Chapter 1692

After Elder Bai Hu activated the spell, he saw that the sword in his hand suddenly became brighter. The soul of the white tiger that was fighting with the second senior brother not far away suddenly turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the white tiger. Among Elder Long's horse-cutting sword, the next moment, Elder Baihu raised his horse-cutting sword with both hands high, and then slashed hard at the Wandering Cloud Shocking Dragon move I used.

With a shocking roar of a tiger, a ball of bright white light was suddenly released from the sword, and it quickly spurted out, forming a huge tiger, facing the slash of my sword energy. A powerful force suddenly hit him.

When a dragon and a tiger fight, there is bound to be an injury.

Elder Baihu's horse-killing sword is fused with the tiger demon soul, and my sword soul contains a sealed dragon and tiger.

Ordinarily, in a fight between the dragon and the tiger, the dragon should have the advantage, but the elder White Tiger has a profound background, just like a tiger descending from a barren hill. Compared with the elder White Tiger, I am only a young dragon at best. Can I win?
There was no time to think, I was already giving it my all.

In an instant, two powerful forces clashed together, making a sound like a mountain collapsing. With a "boom", the heaven and earth shook. I only saw a dazzling white light between me and Elder Baihu. There was a flash, and then there were waves of air spreading in all directions. Wherever they passed, waist-thick trees collapsed one after another. Trees closer to the battle circle fell. It has been torn apart by the earthquake, so miserable.

Subconsciously, I urged the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po again, trying to resist the air wave blowing towards me, but I was still pushed by the air wave a few times, and rolled on the ground a few times before stood up.

The chest felt as if it had been hit hard by a hammer, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

Vaguely, I saw that the second senior brother who had no rival wanted to take the opportunity to deal with Elder Baihu, but was blown away by the air wave and rolled far away.

Although my chest feels extremely tight, I know that this battle is far from over. How could the evil giant who has dominated the world for decades die so easily? I must use more terrifying methods to deal with him, and that is me I have never dared to use the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and it is still retrograde.

After being thrown away and just getting up, I activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. Without looking for the figure of Elder Baihu, I directly opened my hands and mobilized the meridians throughout my body. , continuing to urge those three powerful forces to circulate throughout the body.

Three powerful forces activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. Compared to the past, the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra ran much faster. Almost as soon as the magic formula was activated, the white pores on the body opened rapidly. , the power from all directions was continuously transmitted to my limbs and bones through every pore on my body, the eight extraordinary meridians, and finally gathered in the Dantian.

The cold breath traveled rapidly through my body, and the grass around me quickly withered and turned yellow, turning into powder. Stones of all sizes also flew into the air one by one, and then exploded one after another.

The Yin-Yang Bahe Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra can swallow all the energy, and then use it for oneself, making oneself stronger than ever.

Plants, trees, gravel, and flesh and blood techniques can all be devoured and no one will refuse.

Not long after I activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, I saw Elder Baihu standing not far away. In the midst of the smoke, Elder Baihu held his horse-cutting sword upside down with a gloomy look on his face. Looking at me, his eyes used to be full of contempt, and he didn't take me into consideration at all. But this time, his eyes were completely different. He began to look at me squarely, treating me as someone he could compete with. My opponent, at this moment, he was full of murderous intent. The next moment, he raised his sword again, and then he swayed and ran towards me. I think he should know that the technique I used at this moment was very powerful. , because the Qi field around was rolling endlessly, the devouring power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra spread quickly towards the surroundings, but at this time, Elder Baihu did not have the slightest fear, and still rushed towards me.

Soon, Elder Baihu rushed to the area covered by the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. A violent suction force caused Elder Baihu's clothes to fly up. Elder Baihu's expression became sick, and he fell down. In an instant, a ball of bright white light surrounded him, shrouding him. This was when the soul of the tiger demon in his body began to exert its force, and it felt as if it could stop the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Unscrupulous Marrow Cleansing Sutra from devouring him. Power, the next moment, Elder Baihu broke into the scope of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and then stretched out his hand and threw the sword in his hand towards me.

There was also a white light flashing on the sword, and it suddenly turned into a white light and came towards me. Although I was controlling the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra at the moment, I could still control the sword soul. Immediately afterwards, I pulled a magic spell, and the sword soul came out of my hand and turned into thousands of sword shadows, covering Elder Baihu's horse-killing sword.

However, Elder Baihu did not give up his belief in killing me. I saw him suddenly crawling on the ground, his hands clenched like tiger claws, his whole body shaking, the joints all over his body crackling, and a muffled roar came from his A tiger's roar unexpectedly burst out from his throat. Unexpectedly, the elder White Tiger jumped toward me with a tiger pounce, and grabbed my chest with both hands.

This move is a standard black tiger's heart-throwing. If he catches it, the heart can be pulled out by him in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, I changed my move again, swayed, and grabbed Elder Baihu's hands. However, this time, Elder Baihu did not dodge. After being caught by me, he grabbed my wrist with his backhand.

I grabbed him, and he grabbed me. I felt like my wrists were about to be crushed by his tiger claws.

The huge pain made me groan, and a huge force spurted out from the Dantian Qi sea. Suddenly, I felt that the suction force generated by my body became much stronger, and then I felt that there was something coming from Elder Baihu's body. A steady stream of power poured into me.

Suddenly, Elder Baihu also felt something strange, and his eyes were instantly filled with fear.

He shook his hands and tried to break away from me, but he couldn't get rid of me. There was an infinite suction on my body, which tightly entangled him and made him unable to move at all.

Just as Elder Baihu and I were in a stalemate, another scream suddenly came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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