Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1678 Yue Qiang Poisoned

Chapter 1678 Yue Qiang Poisoned
The day after Chen Qingan left, Uncle Wang found me and told me that the old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain had left, but there were a few more people in Yixian clothes wandering around in the village. Apparently they were still there. There is no giving up on this place.

But for these people in the special team, I feel much more relaxed.

In the afternoon of that day, I put on a human skin mask and left the town under the cover of night, easily avoiding the people from the special task force.

After leaving this town, I ran to the avenue, took a taxi, and arrived near a train station in Shanqing City. Then I rented a black car and gave the man 1 yuan and asked him to take it with me. I went to Tianheng City in Xiaoxi because before that, Chen Qingan and I had discussed meeting at this place. She also had a temporary place to stay there, but that place was more hidden and only she knew about it. That place, for safety reasons, she did not arrange any manpower there.

It may be that we have left the control range of the Southwest Bureau. Although there are people from the special investigation team checking here and there, there are obviously many fewer people than those in Xiyanzhou and Shanqing City. I think the people from the Southwest Bureau may still think that I am. You haven’t left Shanqing City yet.

During this period, we were also interrogated once or twice, but the human skin mask on my face matched the ID card on my body, and those people found nothing.

Moreover, I always wear a hidden breath ring on my hand, just like an ordinary person, they can't feel anything.

To this day, I am not sure whether people from the Southwest Department did anything to me. This is something I have always been worried about.

Just after I arrived at Xiaoxi, I made another phone call to Zhou Yang. There was another piece of bad news from Zhou Yang, saying that Yue Qiang from Chenshan had been raped by Yun Yi a few days ago. The real person was sent to Xue's house in Hongye Valley. When Xue Xiaoqi saw that Yue Qiang was seriously injured and his life was in danger, he couldn't save him in his hands, so he transferred it to the hands of the two old men.

Later, after the inspection by the two old men, it was found that Yue Qiang was not only hit by a very serious external force, but also poisoned by a very subtle poison.

The reason why I use the word "exquisite" is to say that this poison is colorless and odorless, and it is very hidden. Even the two old men found out a clue after searching for a long time, but even those two old men didn't know it. What kind of poison was in Yue Qiang's body? I only know that it is a chronic poison. After a person is poisoned by this kind of poison, he will die within three days. Fortunately, Master Yunyi sent Yue Qiang to Hongye Valley in time and was saved. One life, one more night, and Yue Qiang would be dead.

It's just that Yue Qiang's situation is a bit complicated. Although people can't die, they don't know when they will wake up. Now the two old men are trying to find a way to remove the poison from Yue Qiang's body. At present, they are just trying to remove all his external injuries. After being cured, if there is any news from Yue Qiang, Xue Xiaoqi will contact Yiyiyang as soon as possible.

After hearing the news, I was very sure that all of this was planned by someone, and I was indeed framed by someone. If Yue Qiang was like this, then Li Chao must have been tricked as well. What hands and feet.

At that time, Ling Mo, the leader of Shanqing City's special task force, and one of his subordinates sent Yue Qiang and Li Chao to the local hospital. They had the best chance to attack the two of them, either Ling Mo or him. subordinates, but there is another possibility, that is, the doctors in the local hospital may also attack the two of them.

This matter is a bit troublesome. Although I know that they have been tampered with, I am not sure who it is, so I can't attack them at all, so as not to alert the snake. This matter is probably only Yue Qiang who still has a chance of survival. Only then can you tell me.

However, I still have great faith in the two old men of the Xue family. It is only a matter of time to cure Yue Qiang. As long as Yue Qiang wakes up, it will be the day I repay my injustice. However, within this period of time, I I still have to flee. First go to Zhouyi District to stay with Zhou Yiyang for a while to avoid the limelight. After Yue Qiang wakes up, he can tell me the reason for this and I can come back.

Two days later, I took that person's black car and finally arrived at a small village near Tianheng City in Xiaoxi. This village was very small, with only a dozen households, and was located in a mountain valley. In the evening, I got off the bus. After getting out of the car, we wandered towards the village. Then we found a courtyard with a pair of small stone lions at the door, and jumped over the wall directly.

Not long after entering, a person walked out of the house, and that person was Chen Qingan.

Seeing each other again, we both couldn't help but smile at each other and let out a long breath. Now we finally escaped the most dangerous Xiyanzhou and Shanqing City, and I was temporarily safe.

Chen Qingan hurriedly pulled me into the house and asked me if I was hungry. I was indeed a little hungry. When I entered the house, I found a table of dishes, which were steaming hot and fragrant. It made people move their index fingers and salivate. It almost came out.

"Did you do all this?" I looked at Chen Qingan and asked.

"Yes." Chen Qing'an looked at me, smiled slightly, and said, "I thought you were about to arrive, so I personally prepared a table of dishes for you to let you have a taste of my cooking."

I took a deep breath and felt inexplicably moved. I hugged Chen Qingan in my arms and said jokingly: "What does it mean to be a friend in need? I think this is it. I won't say anything else. I'll wait for this to happen." After that, how about we spend time together, and I ask my dad to go to your house to propose marriage another day?"

When I put my arms around Chen Qingan's shoulders, I felt her body tremble slightly, but she did not refuse, and her face turned red. After a while, she pushed me away and said, "Okay, don't joke with me, hurry up." Let's eat, the food will be cold in a while..."

At that moment, the two of us sat in the room. I also took out two bottles of good wine from the Qiankun Eight Treasures Bag, and started drinking with Chen Qingan. Without Chen Qingan, I can still drink. While drinking, I Then I told Chen Qingan about Yue Qiang, and she frowned slightly. It seemed like someone really wanted to kill me.

The two of us were drinking and chatting, and before we knew it, it was getting dark. Around nine o'clock in the evening, suddenly, I heard a slight noise from the roof. Not only did I hear it, but Chen Qingan also heard it. When we got through it, we both put down our wine glasses and each revealed our magic weapons.

It is estimated that the enemy came to visit again.

(End of this chapter)

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