Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1697 Dharma Name Bright Moon

Chapter 1697 Dharma Name Bright Moon
"Okay, okay... there's no need to say anything. Let's leave here quickly. People from the court will come over soon, which will be very troublesome." After saying that, the Haohai Shenni took Li Kexin's hand and walked towards the distance. Go everywhere.

As soon as I saw that Haohai Shenni was going to take Li Kexin away, I immediately panicked, and quickly stepped forward to block their way. Then Haohai Shenni raised her brows and said very displeasedly: "You kid, do you want to take Li Kexin away?" What are you doing? I saved your life, so you’re just not grateful, but you still want to block the path of our master and disciple?"

"Old senior, you misunderstood. I have something to say to your disciple. We met before and she is my fiancée..." I explained quickly.

"Nonsense. This girl has already become a monk with a poor nun. Now she is known as Mingyue and her grudges in the mortal world have been settled. I advise you not to be entangled anymore and leave quickly..." The Haohai Shenni flicked his sleeves and grabbed Li Kexin. The arm moved towards the distance, and between a rise and fall, the person was only ten meters away.

I'm confused. Is Li Kexin a monk?

How is this possible? I just saw that Li Kexin has hair, unlike Haohai Shenni who has a bare forehead. She must be lying to me. How could I let Li Kexin leave me so easily.

So, I used several steps to chase the Haohai Shenni.

At this time, the Haohai Shenni suddenly flicked his sleeves, and dozens of leaves flew towards me. They all fell on the ground at my feet, and even made several holes. I was immediately frightened. He quickly took a step back.

"Master... don't hurt him..." I heard Li Kexin's pleading voice.

"Get out of here quickly, if you dare to follow me one more step, the poor nun will take your life!" The Haohai Shenni said, and quickly walked away for a few more times. I was so entangled in my heart, I felt that I still have I didn't explain a lot of things clearly to Li Kexin, so I quickly chased them in their direction again. After using several eight steps of confusion, I suddenly felt that the sea of ​​Qi in my Dantian was completely empty. The blood essence that I used before made my The time for his cultivation to reach its peak in a short period of time has passed. His body suddenly felt tired, and he could no longer use the method of missing eight steps.

When I went to see Haohai Shenni and Li Kexin, I found that their voices had long disappeared. After a while, I heard a rumble not far away. It was a helicopter overhead. The sound circling above me probably doesn't want to leave me anymore.

Although I escaped the pursuit of Gui Yongdao, the people of the Southwest Department of the Special Task Force are also full of hostility towards me. If I fall into the hands of the people of the Southwest Department at this time, there will definitely be nothing good to eat. I will trap Su Bingyi. It's so miserable, if it falls into his hands, he will definitely kill me.

No, I can't risk my life here. At that moment, I took another deep look in the direction of Haohai Shenni and Li Kexin, then turned around and headed towards the river.

But when I got to the river, I discovered another problem. Chen Qingan was missing. I looked around but couldn't find her. Then I found a box on a stone by the river. I opened it and took a look. , and found that there were several human skin masks and ID cards inside.

Chen Qingan left me without saying goodbye.

For no reason, I felt sad for a while, Li Kexin was not retained by me, but was taken away by the God of the Sea, and now Chen Qingan also left me without saying goodbye, leaving me with these few escaped things.

I am not a fool, I can see Chen Qinghuan's affection for me, but when I saw Li Kexin before, Chen Qinghuan must have seen everything that happened. In the final analysis, my feelings for Li Kexin are too deep, and it is impossible for anyone to No woman can surpass her. Before Li Kexin appeared, I felt that something might happen between Chen Qinghuan and me. She is also a very good girl. She said nothing to me and Wu Jiuyin, and I am extremely grateful to her. , and even at one point, I felt that Chen Qingan and I had it together. We are both good-looking and highly cultivated. Moreover, we are also descendants of the ancestor Chen Ting, which is much more prominent than our old Wu family.

The most important thing is that she was willing to come out and save my life when I was in such a critical situation and when everyone was separated from me.

I admit that I have Chen Qingan in my heart. If I can get out of trouble safely this time, maybe I will become a fairy couple with her and walk the rivers and lakes together, but that is only if she is willing.

But I never expected that Li Kexin, who had disappeared from my life for five years, the woman I thought about day and night, would suddenly appear out of nowhere just as I was about to lose my life. It was a huge boulder thrown into the lake that caused an uproar in my state of mind.

Perhaps Li Kexin has been following me silently, watching every move, smile and smile of Chen Qingan and I, walking hand in hand. I think she must have been very sad at that time.

When I think of this, I feel guilty.

I felt that I was sorry for Li Kexin, and I was also sorry for Chen Qingan, which put me in a dilemma.

Where do we go from here?
At this time, my heart was so confused, I was in so much pain, my heart was like a knife, and the whole world was in chaos.

what should I do?
Just as I was staying by the river, the sound of the rumbling helicopter above my head was getting closer and closer to me. Not far away, there were large spotlights shaking everywhere. The special team came back for reinforcements. Most of the troops came over, probably searching for the remaining forces of Guiyong Dao. If they found me, they would definitely not let me go.

At this time, I realized that I was running for my life, avoiding people from all directions.

At that moment, I took out the water-avoiding beads from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe and threw them into the water. Then I jumped into the water-evading beads and quickly sank to the bottom of the river.

It doesn't take much spiritual energy to activate the water-avoiding beads. As soon as it enters the water, the water-avoiding beads will quickly sneak at the bottom of the river, going all the way up. I don't know where I will go, and I don't know what to do next. what to do.

At this moment, I was lying in the water-proof bead, letting it lead me to sneak at the bottom of the river.

Li Kexin, the appearance of Chen Qingan has been lingering in my mind. My mind has never been so confused. Chen Qingan is gone, where did she go?

I think when she looked at me and Li Kexin, she must have felt extremely sad. She didn't want to see me and her, so she left silently. She just didn't know if I could meet her again in the future. Maybe this On the one hand, it is my eternal farewell to her.

For such a proud woman like her, I can't understand her thoughts.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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