Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1680 Do your best to win over

Chapter 1680 Do your best to win over
This bloody young man was beating around the bush with me. I don't know what bad tricks he was hiding in his heart, but I didn't expect him to do anything to help me. As long as he didn't harm me, I would be lucky.

I was too lazy to talk to him about some messy things, it was a waste of time, so I went straight to the point with him. After talking about the matter, we each went back to our respective homes to find our respective mothers.

Dao are not the same and do not conspire with each other. I can't protect myself now, and I don't want to have anything to do with the people of Gui Yong Dao. I am already in enough trouble.

Hearing what I said so straightforwardly, Mr. Xue suddenly laughed and said: "Brother Wu is so cheerful. I just like your temperament and am happy to make friends with you. Since Brother Wu has said so, then I will no longer be with you." You are going in circles. Actually, I came to you this time to save your life. Brother Wu, you are now being hunted by the special task force and Dan Chengshan everywhere. To put it bluntly, you are just like a rat crossing the street. If you don't save you, Brother Wu will probably fall into the hands of Dan Chengshan's gang sooner or later. I don't need to tell you what will happen to you. You must also know that I also saw Brother Wu in Guimen Village that time. Granny Huaxi saved my life, so I came here to repay my kindness, so that we don’t owe anything to each other."

How can this kid be so kind?
Although I thought so in my heart, I still pretended to be happy and said: "Master Xue, I would like to express my gratitude to you in advance. Please tell me how you can get me out of trouble and not fall into the hands of those experienced people in Dancheng Mountain. ?”

Young Master Xue suddenly became excited, poked his head forward, and said mysteriously: "It's very simple, if you want not to be hunted down by Dan Chengshan and the people from the special transfer team, you need to find a strong backer , as long as there is a strong person who can protect you completely, those elders of Dancheng Mountain are not so scary, why don't you join the Blood Witch Village with me, my master is Qinglong, the head of the four elders of Guiyongdao Elder, in the way of Guiyong, say one thing, as long as you are willing to join my Blood Witch Village, if I have a bite to eat, then Brother Wu will have a bite to eat. In the entire Blood Witch Village, except for my master, it is The two of us are the only ones with a lot of food, drink, money, and beauties. It's all a matter of one sentence. I wonder what Brother Wu wants?"

As I guessed, this bloody young master really didn't have any good intentions. He was taking advantage of the fact that I was being hunted by Dan Chengshan and the special team to try to win me over to join the cult Gui Yong Dao.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have agreed under such a strong temptation.

Because there is no other way. Whether it is the special team or the Guiyong Dao, I can't afford to provoke it. At this time, I joined the Guiyong Dao and was protected by Elder Qinglong. That is the best thing. At least I don't have to worry about Dan. The five old guys from Chengshan who were chasing after Chengshan were probably no match for Elder Qinglong.

I have fought against the other elders of Guiyong Dao before. Needless to say, the cultivation of those people is very strong. As for killing the Suzaku elder, it was also a coincidence. If not for the cooperation of so many brothers around me, , and the blue thrush, claiming to be my old aunt, helped us, but I probably won’t make it out alive.

And this Elder Qinglong is the first of the four elders in Guiyong Dao, and the one with the highest cultivation level. His strength is estimated to be very powerful. I estimate that he should be in the same rank as Zhiqingren.

When Young Master Xue said this, my mind went back and forth and I thought about many things.

At this time, Mr. Xue thought I was hesitating, and then said: "Brother Wu, what else do you have to hesitate? What is good and what is evil in this world? The special team and Dancheng Mountain are what you talk about. We talk about the power of justice, but so what? You helped the special team kill the thousand-year-old evil zombie, and you were almost killed by the zombie, but what did the special team do? Just because You accidentally seriously injured Li Chao, the son of Master Dan Chengshan, and they are going to kill you. They don’t even bother to investigate the cause of this matter. I’m not telling you, if the person Wu brother killed was not the son of Master Dan Chengshan. , but an ordinary disciple of Dan Chengshan, he would not suffer such a big embarrassment. Their special team is also a bunch of people who look down on others and follow others for their own benefit, but regardless of Brother Wu's life or death, It's really hateful. I think there is no distinction between good and evil in this world. Whoever has a bigger fist is the embodiment of justice. Since ancient times, the winner has been the king and the loser. If Gui Yongdao controls the whole world, then the special team will , Dan Chengshan and his ilk are also evil heretics. Brother Wu, you have learned this skill with great difficulty, and you will definitely have a bright future in the future. It would be a pity if you were to die in the hands of those old bastards in Dan Chengshan."

Young Master Xue's words really hit a painful point in my heart when I heard them.

Isn't that what he said?
Young Master, I traveled thousands of miles to help them deal with the evil wandering corpse. As soon as they killed the wandering corpse, they crossed the river and demolished the bridge to kill me. I didn’t kill Li Chao, but they didn’t care about the details and just gave it to me. Convicted, if my grandpa hadn't played tricks in the dark, I wouldn't have been killed by them many times.

If the person I seriously injured was not Li Chao, they would not treat me like this.

But although Young Master Xue's words are pleasant, my mind is still very firm, because I feel that no matter where I am, there are good people and bad people, and the presence of insidious villains like Li Yi in the special team will not be avoided, but it will definitely not be avoided. Most are still good.

And what kind of thing is Gui Yongdao?
For hundreds of thousands of years, this has been an existence known as a cult, killing innocent people and doing whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

I have seen their terror before. In order to get the baby with the destiny of Cauldron, they actually slaughtered an entire village. Only Gui Yongdao can do such a cruel thing.

At that moment, I coughed dryly and said: "Young Master Xue doesn't know something. The relationship between me, Wu Jiuyin, and your Guiyong Dao is very deep. Elder Zhuque, one of the four elders of your Guiyong Dao, died in my hands." , Elders Xuanwu and Baihu have also attacked me, and many of your Guiyong Dao people have died in my hands. I want to join your Guiyong Dao, and those elders of your Guiyong Dao can tolerate me. ?”

"Brother Wu, as long as you are willing to join Guiyong Dao, the problems you mentioned are not problems. As long as my master says a word, the other elders will not dare to do anything to you. If you agree, I will send you there tonight. Ning Yueguo!" Young Master Xue said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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