Chapter 1681

It seems that this kid can't wait for me to join Gui Yong Dao and join them in collusion.

Not to mention that I am not in that desperate situation now. Even if there is such a day, I will not look down on the evil existence of Gui Yong Dao. Since the day I debuted, the relationship between me and Gui Yong Dao has been When the beams are tied, there will be no end in sight.

If I really join Gui Yong Dao, how will Li Kexin's score be calculated?Even if I die one day, Jiuquanxia will not be able to face her. She will die at the poisonous hands of Gui Yongdao.

Moreover, my grandfather is in the special task force and is the director of Yanbei District. If I join Guiyong Road, wouldn’t it mean that I am my grandfather’s enemy?
This is simply a joke. Mr. Xue is really whimsical. Even if I think about it with my buttocks, there is no way I will join Gui Yongdao.

"Master Xue, I need to think about this matter carefully. You have to give me some time. I still can't accept it for the moment..." I casually found an excuse and said perfunctorily.

Hearing what I said, the bloody son looked a little anxious, and said again: "Brother Wu, I really don't know what you are still struggling with. Both the special investigation team and Dan Chengshan have forced you to this point. You Your life is in danger at any time, and those old Taoists in Dancheng Mountain will come to you at any time, once you join our Guiyong Tao, you will have a chance!"

After a pause, he then continued: "There is one more thing, I think you must know, Brother Wu, because when that incident happened, both of you should have been present. When the baby with the destiny of the cauldron was born, , the baby fell into the hands of our Gui Yongdao, I think you should know what the baby is used for, right?"

I asked knowingly: "How do I know what you are for?"

"The predecessor of Guiyong Dao is the Green Lotus Sect. In the war a hundred years ago, the leader of the Green Lotus Sect, Bai Maitreya, was killed by the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism in the world. However, the chief helmsman, Bai Maitreya, did not lose his soul. Instead, with the memory and cultivation of the eighteenth life, the baby with the fate of the cauldron was brought back to life. In time, when the chief helmsman completely fits the baby's body, he can take charge of the path of return to courage and revive the past. Xiongfeng destroyed the so-called Jianghu, Buddhism and Taoism, and put the entire world in the hands of Guiyong Dao. Once you join Guiyong Dao, you will be reused by the chief helmsman in the future, and you will be the founding father of the country. Do you want anything?" When Young Master Xue said this, his eyes were full of yearning, with an almost crazy admiration.

Seeing Young Master Xue like this, I immediately said: "Is that true? So you snatched that baby for this purpose, so where is the Chief Steward Bai Maitreya now? Do I have a chance to meet him?"

"The chief helmsman is here..."

As soon as I said this halfway, my heart immediately started to lift up. It turned out that Young Master Xue actually knew the whereabouts of Bai Maitreya. That would be great. If we knew where Bai Maitreya was hiding, we could take advantage of his fledgling life to get rid of him as soon as possible. If you get rid of it, you can avoid a major worry.

But as soon as the bloody master opened his mouth, he stopped and stopped talking. He paused, smiled at me, and said: "Wu Jiuyin, you ask where the chief helmsman is doing? In fact, you want to I know it’s very simple, as long as you are willing to join us on the Guiyong Road, I will take you to meet him. How about it, old man?”

I thought to myself, this guy is really good at calculating. He pretends to be confused while hiding his understanding. Doesn’t he know how Bai Maitreya died more than 100 years ago?
That Bai Maitreya was the ancestor of my family, together with Zhou Yiyang's ancestor, leading the world's Buddhism and Taoism to defeat the master helm of the Qinglian Sect. In the end, that Bai Maitreya died indirectly in the hands of my ancestor. Well, if I meet Bai Maitreya, if he knows that I am a descendant of the old Wu family, he will kill me within a minute, it is simply a joke.

In the end, I shook my head and said, "I'd better consider this matter carefully, after all, it's not a trivial matter."

The bloody young man's expression changed immediately, and he said after a while: "Forget it, since brother Wu insists on refusing, then I can't force it."

As he said that, Mr. Xue took out a piece of paper from his body, put it on the table, and said: "There is my contact information on it. If you figure it out, just call me. I can come over at any time. You take it."

After that, the bloody young man picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured me a glass of wine, and poured himself a glass, and then said: "Brother Wu, come! Let's have a drink. I hope you can figure it out. Let’s do great things together.”

As he said that, the bloody young man raised his wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. I also reached out to pick up the wine glass. When I was hesitating whether to drink it or not, Chen Qingan suddenly made a move and slapped me on the wrist. , the wine glass flew out and landed on the ground, and immediately a cloud of white smoke rose from the ground.

Just when I was stunned, Young Master Xue suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed it towards my heart.

There was no need for me to take action at all. The black iron sword of the girl Qingan next to me held the dagger of Young Master Xue.

Seeing that he didn't kill me, the Bloody Young Master immediately dropped the dagger in his hand, swayed, and ran towards the door.

It was gone in the blink of an eye.

I really didn't expect that this bloody young man was calling me brother and sister one second, and the next second he directly wanted to kill me. First, he quietly poisoned my wine and you, and then stabbed me with a dagger, fiercely No, no, no.

In fact, when he poured me wine, I was already on my guard. I didn't want to drink that wine either. How could I not know who the Bloody Son is?He heard that I was perfunctory to him, so he directly wanted to kill me, wanting to get rid of me on the spot, so as to avoid future troubles.

What makes me depressed is that whether it is the special team and the people from Dan Chengshan who want to kill me, now even the people from Guiyong Road have come to join in the fun.

Do you really think that I am a soft persimmon?
I slapped the table, stood up from the ground, and chased Mr. Xue in the direction. Chen Qingan also picked up his black iron sword and chased out of the house with me.

But as soon as we arrived at the door, something unexpected happened. A group of colorful moths suddenly flew towards us. There were hundreds of moths in this large area, at least hundreds of them. Swinging is very scary.

At that moment, Chen Qingan and I, who had just rushed out of the door, were forced back by these Gu insects. At the same time, I condensed several void spells, turned into several fireballs, and pushed towards the flower moths.

(End of this chapter)

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