Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1679 Only One Person

Chapter 1679 Only One Person
This was too scary. As soon as the front foot arrived and before the meal was finished, the other party came to the door. Chen Qingan and I were so frightened that our expressions changed, and we took out the magic weapons one after another. I am getting more and more excited now. I'm curious, how did they find it?

After being frightened, what was left for me was anger. Instead of hiding like this, it would be better to stop and fight with those who are following us. Even if we don't kill us, we will kill a few of them. If I don't show off my power, I'm really just a sick cat. I'm not afraid of them completely by hiding from them. I'm just afraid that once I get angry, I won't be able to control myself, and if I kill a few more, it will be really terrible. There is no chance to turn around.

But once I was pushed to the point of no return, how could I care so much?

Chen Qingan and I ran out of the yard and soon saw a dark figure standing in the yard.

I thought it was the old Taoist priests from Dancheng Mountain who came to the door, but it didn't seem to be the case. There was only one person on the other side.

Who is this person?

"The action was really fast. We came to the door so quickly. Where are the others? Call us all together quickly. If we don't fight with you, I think this matter will never end." I said gloomily. said.

However, as soon as I finished speaking, the man opposite burst out laughing and said suddenly: "Brother Wu Jiuyin, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still such a hot-tempered person. You fight and kill when we meet. I am here to talk to you." I’m reminiscing about old times, and I don’t mean to embarrass you. Don’t be so hostile to everyone..."

This voice sounded familiar to me, so I pretended to be familiar with me. Do you know me?
When the man spoke, Chen Qingan also looked at me with confusion on his face.

"Who are you, do we know each other?" I asked doubtfully.

Soon, the man walked out of the shadows and stood four or five meters away from me. Then he raised his hands towards me and said, "Brother Wu Jiuyin, I was saved by you in the Blood Witch Village last time." In my next life, I came here this time to express my thanks to you..."

I went. When I saw the person in front of me clearly, I was more surprised than when I saw Li Chao's father. This person was no one else. It was the last time I was in the Blood Witch Village that I came from Huaxi by accident. The bloody young man who was rescued by the mother-in-law.

In fact, my original intention at that time was not to save Mr. Xue, but to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack on the Huaxi woman. This allowed Mr. Xue to escape with his life from the Huaxi woman. As a result, I failed in the sneak attack and was killed by the Huaxi woman. He was tied up and fed to the Five Poison Gu Master.

This person is Ningyue Kingdom, that is, a big shot in the Blood Witch Village within the territory of Yishan Country. He is under the tutelage of Elder Qinglong, who is the head of the four elders of Gui Yongdao. There is a deadly enmity between them, but now, the blood son of the blood witch village actually came to thank me in a hypocritical way, why do I have the feeling of a weasel giving a chicken a New Year greeting, this kid must have no good intentions.

"Young Master Xue, long time no see..." Although I know that this Young Master Xue has nothing good to do when he comes here, I still have to say it on the surface. After all, I also have a life-saving grace for this Young Master Xue. If he comes to find me and... Aren't you here to cause trouble?Why should I create an enemy for myself?

"Yeah, long time no see. Ever since we parted from the Blood Witch Village, I have been thinking about Brother Wu's kindness. Today I finally meet again. I came here this time to thank you in person."

As he spoke, Young Master Xue twitched his nose, pretending to be intoxicated, and said: "Ah, it smells so good. I smell the smell of good wine. It seems that you were quite happy just now. Why, does Brother Wu want to stay forever?" You’re standing here talking to me, and you’re not going to invite me in to sit down?”

I was stunned and was about to speak when Chen Qingan grabbed my arm and shook his head slightly at me, indicating not to let this person in. He was worried that Young Master Xue would do something to us. I shook my head and signaled She felt relieved, smiled, and said: "It's great to have friends from far away. Dongchen people are the most hospitable. There is no reason to neglect guests. Mr. Blood, please come in and let's have a drink."

"This is the best." Young Master Xue laughed, followed us into the room, and then sat down respectively.

I picked up the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine for Mr. Blood, and then said: "Mr. Blood, before drinking, I have a question. I really want to know, how did Mr. Blood find my whereabouts?"

Young Master Xue picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine. At this time, I found that he had a long nail on his little finger, and it was also curved. Basically, people who use Gu would leave such a small nail for convenience. Yu Xiagu, I have seen this bloody master's method of using Gu before, he is very powerful, I must be careful to guard against him.

After finishing a glass of wine, Young Master Xue smiled at us and said, "Brother Wu, it's actually not difficult to find you. Although the people in the special team are powerful, our Guiyong Dao has branches all over the country. Maybe There will be our people wherever you are, so you can't be on guard. I also heard from my subordinates that you came to Xiaoxi, so I came out specifically to see you."

Obviously, Young Master Xue is using this as an excuse. I have been very careful along the way, even showing off my face. It is impossible for anyone to find out. He must have other ways to find me.

Now I'm getting more and more confused. People from the Southwest Department can find my location, and people from Guiyong Road can also find me easily. It's really weird.

I remember that when I was in Tongnanzhou, my escape was never so difficult.

At that moment, I didn’t expose Young Master Xue’s lie, I just smiled at him. Then Young Master Xue looked at Chen Qingan, his eyes lit up, and he sighed and said: "Oh... Brother Wu, you are so lucky. , you are now in such a situation, being hunted by the special team and people from Dan Chengshan, and you still have such a confidante by your side. It is really enviable to others. Your younger siblings are really beautiful, even better than those girls in the movies. Celebrities are much more beautiful. Not only do they have temperament, but they are also more heroic. If I were as convinced as Mr. Wu, it would be worth it to be surrounded by people committing suicide."

Chen Qingan's face turned red and she glanced at me, but she didn't argue.

And I looked at Young Master Xue, smiled faintly, and said: "Young Master Xue, I thought you came all the way here, and you wouldn't just come here to say thank you and drink with me. There must be other things. I, Wu Jiuyin, do things. I've always been straightforward and don't like beating around the bush. If we have anything to say, we'll put it out there and just say it."

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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