Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1684 1 kill out

Chapter 1684 Fight out together
Mr. Xue narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "Wu Jiuyin, if you are looking for death, you can't blame me. Kill!"

With an order, those men in black jumped down from all directions, and all kinds of hidden weapons and magic weapons came one after another, but I was also prepared. Before those people did it, I condensed a few void spells and turned them into After breaking the qi barrier, and then urging it with a finger, the qi barriers looked around me and Chen Qingan, and there was a ding-dong sound for a while, and the qi barriers were almost shattered.

In a moment, I sacrificed the sword soul and used my group battle weapon, which was the White Dragon Chushui in the Xuantian Sword Art. I pinched it with a few complicated hand gestures, accompanied by a desolate sound. With the sound of dragon roars, the endless power of the earth veins was pulled by the sword soul. In all directions, the ground exploded, and mud rose into the sky in more than a dozen places. Along with the wailing sounds of many people, blood sprayed all over the sky. , The stumped limbs and broken arms also fell together.

Even the houses where Chen Qingan and I had dinner collapsed directly, with smoke, dust and rocks flying all around. Such a battle was really big enough. In fact, I had been holding it in for a long time, and was beaten by the special task force and Dan Chengshan. The man was chasing him like a lost dog. He couldn't hit or kill him. It was so frustrating. This time he finally met Gui Yongdao. He found a punching bag, but he was going to die.

Soon, everything settled, and I gathered up the aura barriers condensed by the void spells. When I looked around again, I found that at least half of the guys from Gui Yong Dao who were originally aggressive were dead. After this move, the white dragon came out of the water. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere in the yard, and blood flowed into rivers. But when I looked past the minions of Guiyong Road and looked towards Mr. Xue, I found that he was leading The two Gu girls had already jumped to the roof farther away and ran quite fast.

After just one glance, I grabbed Chen Qingan's arm and said in a deep voice: "Let's go out together and kill him as hard as we can!"

"Okay!" Chen Qing'an responded, and with a "swish", the black iron sword in his hand surrounded a group of black energy that would not disperse. The two of us went hand in hand, charging all the way. Those who were not killed by Bailong Chushui The Taoist Guiyong is still rushing towards us without fear of death, but under the joint efforts of me and Sister Qing'an, there is no enemy at all. It's really killing the Buddha when you meet the Buddha, and killing the god when you meet the god. , within three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes, the two of us killed a dozen people, cut a bloody path, and ran wildly outside.

After running out of the yard, I took Chen Qingan and looked in a certain direction and ran away. But just after taking two steps, several stones in front of us suddenly flew up in the air and blocked us. Those stones were big and small. , almost dozens of pieces, crashing down towards us.

Why did this stone fly by itself?

Just when I was still in shock, Chen Qingan pulled me back a few steps and said in shock: "No, this is stone Gu. The stone was covered with large and small Gu insects. He lifted the stone up." , if we get hit by that stone, both the bug and the stone can kill us."

As he spoke, Chen Qingan shook his hand, and several bright red flowers of the other side suddenly flew out from his sleeves. They were as red as blood, and suddenly turned into several groups of extremely cold red flames, flying towards those volleying in the sky. The flying stones rose up and wrapped up all the stones. The stones swept by the flames released by the Bianhua Flower instantly lost their support, because the Gu insects holding the stones were all engulfed by the coldness of the Bianhua Flower. The power was burned to death.

This other shore flower comes from the Netherworld, extremely cold and extremely sinister, once it is infected, it will not only cause injury, but it can directly cause powerful damage to the soul.

Back then, Chen Qingan went to the Wangchuan River on Huangquan Road to get the Flower Essence from the Other Bank. She took such a big risk just to protect her life and body with the Flower Essence from the Other Bank. However, this thing is absolutely powerful, indestructible and indestructible to everything. Those Gu insects were all killed in one encounter, and the stones fell to the ground with a clatter.

After such a delay, suddenly, twenty or thirty people were surrounding us again, including the Bloody Young Master and the two Gu girls beside him.

"Wu Jiuyin, I really underestimated you. There are rumors in the world that you are very fierce. I still don't believe it. When I was in Guimen Village, I didn't have time to see you do anything. I didn't expect you to be more powerful than I thought. It's much more powerful." Young Master Xue said gloomily.

"Isn't it too late for you to realize now? I saved your life from Granny Huaxi, and now I want to get it back!" After that, I stopped talking nonsense to the bloody young master. Shaking the sword spirit in my hand, I followed eight steps towards Master Xue and killed him. While I was killing Master Xue, I gave Chen Qing'an a wink and motioned her to clean up the two men behind Mr. Xue. A Gu girl, those two Gu girls should not be underestimated, otherwise Young Master Xue would not let them always be by his side.

Eight steps away, I appeared next to Young Master Xue at a very tricky angle, and stabbed him with a sword. However, Young Master Xue did not dodge, and there was a hint of contempt on the corner of his mouth. With a sneer, he raised his hand and sprinkled a handful of pink powder towards me.

Oops, it's Gu again. What I'm most afraid of is this thing. Now I miss Yiyang Yang's Millennium Gu. If that little thing is on my body, I'm afraid of it. Don't worry about it. Just say hello to me. I can absorb all the thousand-year-old poisons as ordered, but not now. I have to hide from any poison I see. When the sword was still about half a meter away from Mr. Xue, I activated the eight steps of Mizong again and ducked there. On the other side of Young Master Xue, at this time, Young Master Xue suddenly pulled out a snake-shaped soft sword from his body. There were two snake-like things on the soft sword. When he shook his hand, the sound it made was that of a poisonous snake swallowing snakes. There was a "Sisi" sound, and it came towards me. Just when I was about to parry, I suddenly felt something was wrong. The two tongues on the sword suddenly opened their mouths and spurted out two streams of green venom. Sprayed towards me.

It's too insidious.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, I still used the eight steps of confusion to dodge away, but the bloody young man almost stood motionless, looking at me with a contemptuous sneer. He had definitely caught what was happening to him. Poison can have a powerful suppressive effect on me.

(End of this chapter)

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