Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1688 3-party melee

Chapter 1688 Three-Party Melee
Overhead were two helicopters flying quickly, gunshots rang out from all directions, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The elders Xuanwu and Baihu who were fighting with me all stopped and took a few steps back. I also avoided everyone and distanced myself from them with Chen Qingan.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing what happened.

People in Guiyongdao don’t know, but Chen Qingan and I are both clear in our hearts.

Before, I made a phone call to Su Bingyi, the director of the Southwest Bureau's special investigation team, and exposed my whereabouts. At this time, Su Bingyi was mobilizing all forces to surround me here.

However, at that time, I concluded that Mr. Xue would not come to kill me alone, and there must be Gui Yongdao with a more powerful character here, so I angered Su Bingyi and sent a large number of experts to arrest me.

But I didn't expect that old guy Su Bingyi would stage such a big battle, and directly dispatched helicopters, and there were two of them.

However, this helicopter was not an armed helicopter. It was probably sent to monitor my escape.

Su Bingyi certainly didn't expect to meet someone from Gui Yongdao here.

This can be regarded as a great gift from me to Su Bingyi. If he can capture the two elders of Gui Yongdao alive, it will definitely be a great achievement. When we came out to cause trouble, we met two big fish.

Chen Qingan and I were very happy to see people from the special team suddenly appear.

After all, for us, Gui Yongdao is their biggest enemy, an existence like sparks colliding with blue stars. Once they meet Gui Yongdao, they won't be afraid of us.

Just at this moment of being dazed, a group of people suddenly rushed out from all directions, among them were Dan Chengshan's people in Taoist robes, there were also people from the Special Tuning Team in Yixian's clothes, and there were even people in camouflage uniforms. Te'an Te'an is so vast and mighty that they are probably no less numerous in number than the people who besieged me on Guiyong Road.

However, I feel that there are still a few people dispatched by the special team. After all, Su Bingyi’s purpose was to catch me alone. He did not expect that there would be people from Guiyong Road here. The key is that there are still two elders. of strong characters.

Soon, I saw the old Taoists from Dan Chengshan whom I met in Shanqing City that day running behind me. Their eyes passed directly over me and fell on Elders Xuanwu and Baihu opposite me. .

But I heard a Taoist priest from Dancheng Mountain yell out a curse word in fright: "Oh my god, Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu from Guiyong Tao are actually here!"

Behind those old Taoists, dozens of people in special uniforms also appeared. They also stopped and their eyes fell directly on the two elders of Guiyong Tao. They breathed. Everything became heavy.

At this moment, all of them directly skipped Chen Qingan and me, and looked at Gui Yongdao's men.

This is so interesting.

When Xuanwu and Elder Baihu suddenly saw so many people from the special team appearing, they were not too panicked. However, when they saw Elder Baihu taking a step forward and looking at the old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain, they looked gloomily. Said: "The people from Guiyong Dao are here to do business. You people from Dan Chengshan are here to join in the fun. If you are wise, get out of here. If you Dan Chengshan doesn't want to get into any trouble."

Elder Baihu's words are still full of weight. Although the people of Gui Yongdao are sworn enemies of the special team, they are still the largest cult in the world. They have a large number of people and a cloud of masters. Their strength far exceeds that of Dan Chengshan and Jianghu. None of the sects have the strength to compete head-on with Guiyong Dao, no matter which sect they are, including Qingshan.

With the strength of Guiyong Dao, it is not particularly difficult to destroy any sect in the world. Therefore, when various sects encounter people from Guiyong Dao, they try to avoid it as much as possible. If there is conflict, there will be no conflict.

However, what Elder Baihu said just now was very rude, and he showed extreme contempt for these people in Dancheng Mountain, which made those old faces of Dancheng Mountain go.

Hua Ning really took a step forward, looked at Elder Baihu, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect to meet two elders, Baihu and Xuanwu, here. The number one evil cult, everyone can get rid of it, now that you have met me, Dan Chengshan and the people from the Special Dispatch Team, just leave your life here, just to get rid of you scum of the world."

"Okay, okay... I think you, Dan Chengshan, may have been living too peacefully recently. Since you want to seek death, no wonder I'm cruel and ruthless!" Before Elder Bai Hu could finish his words, he raised the sword in his hand, and accompanied by With a roar of a tiger, a ray of sword light burst out, and the surrounding wind swept across, slashing at the old Taoists who were heading towards Dancheng Mountain.

The moment Elder Baihu took action, gunshots all around suddenly erupted. At the same time, Elder Xuanwu shook his hand and threw out several blue talismans, which condensed in the air and protected him. Attracting all the people from Guiyong Road present, all the bullets from the special team were isolated, and the people from Guiyong Road were not idle at this moment either. Some people showed various hidden weapons and arrows, aiming at the special team's bullets. Those people fought over.

Although those Te'an Te'an have outstanding marksmanship, they are facing Guiyong Dao, the largest cult that is feared in the world. They are all facing very powerful practitioners, and the disparity in strength is still very large.

The two sides exchanged fire, and the first to fall were those Te'an and Te'an. In an instant, more than a dozen people were hit and fell to the ground screaming. What was even more terrifying were the few people brought by Mr. Xue, especially the two A voodoo girl released countless voodoo insects and flying poisonous moths in all directions.

Gu is the most feared method in the world. Back then, no one dared to provoke the Huaxi woman, let alone the evil Gu master from the Blood Witch Village of Ningyue Kingdom.

For thousands of years, people in Jianghu have been talking about voodoo, and what they are most afraid of is this evil and unpredictable voodoo technique.

As soon as the battle broke out, it was out of control. The people from Guiyong Road immediately started fighting with Dan Chengshan and the people from the special task force who came to capture me.

Just now, the white tiger elder burst out with a sword light, sending Hua Ning and three other Taoist priests flying out. This kind of momentum is really embarrassing.

Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, it seemed that nothing happened to us here. At that moment, I took Chen Qingan's hand and said, "Let's get out of the way first!"

(End of this chapter)

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