Chapter 1698
Lying in the water drop, I felt that I was completely hollowed out, not only my body, but everything in my heart was completely hollowed out. Even at this moment, I couldn't find the meaning of my existence.
I, Wu Jiuyin, have been fighting and killing since my debut. I am an enemy of Gui Yongdao because of Li Kexin. I think Gui Yongdao killed Li Kexin, so I want to avenge her. Their hatred is irreconcilable.

But today, I saw Li Kexin in real life. She didn't die, and she was still alive and well. She worshiped under Hao Haishenni's sect and became her disciple. She is so weak that she can fight dozens of moves against the two elders of Gui Yong Dao without losing. She has been alive for so many years, why doesn't she come to me?
Does she know how I got here after all these years?

Every time I dream back at midnight, the moment when she resolutely jumped off the cliff will flash in my mind, and then I will wake up in countless times of fear. Every time I wake up in a nightmare, my hatred for Gui Yongdao will deepen a bit.

But today, she stood in front of me perfectly, and I suddenly didn't know who I should hate. I lost the target of hatred, and suddenly felt that my life lost all meaning.

Just drifting with the current, letting the water-avoiding beads carry me floating in the river, I don't know where I am going, let alone where I am.

I was so tired, I took a deep breath of exhaustion, and before I knew it, I lay down in the closed water and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found that the sky was bright with sparkling lights above my head. I took a deep breath and suddenly felt some pain in my heart.

After a night of repairs, I feel that my body is better, but I will definitely not be able to do anything with others for a while.

After fighting Baihu and Xuanwu to exhaustion, and then using the power of essence and blood, I can't be much stronger than an ordinary person at this moment.

At this moment, I remembered the agreement I made with Zhou Yiyang that we would meet up in Yizhou, and I would go to Zhouyi District to stay for a while to avoid the limelight.

No matter how bad the situation is, I still want to save my life. I don't want to die like this without any reason.

As for Chen Qingan and Li Kexin, we can only wait until I come back from Zhouyi District.

Haohai Shenni, I think her whereabouts should not be too difficult to find. After all, Wan Luozong and Fatty Jin are here, and basically any information can be found out. Chen Qingan... This matter is a bit troublesome. There seems to be nothing to explain between her, some are just owed, and there is a lot owed, as for the emotional issues, it has become a mess, everything can only follow the fate.

I controlled the water-repelling bead and floated out from the bottom of the water without a sound. I found that the place I was in now was a barren mountain, with dense jungle, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and naturally there was no human habitation.

After floating up from the river, I went ashore, put away the water beads, and suddenly felt hungry. I looked up at the sky, it was already afternoon, and I don’t know where the water beads took me.

The strange thing is that the road was very peaceful. I didn't meet people from the Southwest Department, nor did I meet those old Taoists from Dancheng Mountain, let alone people from Guiyongdao.

I think the reason for the peace may be because of the sudden appearance of Gui Yongdao.

For a long time, Gui Yongdao has been very quiet, and he hasn't shown his face in the arena for a long time. This time, Gui Yongdao made such a big battle, two elders came out at once, and they even talked with the people from the Southwest Department. When they met together, there was a big fight at that time, and the two sides would definitely not escape casualties. Now both the special dispatch team and Dan Chengshan are busy with Gui Yongdao, so how can they care about my side.

It is estimated that they are now searching all over the mountains and plains for the remaining forces of Guiyong Dao.

At the beginning, when the Haohai Shenni came to take Li Kexin away, Haohai Shenni was already injured, with blood on the corner of her mouth. She said that it was because of the arrival of a large number of reinforcements from the special dispatch team, which scared away the two elders, Baihu and Xuanwu. He felt that it would not be a problem for the special dispatch team to catch those small miscellaneous fish of Gui Yongdao, but if they wanted to deal with Baihu and Xuanwu, they definitely didn't even have to think about it. They probably would have fled long ago.

At this moment, my stomach was unbearably hungry. After I landed, I found a place to sit down, took out some food and drink from the Qiankun Eight Treasures Bag, replenished my energy, and then walked out unsteadily go.

As I walked, I was still thinking that even if someone from Guiyong Road showed up this time, the special team and Dan Chengshan would not let me go. I still had to be careful.

Because my body was injured and very weak, I had to stop to take a breath and rest my feet after walking for a while.

At this time, I remembered that I still had the human skin mask and ID card left by Chen Qingan on me, so I replaced the human skin mask, and also took out a set of very ordinary ones from the Qiankun Eight Treasures bag. The clothes are on.

Seeing things and thinking about people, as soon as I saw these human skin masks, I thought of Chen Qingan again. This girl left quietly without even saying goodbye. It seems that she was also hurt at that moment.

It was not until it was almost dark that I walked out of this barren mountain and came to a road with not many vehicles. After waiting for a long time, only a few vehicles passed by me. I reached out to stop it. No one stopped.

So I took out another 1000 yuan and waved on the road. Finally, a man who saw money stopped and planned to give me a ride.

The driver was a middle-aged man in his 40s, somewhat bald. After taking the money, he warmly welcomed me into the car and asked me where I was going.

In fact, I don’t even know where I am now, so I just asked him to take me to the city ahead.

This guy is a chatterbox. After I got in the car, he kept chattering, asking me what I did and why I was here.

I just said that I am a donkey friend and I traveled alone. I originally rode a bicycle, but it broke down halfway, so I walked all the way and planned to buy another bicycle in the city.

That guy didn't doubt it was a lie, he also said that young people like us are really interesting, we run around when we have nothing to do, and we often go to these deep mountains and old forests. It was reported on TV that many donkey friends came into danger when they came out, and let me in the future Be careful.

I just nodded in agreement, and then I learned from this buddy that I am still in Jizhou, a place called Yandang, which is not far from Gan Province, and there are still hundreds of kilometers away. One kilometer is Yandan City.

(End of this chapter)

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