Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1682 The dead friend is not dead

Chapter 1682 The dead friend is not dead

Chen Qingan and I were just about to chase the Bloody Young Master when we were forced back by a large group of Gu moths. Fortunately, I reacted in time and condensed a few void spells, which turned into several huge fireballs and headed towards those black and white clouds. The flying Gu Insects pushed over. The best way to deal with the Gu Insects is fire. As soon as those Gu Insects touched the flames, they were like dry wood meeting a fierce fire. A large area was burned to death in an instant. At that moment, a fire was opened. After the gap came out, I took Chen Qingan and ran directly out of the yard and towards the outskirts of the village.

After running a few steps, Chen Qingan grabbed me and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, are you planning to chase the blood boy?"

I said depressedly: "It's the devil who chases that bastard. Since he dares to plot against me, there must be tight defenses around. If we chase him, wouldn't we be throwing ourselves into a trap? The direction I am taking you is to follow him." On the contrary, let’s leave here quickly. If we walk quickly, we might be able to escape with our lives. It’s possible that Young Master Xue’s master, Elder Qinglong, is here too. If we don’t run away, we will die!”

With that said, I pulled Chen Qingan up again and continued to run wildly. However, Chen Qingan grabbed me again and said solemnly: "Brother Xiaojiu, I think it's useless to run now. Gui Yongdao must be around here." We have set up a dragnet, and we will definitely not be able to escape. I have a solution here. I wonder if Brother Xiaojiu is willing to try it..."

"Sister Qingan, tell me quickly, when is this..." I said.

"But this method is very dangerous and may not be successful..." Chen Qingan said hesitantly.

"That's better than falling into the hands of Gui Yongdao. Anyway, you will die, so it's better to take the risk." I said anxiously.

"I think it would be better for you to surrender now and let the people from the special team come to arrest you. Do you think the people from the special team will arrest the people from Guiyong Road or will they deal with you?" Chen Qing'an said with a smile.

It’s really a word that wakes up the dreamer. This method is very good. Why didn’t I think of it?

Guiyong Road and the Special Adjustment Group are sworn enemies. The original purpose of the Special Adjustment Group was to curb the existence of Guiyong Road. The Special Adjustment Group and Guiyong Road have an antagonistic and contradictory relationship, and the Special Adjustment Group has complete control over me. It is a contradiction among the people, which can be reconciled. People from the special task force are looking for Gui Yongdao all over the world. If this happens, wouldn't it be like Mars hitting the blue star and starting to fight on the spot.

Chen Qingan's idea is so good that it has no limits. Although doing this is very dangerous, it is still very beneficial to my side. When Gui Yongdao and the special team fight, I can take advantage of the chaos and escape. Dead Taoist friends are not dead Taoists. They are fighting each other and it has nothing to do with me.

Thinking of this, I hugged Chen Qingan in my arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said excitedly: "Sister Qingan, I found out that you are the fairy sister sent by God to save me. This is a great idea... …”

Then, I took out my phone, and when I looked up at Chen Qingan, I found that the girl's face was red again, her head was lowered, and she didn't dare to look at me.

After taking out the phone, I suddenly hesitated again, who should I call?
Call Xu Peng. He is in Xiyanzhou, which is a bit far away. It is not possible to call Li Zhanfeng. In fact, it is best to call that guy Li Yi, but I don’t know his phone number.

Suddenly, I thought of a person. This person is the largest leader of the Southwest Department. The feud between me is outrageous. That person is Su Bingyi, the second eldest son of the Three Great Masters of Cangdong Sumen. Li Yi wanted to kill me before. When Li Yi called Su Bingyi, I took a look at the phone number, and I still have some impression of it when I think about it.

Practitioners have super strong memories, and they often have photographic memories. Based on my memory, I dialed the phone number and called Su Bingyi directly.

The phone rang several times, and then it was connected. A rather dignified voice soon came from the phone, and he said: "Who is it?"

"It's me, did you hear it?" I smiled and said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

After just one sentence, Su Bingyi recognized who I was, and then said in a gloomy tone: "Wu Jiuyin? You are so courageous, you even called me..."

"Director Su, I have nothing to do. I just wanted to say hello to you. I wonder if you are asleep at this time?" I continued to say with a smile.

"Wu Jiuyin, you are so arrogant!" At this time, Su Bingyi was already a little angry.

"I can't help it. I'm used to being arrogant. I've been arrogant since I was a child, and I've become even more arrogant as I get older. It's just that Director Su has been a bit arrogant recently. He wanted that loser Li Yi to kill me, but I beat him up. It's really I don’t know where Director Su’s face is going. Your special task force has no ability to catch me, so you hired a few experienced experts from Dancheng Mountain, but they turned out to be like trash. They let me escape from under their noses. ...By the way, I remembered it. I heard that Director Su is also from Dan Chengshan, and his father and Li Chao are brothers. It’s really hard for you. The entire Southwest Bureau and Dan Chengshan didn’t catch me. , I don’t know what to say, you are the director, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes, I feel embarrassed for you..." I was sarcastic, just to anger Su Bingyi.

Sure enough, when I said this, Su Bingyi's breathing became heavier, but he was still somewhat graceful and did not curse on the spot. He just said with gritted teeth: "Wu Jiuyin, I think you can be arrogant. Until when!”

After that, Su Bing hung up the phone angrily. I felt that he was so angry that he was about to fly into a rage. Everything in the house should have been smashed by him.

After this call, Su Bingyi will definitely check my location through the relevant departments and locate me, and then a large number of experts will rush over to arrest me. This time, I feel that their intensity must be very strong, not only Danchengshan Experts came in large numbers, and the special team was even more careful about the control, and the place was surrounded by water.

Gui Yongdao wants to kill me, and the special team also wants to kill me, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If you make good use of this relationship, you can still get out of trouble.

After hanging up the phone, I did not turn off the phone immediately this time, nor did I take out the mobile phone card and throw it away. I was afraid that the people from the Southwest Department would not be able to determine my location for a while, so I gave them some time.

After putting away the phone, I glanced at Chen Qingan, but I saw that she couldn't help but burst into laughter. She was really smiling like a flower, and she was unusually beautiful. After laughing, Qingan said, "Brother Xiaojiu, I found you." It’s so bad, Su Bingyi will definitely be furious..."

(End of this chapter)

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