Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1690 must work hard

Chapter 1690 must work hard

Elder Xuanwu stood in front of us, and Elder Baihu rode a white tiger to block our way back.

The second senior brother felt the great danger, turned over with a muffled roar, once again steamed with hot flames all over his body, blocked Chen Qingan and me, and looked very warily at Elder Xuanwu in front of him.

After we were blocked, the elder Baihu quickly chased after us, turned over and jumped off the white tiger, put the broad saber on his shoulder, and looked at us with a murderous look on his face two.

I still can't figure out why the two of them insist on putting me to death this time, even if they abandon hundreds of people on Guiyong Road, they must come and kill me.

If these two elders were here at this moment, the special task force and Dan Chengshan's gang would have been beaten to a pulp by Gui Yongdao, and it was even possible that they would all be annihilated. This would cause a very heavy blow to the Southwest Department of the special task force. blow.

However, they didn't. Instead, they gave up this great opportunity and came to deal with me alone.

This is so depressing.

I glanced at Chen Qingan, and then secretly compared the cultivation bases of Xuanwu and Baihu Elder in my heart. In the end, I thought that the cultivation base of Baihu Elder should be higher than that of Xuanwu Elder, but the gap between the two is not very big. After thinking about it for a while, I said: "Sister Qingan, you clean up Xuanwu, and I will deal with Baihu. Maybe this time we are in danger, no matter what the result is, I, Wu Jiuyin, owe you. In fact... you can leave now. I think they won’t make it difficult for you..."

Chen Qingan looked at me. I didn't see a trace of fear from her bright eyes, and even felt like death was at home. She just looked at me without saying a word.

But at this moment, Elder Xuanwu and Elder Baihu had already approached us slowly, but Elder Baihu smiled and said, "Neither of you can leave. My nephew just said that this big man who is as beautiful as a flower is like a jade." The girl should keep alive and bring him back for him to enjoy. This little girl is really good-looking. If the old man is dozens of years younger, he will definitely not let go of such a delicate girl. She is so good-looking. Girl, it would be a pity to kill her."

I looked at Bai Hu and said coldly: "Do you know who she is? She is the descendant of ancestor Chen Ting, her great-grandfather is Chen Lingbo, and his grandfather is Chen..."

"Does it matter who her ancestor is? It doesn't matter! What about Chen Lingbo? I still don't take it seriously. We, Guiyong Dao, have been in the world for so many years, and who have we been afraid of? Not to mention his great-great-grandfather, even your great-great-grandfather Wu Nianxin, we at Guiyong Road have never been afraid, boy, if we talk about breaking the sky today, you boy will never even think of surviving!"

Elder Bai Hu narrowed his eyes and pointed the sword on his shoulder at me. The huge white tiger next to him suddenly let out a tiger roar that shook the mountains and fields, and rushed towards me.

Before I could say anything, the flames on the second senior brother's body suddenly surged, and he rushed towards Elder White Tiger's fierce white tiger spirit.

The white tiger evil spirit of Elder Baihu is the soul of a tiger demon who has practiced Taoism for many years, but the origins of my second senior brother are not simple. The sacred beast in the Hell, the Flame Qilin Beast, has also been advancing rapidly in Taoism recently.

The two behemoths rushed forward, then collided with each other, rolled to the side, and knocked over many big trees.

The next moment, Elder Baihu's sword slashed towards me, and I raised the sword spirit in my hand.

When I decided to go all out with Elder Baihu, I had already mobilized the three powerful forces in my dantian Qihai, untied the seal, and then opened up the eight extraordinary meridians. Immediately, the soul's light began to shine, and suddenly, a black-red evil aura surrounded the whole body, with green light emerging from the outermost periphery.

The last time I encountered Baihu and Xuanwu, I was just running for my life. I never thought about facing them head-on, because there was no possibility of winning, and even now there is not much hope. However, I am already better than I was much stronger at that time. If I risked my life, I might still be able to win the battle. No matter what, I won't stand here waiting to die. Even if the opponent is much stronger than me, I must have a general. The sword in hand shows the courage.

When I was getting ready to go, Chen Qingan beside me had already sacrificed the flower essence of the other shore, floating above her head, and then surrounded her body with fiery red flowers of the other shore, tightly surrounding her, Even the black iron sword in her hand had the cold meaning of Bianhua flower floating on it.

Fight hard, you have to fight hard this time.

With a loud shout, I was the finishing touch in the Xuantian Sword Technique. Moving with my thoughts, without even pulling the magic technique, a purple and vigorous beam of light shot towards Elder Baihu.

Elder Baihu kept walking, and the sword in his hand made a roaring sound, and knocked the purple beam of light away. Then, the sword soul in my hand collided hard with Elder Baihu's sword. Together.

In one second, he slashed at me at least seven or eight times. The swords were fierce and powerful. Even with my body turned upside down, I could feel the sharpness and killing power of the white tiger blade. I mean, the terrifying strength of such an old martial artist, who is also a super evil giant, is far beyond the imagination of a novice like me who is a semi-monk and has only been in the martial arts for a few years.

Powerful and ferocious, the swordsmanship contained in the wide open and big blows is the essence of the swordsmanship. Every single blow feels like the essence of the swordsmanship. If I make a slight mistake, I will be in danger of dying under his sword. I have to concentrate. Use [-]% of your energy to fight against it.

Under my feet, there are all the deep footprints left by the heavy force in the knife that was shifted by the sword. As soon as I touched its edge, I felt that I couldn't support it. He is really too powerful.

Even when I faced off against Pontiva, the second-in-command of the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult, I didn't feel such a strong sense of crisis.

After fighting dozens of moves with him in a row, I felt that only three to five seconds had passed. Then the two of us quickly separated. In these short few seconds, I felt like 1 The years are so long, and my spirit is so tense that I feel like I am going to die.

But Elder Baihu looked extremely relaxed, with a trace of solemnity on his face. He was five or six meters away from me, carrying the saber, and said in a deep voice: "My boy, in just a few years of hard work, I can easily In such a climate, even the old Jianghu who has been famous in the world for many years cannot catch up to these tricks, I really underestimate you."

(End of this chapter)

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