Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1677 1 of them

Chapter 1677 One of them

When I think of this, the first thing I think of is Mr. Zeng. He may know the inside story. Those people from the Xiyanzhou special team may put medicine or poison in the food I eat.

The way of witchcraft is the most difficult to guard against. If I am really tricked in secret by people from the Southwest Department, they will always be able to locate my whereabouts. Even if I run to the ends of the earth and it doesn't work, they will always find me.

I want to contact Mr. Zeng, and I also have Mr. Zeng’s contact information here, but I don’t dare to fight him. Mr. Zeng returned the Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth to me. Maybe he was suppressed by the Southwest Department. Maybe His phone was also monitored.

After thinking about it for a moment, I remembered another person. That person was also from the special task force, but he was the deputy director of the Tiannan Prefecture special task force. His official position was already quite high. That person was Li Zhanfeng. It is estimated that a leader at his level, People from the Southwest Bureau should not dare to do anything to him, let alone monitor his contact information.

Li Zhanfeng has always had a good relationship with me since I debuted, and he is also a person under my grandfather, so he can be trusted. I will call him and ask, maybe he can give me an answer, but if it doesn’t work, I will Let him ask about Mr. Zeng. In fact, I have always been worried about Mr. Zeng.

So, Chen Qingan and I asked for a mobile phone. We both hid in the house, and I made a call with Li Zhanfeng. Since it was already late at night, the phone rang several times before I was picked up. , Li Zhanfeng's tired voice soon came from inside: "Hello, who are you?"

"Brother Li, I'm Xiaojiu." I said in a deep voice.

"Xiaojiu!" Li Zhanfeng was taken aback and said quickly: "Xiaojiu, where are you?"

His sudden question made me stunned for a moment without saying anything, but Li Zhanfeng realized something and quickly said: "Well, I really can't ask this question. You are getting more and more courageous now, and I also I won’t talk about you anymore, I have already learned some things from Director Wu, and I choose to believe you. If you have anything, just tell me, and I will definitely help you if I can."

"Thank you, Brother Li. Is it convenient for you to talk there?" I asked.

"It's convenient, don't worry, I don't have any problems here." Li Zhanfeng seemed to have climbed out of bed, and I heard him moving around the room.

"Then let me get straight to the point. I have escaped from the people of the Southwest Department now, but I have discovered a problem. No matter where I go, the people of the Southwest Department can quickly lock my location. I really want to know, Does your special team usually do anything to the prisoners, install positioning devices, or put poison or medicine in the prisoners' meals?" I asked in one breath.

Li Zhanfeng hesitated for a moment and then said: "You are overthinking this. Anyone captured by the special team will definitely be carrying torture instruments that restrict their cultivation. Even if they want to be transferred to other places, there will be at least a dozen people around them. There is a master following, and there is a large area of ​​​​Tiantean, so there is no need for such trouble. Once the prisoner makes any abnormal movement, he will be killed on the spot at any time. You are the only special case, and you can actually escape from such a tight defense by the special team. There are people like you who can escape, but since the founding of the Yan Kingdom, you can count the number of people who have been able to escape from the special task force, and you are one of them."

So, the people from the Southwest Bureau did not do anything to me, but that would be strange. How did the people from the Southwest Bureau find me?

I told Li Zhanfeng about this doubt again, and said that Xiyanzhou is a place where witchcraft is prevalent. We in Cangdong don’t use it, but maybe the Xiyanzhou special team will use it. I asked him to help me find out whether there is any No one had done anything to me, so I was on guard.

Finally, I specifically asked him to contact Mr. Zeng in Shanqing City and see how his family was doing.

Li Zhanfeng agreed and said it was too late now. He would contact Mr. Zeng early tomorrow morning and let me contact him then.

I responded, thanked you, and then hung up the phone. When I hung up, Li Zhanfeng specifically told me to be careful and careful. This time was no joke. I had been specially transferred by Yan Guo. I was wanted nationwide, and the Southwest Bureau and Dan Chengshan must put me to death.

After hanging up the phone, I told Chen Qingan about the situation. Chen Qingan was also very confused after hearing it, but now we can only wait for news from Li Zhanfeng before making plans.

Next, I discussed with Chen Qingan again and talked about my next plan. Now the veterans of Dancheng Mountain may not have left, and the two of us can no longer be together.

Then, after spending a day or two here, Chen Qingan left first. We agreed on where to meet. As long as Chen Qingan left, those old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain might leave. I was sure that I had indeed left one step ahead of them. This small town.

Chen Qingan said that this is the only way for now.

After the discussion, Chen Qingan moved me to another hidden place, and we rested separately.

The two of us have been staying in this town for two days. During these two days, Chen Qingan's people told us that those old Taoists did not leave, and had been wandering around the town, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

And I made another call to Li Zhanfeng. Li Zhanfeng had already contacted Mr. Zeng. Mr. Zeng’s current situation was not good. The people from the Southwest Department almost sent Mr. Zeng to jail, but the people from Shanqing City’s Special Task Force The crowd was excited, saying that Mr. Zeng had worked hard for the country all his life, and he had toiled even if he did not have any merit. Moreover, he was so old and should be dealt with lightly. Later, Mr. Zeng was relieved of all positions in the special task force of Shanqing City and returned to his hometown to retire. .

Li Zhanfeng also asked Mr. Zeng if anyone from the Southwest Department had tampered with my food. Mr. Zeng was not sure. He asked Xu Peng, the director of the Xiyanzhou Special Task Force, to ask, and it seemed that he had not.

Anyway, the answers I got were somewhat ambiguous, which made me very depressed.

In this way, we had no choice but to act according to the original plan. Chen Qinghuan left the town on the evening of the next day. Before leaving, Chen Qinghuan gave me a mobile phone and several unused calling cards for convenience. We connect with each other.

In addition, three human skin masks were left for me, each one different, so that I could hide my figure. After that, I still contacted Uncle Wang to make sure that the veterans in Dancheng Mountain had left before I left.

(End of this chapter)

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