Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1686 Even if you do it

Chapter 1686 Even if you do it
Good guy, I said that if Gui Yongdao wants to kill me, he won’t just send out a half-assed guy like Young Master Xue. There must be other masters shaking the scene. I originally thought it was Elder Qinglong, Master of Young Master Xue. This Elder Qinglong is very mysterious. , I haven't seen it yet, it is said that it is in Ningyue Kingdom, but I never thought that the elder Qinglong did not come, but the two elders Baihu and Xuanwu came.

This formation is indeed big enough, which makes me a little scared.

Behind Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu, there was a huge group of people. I felt there were at least 300 people. They surrounded me and Chen Qingan, and we were so overwhelmed.

I have experienced this kind of scene several times and am no longer unfamiliar with it, but the people facing me are Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu, so I still don’t have much confidence.

After surrounding us, the elder Baihu walked slowly to Young Master Xue, stretched out his hand to help Young Master Xue up, who was vomiting blood, and said lightly: "Nephew, I just said that Wu Jiuyin is not that good. He's easy to deal with, but if you insist on going over to deal with him yourself, you're going to suffer a big loss now, right?"

Young Master Xue who was pulled up wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at me hatefully, and cursed loudly: "Wu Jiuyin, you bastard, you dare to hurt me like this, kill me." he!"

I looked at Young Master Xue, smiled slightly, and said, "Young Master Xue, if you can't beat me, it means your skills are inferior to others. Let's not scold him. If you are not convinced, let's fight again. How about a fair duel?"

"You..." Bloody lines were drawn from the corners of Mr. Xue's angry mouth again. With my palm just now, this kid was at least seriously injured. He probably won't be able to recover for half a year. I just rushed to kill this kid.

How could he have the ability to fight with me again?

At this time, the elder Baihu looked at me, smiled slightly, and said, "Wu Jiuyin, we meet again. We haven't seen each other for a while. Your cultivation has improved a lot, which really impresses me."

"I appreciate the compliment, but I don't think I should take it seriously. Compared with Elder Baihu, I'm still far behind. I'm a junior, so I don't dare to make a mistake." I cupped my hand and said in a pretentious manner.

The elder Baihu sneered, and then said: "Boy, what should be said, Mr. Xue should have told you. Now you are being chased and killed by the special dispatch team and Dan Chengshan, and you live like a bereaved dog. Go to our Guiyong Dao, it is the best choice, join us, you will have a backer, against us, you will have a powerful enemy, the result will be death, you have time to regret it now."

"As the saying goes, if different roads don't work together, it's a pity for Elder Baihu's good intentions. Although my life is worse now, I haven't reached the point where you, Guiyong Road, are like rats crossing the street and everyone shouts to beat them. That's all. If you want to fight, go ahead and do it; if you don't want to fight, just make a way and let us leave, don't waste time talking about what we have or don't have," I said solemnly.

"Boy, you are still so crazy. It was your luck that you escaped last time. I want to see how you can escape again this time!" The short elder Xuanwu took a step forward and said with narrowed eyes.

I looked at Elder Xuanwu, and then scanned the hundreds of people surrounding me. I knew that today's fierce battle was inevitable, so I directly inspired the sword spirit in my hand.

After Elder Xuanwu said those words, when I was sacrificing the sword soul, he came to me in a flash, and then he shot me with a move.

His palm technique has its origins, it is called the Fiery Marrow Burning Palm, the most sinister palm technique in the world. Those hit by it are basically incurable, except for the golden toad and snow lotus.

Elder Xuanwu launched such a ruthless killing move against me as soon as he came up. When he moved, he also used the method of shrinking into an inch. This method is much better than my eight steps of wandering. In the blink of an eye, Immediately, there was a huge palm towards me, and I felt that the air around me suddenly shrunk, the sky and the earth changed color, as if a huge mountain was coming towards me.

This time, I didn't dodge or use the sword spirit in my hand to catch the attack, but directly waved my palm and slapped it towards Elder Xuanwu.

Everyone in the world is afraid of the flaming marrow-burning palm of this old man Xuanwu. I used to avoid snakes and scorpions, but now I am not so afraid. I came back from the Stone Kingdom and learned a trick from Master Wei Meng. The heart-destroying palm contains thunderous energy in the palm, which can dissolve all kinds of poisonous poisons in the palm. The young master Xue just suffered a big loss from my move.

At that moment, I waved a palm and went directly to receive the Flame Marrow Burning Palm from Mr. , I would like to see if I can resolve Elder Xuanwu’s flaming marrow-burning palm.

This is a method we learned from foreigners.

The two palms collided, making a "boom" sound. The sound of sonic boom spread towards the surroundings, and a wave of air arose on the ground, rolling endlessly.

Chen Qingan, who was standing to one side of me, couldn't resist the powerful aura. He covered his cheeks with his arms and was bounced several steps away by the wave of air. The people surrounding Gui Yongdao even retreated. .

When these two palms collided, I clearly saw a triumphant smile on the corner of the Xuanwu old man's mouth. However, I could also feel a cold air coming from his palms.

However, soon, the power of the heart-destroying palm broke out, and a brute force of thunder directly pushed back the chill.

The next moment, I heard Elder Xuanwu groan, and he took a few steps back. His expression changed drastically, and he was filled with fear.

And after I took Elder Xuanwu's palm, I staggered back three or five steps, and one step down was a deep pit, and the gravel under my feet turned into powder.

In Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po, all the power that Elder Xuanwu exerted on me was transferred to the ground. Otherwise, how could you withstand Elder Xuanwu's terrifying palm?

"I haven't seen you for a while... How did you become so powerful... How could you possibly be able to withstand my flaming marrow-burning palm..." Elder Xuanwu said in disbelief.

Where would I talk nonsense with him, while he was chattering, the sword soul in his hand trembled, followed by a move of Fenghuyunlong, accompanied by a slightly manic sound of dragon chant, a steady stream of ground shackles The power was triggered by me, a majestic sword qi was spit out, and a deep gully was cut on the ground, and a purple sword qi turned into a dragon and slammed into the elder Xuanwu fiercely .

(End of this chapter)

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