyond control. Brother Xiaojiu was so awesome that he came up with such a way. By the way...Brother Xiaojiu, what method did you use to hide all your aura just now? Yes, I really can’t sense it at all." Chen Qingan said curiously.

"That's it..." I stretched out my thumb, glanced at Chen Qingan, and said, "This thing is called the Hidden Breathing Finger. It's the one you met at the Cangyi border when I went to Tongnanzhou this year. Sir, he gave it to me, but I didn’t expect it to be of great use now.”

Chen Qingan took a look at it and said with some surprise: "This is really a good thing, it's amazing."

"If you like it, then I'll give it to you and we'll treat it as a token of love. How about it?"

Now that I felt relaxed, I started joking with Chen Qingan.

Chen Qing'an's face turned red when she said this, and she said coquettishly: "Don't come here, those old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain haven't gone far yet, and your heart has become so broad, and you are still thinking about joking. I can't have this baby." , you will definitely need to use it frequently when you travel around the world in the future. I don’t have that many enemies, so you should keep it.”

"Ouch... I feel so sorry for Brother Xiao Jiu. I haven't even gone through the marriage yet, but I already know that I feel sorry for my husband. This wife is really good..." I joked again.

Now Chen Qingan's face turned red to the neck, stomped her feet angrily, turned around and ignored me.

Not to mention, this girl has always given me the feeling of an iceberg beauty. This girl suddenly became shy. She really has a different kind of charm, which makes people like her from the bottom of their hearts.

In this moment, Uncle Wang suddenly came over, came to Chen Qingan's side and said: "Miss, I feel that those old people from Dancheng Mountain may not have gone far, and maybe they are still thinking about us. Otherwise, I don't think so." Tell them to go down and have people keep an eye on these veterans, lest they come back and kill them again..."

Just now he was teasing Miss Qingan, but for a moment he forgot that there was another person in the yard, that old man Wang, and he felt a little embarrassed.

At this time, Chen Qingan said seriously: "Thank you, Uncle Wang. Please send someone to keep an eye on them. If there is any trouble, just come and notify me in time."

The old man responded and then left.

At this time, Chen Qingan turned around, looked at me and said: "Brother Xiaojiu, I think this matter is a bit serious. If we don't figure it out, you may be stared at all the time. Have you ever thought about it? Along the way, we are all careful and vigilant, how did those old Taoists in Dancheng Mountain know that we are hiding here?"

I frowned, and after thinking for a moment, I said: "Just now I heard vaguely that some veterans said that people from the Southwest Department provided them with information, saying that we were hiding in this place. What is puzzling is that the Southwest Since the agency knows our whereabouts, why don’t they come themselves but tell these veterans in Dancheng Mountain?”

"Could it be that the people from the Southwest Department are afraid that they won't be able to deal with Brother Nine, so they let these veterans from Dan Chengshan come over?" Chen Qingan said.

"This is also possible, but what makes me wonder is, how did the Southwest Department know our whereabouts?" I looked at Chen Qing'an and said.

At this point, both of us were a little confused.

Suddenly, I seemed to realize something, and I said awkwardly: "Sister Qingan, if there is something you don't know, please say it or not. I'm afraid it will hurt the harmony between the two of us."

"Brother Xiaojiu, just say what you have to say. It's time now. Let's figure out the reason first." Chen Qing'an said anxiously.

"Do you think it's possible that something went wrong with the people around you and exposed our whereabouts to the Southwest Department?" I asked tentatively.

Chen Qingan bit her lips and said after a while: "I think this is unlikely. I came to Shanqing City on a temporary basis. I have never said hello to anyone before. Even when we came to this town, there was only Uncle Wang. It’s just one person who knows, and Uncle Wang is my father’s confidant, we have been friends for a long time, he can’t betray us, and my father also saved Uncle Wang’s life, so there should be no problem on my side.”

After a pause, Chen Qingan seemed to remember something again, and then said: "By the way, Brother Xiaojiu, you spent some time in the dungeon of the Xiyanzhou Special Operations Headquarters. Do you think it is possible that they secretly visited you?" What positioning device has been installed?”

Hearing what Chen Qingan said, I thought about it carefully and realized that I had indeed stayed in the dungeon of the Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Department. I wore a hood when entering and exiting, and was escorted by two people from the Southwest Department. It is very likely that they secretly moved some hands and feet on me. At that time, I was handcuffed, my cultivation was suppressed, and my vigilance was not so keen.

Thinking of this, I groped up and down, even rummaging through my underwear, but found nothing.

Then, I remembered that we had changed clothes in the abandoned house during the day, and the clothes we changed were still in the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag, so I took them out and rummaged through them, but still found nothing.

That said, they didn't do anything to me.

Seeing that I didn't find anything, Chen Qingan said, "Xiao Jiuge, do you think they might have tampered with the food you ate, injected some medicine or Gu, so that you can be sure whereabouts."

This girl is very thoughtful. I really didn't expect this. When I was in the Xiyanzhou special team, I was always served with delicious food and drinks. Basically, I was given everything I wanted. They were so It's refreshing, but it's very possible that you can do something with me in terms of food.

And Xiyanzhou is a place where witchcraft is prevalent, so we have to guard against this.

Even if they secretly put some poison on me, I wouldn't have any defense.

(End of this chapter)

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