Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1694 Leaf Flying Flowers

Chapter 1694 Leaf Flying Flowers
But why did I suddenly feel like I had seen this woman’s back somewhere?
It's really familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen this figure before.

"Let's go!" The woman lowered her voice and waved her hand towards me, signaling me to leave quickly. It was obvious that the woman's voice had changed, as if she didn't want me to recognize her.

Could it be that this girl is Tira from the Stone Kingdom?
The Tila girl doesn't seem to be that powerful. She is very powerful in the head-lowering technique, and her cultivation is average.

I took a deep breath, and now I didn't care who was coming to save my life. I quickly stood up, holding the sword soul, and walked towards Chen Qing'an. I just used the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and then solved it. After opening the three powers sealed in the Dantian Qi Sea, Elder Xuanwu broke the technique, and was kicked by Elder Baihu. I suddenly felt that all the bones in my body were about to fall apart. Fortunately, I was young and strong, and I felt that I was injured. It’s not particularly heavy, and at least I can still move around now.

I walked to Chen Qingan and pulled her up. Only then did I realize that Qingan’s condition was much more serious than mine. Her body was so soft that it seemed like her bones were gone. After I helped her up, her whole body They all leaned on me, and blood was still dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"Brother Xiaojiu... hurry up and leave... I'm afraid I can't walk..." Chen Qing'an said, leaning into my arms.

"What are you talking about? I won't leave you alone. If you want to leave, let's go together. I will carry you on my back..."

As I said that, I took out a few Xue family pills from the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag, gave Chen Qingan a few pills, and I also took some myself.

"Where's the injury?" I asked with concern.

"I was slapped by Elder Xuanwu just now, and it was the Fiery Marrow Burning Palm. Fortunately... I have armor on me, and the palm poison did not hurt me. I just suffered internal injuries..." Chen Qing'an said weakly.

"Here's another one to die, that's good, let's kill them all together, don't care about anyone, let's kill him first..."

As Elder Xuanwu said, he threw the Yuanyang Yue in his hand towards the masked woman. Elder Baihu immediately stepped forward and greeted her with his sword.

In fact, I can walk around now, and it’s no problem to carry Chen Qingan on my back, but the speed will definitely not be much faster.

However, I don’t want to leave now. This mysterious masked woman who suddenly appeared looks very young. I don’t think she can be a match for Xuanwu and Elder Baihu. She came here desperately to save my life and Chen Qingan’s. We It was unkind and unfair to leave without even saying hello, and she might even lose her life because of it. Even if I could escape, I would still feel bad about it.

At that moment, I found a place and wanted Chen Qingan to sit down. After taking the Xue family's medicine, I asked her to nurse herself back to health and slowly recover. I also sat on Chen Qingan's side and started Mobilizing the sea of ​​qi in the Dantian, I can quickly restore physical and spiritual power. With the support of the Xue family's medicine, after a while, I can go up and help and relieve some of the pressure on the mysterious masked woman.

When Chen Qingan and I were recuperating, I also called out my second senior brother and went over to attack the two elders, which would also help me a little.

Not long after they sat down, Elders Xuanwu and Baihu started fighting with the mysterious masked woman.

After just looking at it for a moment, my heart sank. It was obvious that this mysterious masked woman was not as powerful as I imagined. She was not as powerful as me or Chen Qingan. If it weren’t for the swordsmanship she used, she had some skills. , within ten moves, the woman was knocked to the ground by the two of them.

I heard Elder Baihu say before that the sword technique used by this girl is called Luoyan Wanxiang Sword Technique. This sword technique is indeed superb. Once she dances, she feels like there are sword shadows all around her, like smoke and mist, free and light, and she stabs out with one sword. , unpredictable, with heavy sword shadows, always stabbing at the two elders from incredible angles.

Although her swordsmanship was good, it was a pity that her foundation was too weak. After another three or five moves with the two elders, she was almost hit by Elder Xuanwu's mandarin duck, which made me very nervous.

No, I have to go up and save people. I can't let her lose her life for me. The key is that I don't even know who she is. I owe this favor very much.

At that moment, I took a deep breath, stood up slowly from the ground, then scratched the center of my eyebrows with my nails, took out a drop of blood essence, and quickly performed a few hand gestures to quickly integrate the drop of blood essence into my body. When it enters my body, it allows me to maintain peak combat effectiveness for a certain period of time, but the result is that my cultivation will be damaged and my body will be weak for a long time.

I couldn't care less about all this. I couldn't let the person who saved my life die in front of me.

The sword soul in my hand once again surrounded me with a purple light. I took a deep breath and felt like I was being refueled. I stepped on the accelerator and headed towards the two elders. Rush away.

Xuantian Sword Technique was used by me again. Dragon swept away thousands of troops, finishing touch, sword walking dragon snake, wind tiger and cloud dragon... half a set of Xuantian Sword Technique was used, and the situation was finally stabilized, and the masked man The mysterious woman was already at the end of her strength. Not long after I came up, she was knocked away by Elder Baihu's sword and fell to the ground.

Elder Baihu rubbed his body and came forward, probably intending to take the woman's life. However, I wanted to step forward to rescue her, but was blocked by the old man Xuanwu.

However, at this moment, the surrounding air suddenly tightened, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up. A large piece of leaves suddenly blew from the direction behind the masked mysterious woman, and swept towards Elder Baihu.

Elder Baihu let out a surprised "Eh" and quickly slashed out, shaking the leaves in all directions. The leaves flew towards the surrounding trees and were directly embedded in the trees.

Flying leaves and flowers can hurt someone. Such a strong cultivation level, and another master is here.

I forced Elder Xuanwu back with two moves of Xuantian Sword Art, and after Elder Xuanwu felt that there was an expert coming, he didn't want to fight with me anymore. Look in the direction.

In a blink of an eye, Shen'er saw that there was another person behind the masked mysterious woman. This was a nun, an old nun to be precise. Her face was covered with wrinkles and her body was slightly stooped. She was not tall and wore a gray nun. The robe was a little white from the washing, and he was holding a whisk in his hand, which was casually placed on his shoulders, as if he appeared in front of us out of thin air.

 Good night~ Please forgive me. I have a serious stomach problem and the pain is too severe. I grit my teeth and write every day.

(End of this chapter)

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