Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1689 Seeking Support

Chapter 1689 Seeking Support
Chen Qingan responded, and immediately I congealed a few void spells, which turned into a gas barrier, blocking Chen Qingan and me, and then rushed out towards the periphery, and those stray bullets flying around fell on us On the body, it would not be fun.

Just after I rushed out, I heard a member of the Southwest Department's special task force on the phone, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Asking for support... asking for support! We encountered most of the people on Guiyong Road, including Elder Xuanwu and Elder Baihu must send experts over as soon as possible, we can’t stand it any longer! We must hurry!”

Seeing how he was on the phone, he felt like he was in a hurry. Before the call was finished, two men in black from Gui Yongdao rushed up with magic weapons, and the man didn't even have time to put away the phone , threw it directly towards a person from Gui Yongdao, and started to fight with those two guys while carrying the magic weapon.

Facing the hail of bullets, I pulled Chen Qingan and rushed out towards the outside.

As soon as I took a few steps towards the outside, the helicopter above my head dropped a stream of bullets, all of which landed on the Gang Qi barrier with a thumping sound. I condensed two more void spells and turned them into He fired several fireballs and smashed them towards the helicopter. The two helicopters were so frightened that they immediately turned their heads and flew out to one side.

After we rushed a certain distance, I stretched out my hand and whistled, and the second senior brother immediately rushed towards us. I pulled Chen Qingyan and jumped onto the second senior brother's back, towards the front. The dense forest flew away.

However, not long after we ran out, we heard the voice of Elder White Tiger behind us, but we heard him shouting loudly: "Master Xue, you led most of the troops to kill these hawks and dogs of the special team. , Elder Xuanwu and I went after that boy Wu Jiuyin, we must not let him escape again, the protector has an order, we must kill this beast!"

"Elder Baihu, please go now. These special teams and people from Dancheng Mountain are not enough for me to kill. I must come back with Wu Jiuyin's head. The girl next to him should be left alive for me..." Young Master Xue's voice It came from far behind.

I've beaten Mr. Xue into such a state, and he's still thinking about my girl Qingan. He's so daring. I should have worked harder just now and killed him directly.

But when I rode my second senior brother out of the battle and looked back, I was shocked. I clearly saw Elder Baihu riding a white tiger chasing me. It was surprisingly big, like a big ox, with a white light glowing all over its body. It was probably not an entity. It was very fast, chasing Chen Qingan and me.

I was also puzzled.

If they don't fight with Dan Chengshan and the people from the special team, why are they coming here to chase me?
What he said just now also had some meaning, saying that the law protector had ordered me to be killed.

Who is the protector of Gui Yong Dao?In addition to the four elders, are there any higher-level figures than the four elders?Isn't it the chief helmsman Bai Maitreya who is higher than the four guardians?
For a moment, many questions came to my mind, but now is not the time to worry about these, it is still important to escape. I patted the second brother's butt and made him go faster, and then faster, and when he found a piece of water, Let's go straight to the water escapers, and these two old guys won't be able to catch up with us.

But the white tiger that Elder Bai Hu rode was also very fast, always following behind us, and seemed to be unable to get away no matter what.

At this time, I asked Chen Qingan who was sitting in front: "Sister Qingan, you should be familiar with this place, do you know if there are any big rivers near here, let's escape by escaping, it will be easier to escape this way."

However, Sister Qingan said that there are not many rivers in this place, but there is a large lake not far away. I don't know if it can be done.

Anyway, almost any place with water is fine, so Chen Qingan pointed out the direction for me, and I drove my second senior brother towards the place with the lake.

With this breath, I ran wildly for more than ten minutes. I was getting farther and farther away from the battle circle. At first, I could still hear the sound of gunshots and the sound of fighting. As the distance got farther and farther, I could no longer hear it. .

Now I think Su Bingyi of the Southwest Department must be furious. He sent people to catch me, but he started fighting with Guiyong Dao. The people he sent are more than enough to deal with me, but if he wants to deal with Guiyong, With hundreds of Dao masters and Master Xue's subordinates who know how to play Gu, it may be very difficult. Even if Baihu and Elder Xuanwu escaped and chased me, those people probably would not be able to deal with Gui Yongdao's people.

Su Bingyi was completely fooled by me. I don't know if those people can even survive half the time before reinforcements arrive.

The old Taoist priests at Dancheng Mountain probably won’t be able to escape unscathed.

When I was thinking about these things, I turned around and took another look, but saw that the elder Baihu was riding a white tiger and was still following us closely, the wind whistling past my ears, and I only wanted to arrive as soon as possible By the lake, you can escape from the two of them by jumping down.

The cultivation of these two people is really too strong. It is estimated that the five Taoist priests in the Dancheng Mountain can't beat one of them together, let alone me.

Because Elders Xuanwu and Baihu are basically masters of the same generation as Zhiqingzhen, and their methods are not much different.

In this way, we ran forward for about ten minutes, and suddenly a black figure appeared in front of us, blocking us in front. I looked closely and saw that it was not someone else, but the old man Xuanwu.

This guy must have used the method of shrinking into an inch to get in front of me and block my way.

As soon as I reacted, Elder Xuanwu swung a pair of mandarin ducks in his hand towards me. I was so frightened that I grabbed the second brother's ears and made him brake suddenly. Chen Qingan and I both followed the second brother. He jumped off his body and rolled into the grass nearby. The second senior brother also rolled over and hid. The pair of mandarin ducks and axes passed by us, cutting several big trees in half, and then again They flew upside down and came towards me and Chen Qingan respectively.

At that moment, Chen Qingan and I stood up, each showed his magical weapon, and struck at the pair of mandarin ducks and axes.

The mandarin duck's ax is very powerful, when I used the soul of the sword to pick it up, I used the power to turn the world around, it was still so shocking that I trembled all over, while Chen Qingyan staggered back several steps before stopping He came down and flew the mandarin duck away.

"Boy, I can't let you escape this time!" Elder Xuanwu, who had taken back the Yuanyang Yue, suddenly appeared opposite us.

(End of this chapter)

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