Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1683 The Fierce Name Is Still There

Chapter 1683 The Fierce Name Is Still There
I don't care whether Su Bingyi is angry or not. Anyway, my goal has been achieved. If I humiliated him just now, he will definitely send someone to deal with me. If I don't steam the steamed buns to fight for my reputation, Su Bingyi will never let go of being caught this time. My perfect timing.

Afterwards, Sister Qingan stopped her smile and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, what should we do next?"

This is a good question, what should I do?I was also thinking about this problem. After pondering for a moment, I glanced around and said: "Now we are probably surrounded by people from Guiyong Road from all directions, waiting for us to fall into the trap. Maybe that place They also set up a magic circle. We have fallen into their trap in the past. Why don't we go back and continue drinking. When they see that we won't go, they come to the door themselves. In this way, we can delay for a while and wait for the people from the special team to show up. Come here, this war will happen sooner or later anyway, let’s go back and prepare it first.”

Chen Qingan nodded and said that this was the only way for now.

After discussing Zhihu, Chen Qingan and I returned to the courtyard, but we didn't have time to drink and eat meat.

I think Mr. Xue is quite depressed at the moment. He just attacked me without success. He thought that Chen Qingan and I would chase him out, and then fell into his trick. As a result, Chen Qingan and I simply stood still and did nothing. Turning back, this was completely out of step with the routine.

After Chen Qingan and I went back, we walked around the yard again. First we explored the road to see which direction would be most suitable for escaping if a fight broke out. However, I felt that the chance of escaping was slim. We could only send I hope that the special adjustment team can come and clear this muddy water.

However, we cannot completely rely on the special team, so we have to leave a way out for ourselves.

While squatting in the yard, I specifically told Chen Qingyan that if she couldn't resist it any longer, I would fight her way out and let her go first. Originally, they were here to deal with me. Chen Qinghuan and these This matter does not have much to do with it. I think even Gui Yongdao will not embarrass Chen Qingan too much. After all, they are the descendants of the ancestor Chen Ting, and their main purpose is to kill me, so they will definitely use all their strength towards Greeting me.

When I said this, Chen Qingan was speechless and just looked at me quietly.

We stayed in the yard for about half an hour when we heard footsteps coming from outside the yard, and even sounds coming from the roof. After a while, many black figures appeared from all directions, and we looked up. At that moment, dozens of people appeared all around, directly surrounding Chen Qingan and me.

Since Chen Qingan and I had been prepared before, when these people appeared, we didn't panic at all.

When I looked at the men in black around me, I felt like I hadn't seen them for a long time.

Not long after I debuted, I formed a relationship with Gui Yongdao. The grudge between me and them lasted until the last time the baby with the fate of the cauldron appeared, and then there was no intersection. That time at the Ghost Gate Except for the encounter with Young Master Xue in the village, it was only after a long time that I saw these black-clothed men on Guiyong Road, and suddenly I felt a desire to kill.

I have been being chased by the special task force and the people from Dan Chengshan. I have been holding back a fire in my heart for a long time. Those people can't be killed, and they can't even make a heavy move. Now the people from Gui Yong Dao are coming to my door. I just used them to practice sword practice, and the sword soul in my hand was already a little thirsty.

Let the blood soak it once again.

After those people gathered around, they showed off their magical weapons one after another, one after another. There were probably as many as 80 or [-] people, and they were wearing black clothes with masks on their faces, revealing a pair of eyes. It is the Guiyong Road that I am familiar with.

After a while, the door of the yard was pushed open, and then Young Master Xue appeared in front of me again. He was accompanied by two girls in national costumes. They were pretty and looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. , it feels so tender that your skin can squeeze out water.

It can be seen at a glance that although these two girls look harmless, they are actually two very powerful voodoo girls.

After Young Master Xue appeared, he walked towards us with a smile.

"Young Master Xue, you are really not very honest. Anyway, I saved your life before in Guimen Village. It would be better for you to repay kindness with hatred and stab me in the back. That's okay. , I won’t pursue you, but you brought someone back to find him again, what does that mean?” I came up and asked before Young Master Xue could speak.

The Bloody Young Master and the two gorgeous Gu girls stopped seven or eight steps away from us, and said with a smile: "Brother Wu, you can't blame me for this, I gave you a chance. , I asked you to join our Guiyong Dao, join the sect of our Blood Witch Village, and be on an equal footing with me, but you didn’t know what to do and refused my kind offer. Since you don’t plan to join the Guiyong Dao, you still plan to follow We are enemies of Guiyong Dao, and if I don’t get rid of you, you will definitely be a big problem for me in Guiyong Dao in the future.”

"It's a good thing I didn't join your Guiyong Dao, otherwise I wouldn't even know how I died. If you don't repay me for saving my life, how can I expect to be on an equal footing with you?" I said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, Wu Jiuyin, it's still too late for you to regret it. Considering your chance to save my life, I can give you another chance, as long as you eat the poison I gave you and are willing to surrender to Gui Yongdao , I promise not to kill you, how about it?" Young Master Xue said again.

I glanced around and looked at the people who were on Gui Yong Road. I suddenly smiled, showing my big white teeth, and looked at Young Master Xue again and said: "Young Master Xue, if you want to deal with me, you have to bring this How many people? It seems that there are not enough people for me to kill, right? I remember that you people from Guiyong Road gave me a nickname, called the Murderer. Once you people from Guiyong Road meet me, you will die if you say it even once. Two or three hundred people, that’s all… too few!”

When I said the last three words, I used some tricks. Those three words came out and rolled around like thunder. The people standing in Guiyong Road in all directions were frightened and let out a burst of sighs. There was a sound, and he took two steps back. There was another buddy who couldn't stand firm and staggered and rolled down from the roof. He was so embarrassed.

It seems that I, Wu Jiuyin, still have a bad reputation, and they are still terrified from the bottom of their hearts when they hear my nickname of a murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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