Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1693 Qinghong Sword

Chapter 1693 Qinghong Sword

At this moment, Elder Baihu and I were in a stalemate. I grabbed him and was devouring his spiritual power. When Elder Baihu wanted to break free but couldn't, there was a sudden movement behind him.

I heard a muffled sound, and then someone rolled to the ground. It was a woman's voice. When I looked back, I saw Chen Qingan rolling to the ground. She propped up her body, and then Then he spit out a mouthful of blood.

During this period of time, Elder Baihu and I were fighting to the death, concentrating all our energy and not daring to be distracted in the slightest. We completely ignored what Chen Qingan was fighting with Elder Xuanwu, and saw Chen Qingan being beaten away by Elder Xuanwu. I went out, vomiting blood, and my heart tightened. I thought badly, and I also thought about breaking away Elder Baihu, and then saving Chen Qingan. However, once the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra is halfway through, its terrifying part It will become stronger and stronger, and the devouring force generated will increase exponentially, and I can't help it at all.

With my current level of cultivation, I can only make the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra go backwards. If I don’t practice it according to the correct method, I still can’t reach the point where I can control it freely. This impatience makes me even more confused. , the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra became more and more manic.

I think Chen Qingan must have received a palm from Elder Xuanwu. His palm technique was quite terrifying. If he hit him, his life would basically be in danger.

After the elder Xuanwu slapped Chen Qingan until he vomited blood, he rubbed his body again, trying to scare Chen Qingan's life. At this moment, the second senior brother arrived immediately, opened his mouth, and sprayed a ball of blood towards Elder Xuanwu. The power of the True Fire Essence forced the elder Xuanwu back, and then the second senior brother stood in front of Chen Qingan, preventing the elder Xuanwu from getting close.

"This flaming beast, I will kill you right now!" Elder Xuanwu was obviously a little afraid of the second senior brother. He took two steps back and took out his pair of mandarin ducks again.

"Brother Xuanwu... come and save me... Wu Jiuyin has used evil methods and is devouring my cultivation. I can't hold on any longer. Come here and kill him first!" Elder Baihu shouted to Elder Xuanwu. shouted.

At this time, Elder Xuanwu noticed my side. After giving the second senior brother a vicious look, he quickly turned his spearhead and rushed toward me.

Damn it, it's hard for me to deal with him alone, but if Elder Xuanwu comes up again, I will definitely be dead!

Just when I was thinking about this, Elder Xuanwu threw his pair of mandarin ducks towards me. Suddenly, I was moved by my thoughts and pulled the sword soul over, and took Elder Xuanwu's mandarin ducks. They were picked up one by one and flew out, but Elder Xuanwu's pair of mandarin ducks and axes were hidden. After being thrown away, they quickly turned back and continued to kill me. Elder Xuanwu saw Elder Baihu eating them. Fortunately, this old boy is very shrewd and did not rush into the area covered by the Yin and Yang Eight Harmonies Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. He just used the mandarin duck ax to kill me.

What I didn't even expect was that Elder Xuanwu had more than one pair of mandarin ducks. He saw the pair of mandarin ducks flew away by the sword spirit, and then he pulled out another pair of mandarin ducks from behind and pointed at me. When it came, there were two pairs of mandarin ducks flying back and forth above my head. The murderous intent was everywhere, and the cold light was shining. It was hard to guard against it. The sword spirit was already a little hard to resist. Suddenly, a mandarin duck flew towards me diagonally. , slashed across my shoulder, and a line of blood flew out. I groaned in pain, and my body swayed, and then, I suddenly felt that something very bad had happened. The Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra followed the blow, and its powerful devouring power quickly faded away, and a large amount of essence leaked out from my wound.

damn it……

I cursed secretly in my heart and felt that something was very wrong. The next moment, I saw a trace of a sinister smile on Elder Baihu's face, but he quickly raised his foot and kicked me in the chest. Then my body flew up in the air, flew upside down, and then hit a big tree hard. My body quickly fell down, and the mouthful of blood I had held in my chest spat out, and I suddenly felt dizzy. Brain swelling, staring eyes.

That's all, this little fate has been settled today.

It's a pity that it has affected the girl Qingan...

I sat paralyzed on the ground, my heart was filled with despair, and I felt that all my struggles were in vain. I had exerted all my strength, and I had nothing left.

Watching Elder Xuanwu's two pairs of mandarin ducks flying towards me, trying to tear me into pieces, I turned my head to look at Chen Qingan, and smiled faintly at her, thinking to myself, sister, let's Let's hit the road together.

Chen Qingan also covered her chest and looked at me, helpless tears shining in her eyes.

At this moment, my mind trembled, and then quickly fell silent again.

Just when I thought I was going to die this time, something unexpected happened. A sword with white light flew over from not far away, blocked my face, and swayed a few times , the sword was placed horizontally in front of me, buzzing.

I'll go, what's going on? Is this a flying sword? Li Chao is resurrected?
Immediately afterwards, a scent of fragrance flashed by, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of me.

It's just that this man was covered in black clothes and his face was covered by black gauze. Only a pair of eyes were exposed. He stretched out his hand and grasped the long sword glowing with white light. Then he looked back at me and said tightly. Then he pointed the sword in his hand at Elder Xuanwu and Baihu not far away.

The elders Xuanwu and Baihu got together, walked forward slowly, and looked carefully at the mysterious man in black in front of me.

Both of their eyes were a little uncertain.

After a while, Elder Baihu said: "This sword should be the Qinghong Sword. The sword move just now is the Luoyan Wanxiang swordsmanship. If the old man read this method correctly, it should be the method of Haohai Shenni. Tell me, you are Haohai! Why do some people from Poseidon want to come out and meddle in this business?"

Qinghong Sword...Luoyan Wanxiang Sword Technique...Haohai Shenni?
What's going on? I've never heard of this.

I don’t even know who Haohai Shenni is, why would her people come to save me?
I was dumbfounded and looked carefully at the back of the mysterious person in black in front of me. Although her body was wrapped tightly, it was easy to tell that she was a woman, and a young woman with a very graceful figure.

(End of this chapter)

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