Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1696 It's so hard to lie to me

Chapter 1696 It's so hard to lie to me

I looked at the masked woman, and the masked woman looked at me. Just like that, we looked at each other for several seconds. Her eyes looked familiar to me because they had been there countless times. Appeared in my dream.

The scene of the sentence "Little Ninth Brother" and then resolutely jumping off the cliff appeared in my sleep countless times, which made me wake up again and again with heartache. I still seem to be in a dream.

Is it really her?is it possible?

I feel my heart is beating fast and my hands are shaking.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You can run away for your life. I have to go back to save Master..." The masked woman said lightly, then turned around and prepared to leave again.

She ran forward two steps, but in the end I couldn't hold it back and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Li Kexin!"

The masked woman was shocked and paused for a moment, but it was only for a moment. She didn't even look back, and then continued running forward.

Yes, yes... I did not admit my mistake, she is not dead, she is still alive...

The next moment, I felt that my body was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't control myself, and then my body swayed, and I stood in front of her with eight steps, and opened my hands to block her way.

"Sister Kexin... you are still alive, why don't you recognize me... why?" I was so excited that I was a little incoherent.

"You have the wrong person...get away..." The other person lowered her head, swayed, and avoided me, but I heard her voice trembling a little, and then she continued to run forward.

This time, I didn’t want her to leave. I knew I had not recognized the wrong person. Then I used the eight steps of confusion again to block in front of her. I stretched out my hand to hug her into my arms. However, she was already there now. She is no longer what she used to be, and her skills are also very clever. She slapped me with a light palm. I didn't hide or try to resist. Her palm hit me in the chest. Although it wasn't heavy, it still had some strength. I stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Brother Xiaojiu...why don't you hide away..." The other party was startled and quickly reached out to pull me, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my arms. She struggled for two seconds at first. But I hugged her tightly and wouldn’t let her go, even if I beat her to death. This time, I didn’t want her to leave again. Over the years, I have had this scene appear in countless visions, but It was all in a dream. When I woke up from the dream, I couldn't catch anything. But this time, I really caught him. I felt that my nose was a little sore and I could hardly control my tears.

"Sister Kexin... don't go... I know it's you. You have deceived me so hard for so many years. In order to avenge you, I killed all the people in Dongchen Guiyong Road. You jumped off the cliff that year. I looked for you when I was young, but I didn't find anything... I knew you were not dead yet... It was so hard for you to lie to me..."

I murmured like a lunatic, and hugged that soft body tightly in my arms. From the beginning of the struggle, gradually, she gave up resistance, and then stretched out her arms to hug me tightly. , as if to integrate her whole body into my body, her head was placed on my shoulder, her shoulder was trembling slightly, and then a few drops of warm tears wet my shoulder.

There has never been a moment when I felt as happy as I do now. What was lost and found, what was originally a world separated forever and out of reach, turned into a reunion today.

Many times, I wanted to ask Li Banxian to help me with a divination.
A look back at her back then has become a picture that will be forever fixed in my heart. Today's reunion, I hope she will never leave.

However, when I was hugging her tightly, Li Kexin suddenly pushed me away, took a few steps back, shook his head, and cried, "Little Ninth Brother... let's go, I don't want to disturb your life anymore, you just treat me as dead, today is the last time I see you, I will never appear again in the future, you go..."

With that, Li Kexin was about to leave again. I quickly stood up, stood in front of her, and said excitedly: "Why? You always have to give me a reason, why do you want to leave and not be with me?"

I grabbed her arms with both hands and looked at her blankly.

Li Kexin's tears flowed freely. She slowly raised her hand and pulled off the veil on her face. Then, I saw a slender scar suddenly appeared on Li Kexin's handsome face. On his left cheek, it looked a bit abrupt, as if there was an extra scar on top of his delicate face.

Then, Li Kexin came closer to me and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, I have become like this, will you still be with me?"

I took a deep breath and couldn't help laughing: "Is it because of this scar on your face that you deliberately avoided seeing me?"

"Yes, and no... things are not that simple." Li Kexin said.

I smiled again and said: "Sister Kexin, let alone just a scar, even if your face is completely ruined and you become an old woman in her seventies or eighties, I won't care. What I like is yours, not yours." Face, besides, the injury on your face is nothing at all. I know the miracle doctor of the Xue family. Come back with me and I will ask the miracle doctor of the Xue family to take a look at you. I guarantee that you will be cured within a few days. It’s restored to its original state and looks even better than before.”

Li Kexin was about to say something when I suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from behind. Then in a blink of an eye, the Haohai Shenni appeared next to me and Li Kexin. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Li Kexin's arm. arm, and then quickly took a few steps back.

When I looked at Haohai Shenni again, I found that there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that she had been injured when she fought against Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu just now.

"Master...you are back...where are the two people from Guiyong Road?" Li Kexin asked.

"The special team sent experts over again, and scared those two people away..." Haohai Shenni said, then looked at Li Kexin, and said somewhat sullenly: "Mingyue, I see you have been acting like crazy in the past few days. In a daze, I went down the mountain on my own without my teacher's consent. Seeing that you have been absentminded recently, my teacher knew that something must be wrong with you, so I followed you all the way. It turned out that it was for this kid. Didn't you promise me that you were my teacher? , won’t you see him again in the future?”

"Master...disciple..." Li Kexin opened his mouth, but didn't say any more words, but just lowered his head.

(End of this chapter)

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