Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1685 Powerful Characters

Chapter 1685 Powerful Characters
While I was dealing with Young Master Xue, Chen Qingan also started fighting with those two Gu girls. Those two Gu girls used the same magic weapon as Young Master Xue, and they were also snake-shaped soft swords, but the snake-shaped soft swords they used were different. There is only one snake head on the top, which can also swallow venom.

When Chen Qing'an was fighting with the two voodoo girls, the two voodoo girls used all kinds of methods, and all kinds of poisons were constantly coming at Chen Qing'an. However, Chen Qing'an was a pretty girl. But she is also a veteran, and she has many tricks. I saw several bright red flowers floating around her, and red flames spitting out, surrounding her body. As soon as those poisons came close to those red flames, they all Turn into nothing. Once someone else from Guiyong Dao wants to sneak attack her, a Bianhua flower next to him will fly out and sweep towards that person. Once contaminated by the flames of the Bianhua flower, that person will Then he would fall straight to the ground, his whole body covered in red flames, and not even the dregs would be left.

I can rest assured about this girl's methods. There is no problem in protecting herself. As long as she can protect herself, I can let go and fight.

Looking at Young Master Xue standing there looking at me with slight contempt, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth.

Do you really think I can’t deal with you?
With this thought in my mind, I shook my hand, and the sword soul in my hand flew out again, heading straight towards Mr. The tricks were controlled, and the sword soul immediately turned into thousands of sword shadows, covering Master Xue.

Since I can't fight the Bloody Master personally, I will use long-distance attack to restrain him.

Sure enough, when he saw the sword soul turning into sword shadows all over the sky and running straight towards him, Mr. Xue showed a look of panic on his face, and several Guiyong Dao guys who were bold and looking for death wanted to stop him. The edge of the sword soul was directly torn into pieces by the sword soul. Flesh and flesh flew everywhere, and blood shot out. The death could not be more miserable. There was not even a scream, and the person was torn apart.

But the sword soul still drove straight in, unstoppable, and went straight to Young Master Xue.

In panic, Young Master Xue quickly took a few steps back, shook the snake-shaped soft sword in his hand, and Wu made a large sword flower and caught the sword spirit alive. The snake-shaped soft sword in his hand was like that A large number of sword shadows created by swords and dragons and snakes collided together, making a continuous clanging sound.

This guy's skills are not bad. He can catch the sword soul in my hand, but can he still catch my next move?

At that moment, I stretched out my hand again and took out another magic weapon, which was my copper coin sword. The Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was generated again. Two from one life, three from two, thousands of copper coin sword energies were generated in two or three seconds. It was inspired by me, and it rushed towards Young Master Xue with a mighty force.

Mr. Xue was a little overwhelmed with my sword-walking, dragon-snake moves. Now he saw so many copper coins flying towards him with sword energy, and he was even more frightened.

However, Young Master Xue still made a decision when he was panicking. He suddenly slapped his chest and opened his mouth to spurt out a large ball of black and red blood. The blood immediately turned into thousands of Gu worms, facing the copper coin sword energy. After hitting it, my copper coin sword energy was instantly neutralized, but all those Gu insects were also wiped out by the copper coin sword energy.

He is worthy of being called Young Master Xue. This blood has such uses.

However, when this move was used, Mr. Xue was more or less injured.

At that moment, I stepped away, and with a wave of my hand, the copper coin sword condensed together and fell into my hand again. While the soul of the sword was above his head, interfering with it, I planned to kill him directly.

With the copper coin sword in my hand, I arrived at the side of Young Master Xue in two consecutive steps. I pierced his heart with one sword. He swayed and dodged. Then, with my other hand, I moved towards Young Master Xue again. He photographed it.

This time, Young Master Xue did not dodge, but also swung his palm towards me.

I knew why Young Master Xue didn't hide, because he had poison in his hands, but I wasn't without the slightest precaution. At that moment, I activated Yinrou Palm, and at the same time, combined with Heart-Destroying Palm, I struck him with a palm strike.

The Heart-Destroying Palm contains thunderous intent, and the Yinrou Palm can amplify my cultivation several times.

The consequences of this palm strike can be imagined. Young Master Xue howled miserably, his body collapsed and flew out, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

And the poison in his palm was directly resolved by the thunder in my heart-breaking palm.

This kid wants to plot against me, and he is a little tender.

Seeing Young Master Xue rolling to the ground, I pointed my finger at him, and the sword soul suddenly changed its direction and pierced towards Young Master Xue who was rolling on the ground. This sword passed and the injured Young Master Xue fell to the ground. It will probably be reimbursed.

However, when I saw that the sword soul was about to stab Young Master Xue, suddenly, a generous machete appeared from nowhere, and it slammed on my sword soul. He turned the spearhead and flew towards me.

As soon as I stretched out my hand, I quickly went to pick up the sword soul. As soon as the sword soul came into my hands, I felt a strong and gushing power pouring into my body. My body took a step back and stepped out with one foot. came out of a deep hole.

At the critical moment, the breaking force of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun unloaded the powerful force.

I was stunned for a moment, thinking to myself, who the hell came out, so vicious.

Chen Qingan, who was fighting with the two Gu girls over there, seemed to sense a huge crisis. He quickly pulled back and stood next to me. I glanced at her first and found that she was not injured at all. Only then did she feel relieved, and Chen Qingyan turned her head to look at me, and said solemnly: "Brother Nine, Elder Baihu is here..."

I was shocked, and I said that the sudden attack was so violent, it turned out that Elder Baihu appeared out of nowhere and saved Young Master Xue's life.

Suddenly, an old man walked out from behind the bloody young master who fell to the ground. He was tall and tall, with white beard and white hair. He stretched out his hand and took back the sword that had sent my sword soul flying. Then he stretched out his hand to return the sword on the ground. Young Master Xue, who was vomiting blood, was pulled up.

I know that person, and his life is Elder Baihu of Gui Yongdao, and after Elder Baihu appeared, a huge crowd appeared behind him, all of them were dressed as people in Gui Yongdao, and they continued to disperse in all directions , once again surrounded Chen Qingan and me.

From that group of people, I found another formidable character, not tall, but very imposing, that person is the elder Xuanwu who once injured my grandfather.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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