Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1699 Escape

Chapter 1699 Escape
I didn't expect that I would float so far away from the place where the incident occurred while I was lying in the water-proof beads. The speed of the water-proof beads was so high.

In this way, I think I must be temporarily safe for now.

The driver was still chattering, and then I stopped talking to him. When he saw that I was no longer paying attention to him, he stopped. After taking me to Yandang City, I got out of the car and walked around the city. After swimming around, I took a taxi to the train station. I found a black car nearby and took me directly through Gan Province and directly to Yizhou, where I met Zhou Yang.

At first, the driver heard that he was going to go so far, so he refused to go at all. Later, I gave him 1 yuan, and he was relieved. Qian, why don’t you take the plane and train, and rent his car to go to such a far place. I just said that I lost my ID card, and it’s very troublesome to get a replacement.

I don’t know what this guy was thinking, but he just danced on the road, acting as if I was going to rob him, and he was so careful.

After getting in the car, the buddy started the car and drove me onto the highway, heading east.

On the way, I sat in the back row without saying a word, sitting cross-legged and cultivating. When I joined the special team, I was still a member of Dan Chengshan. There was only one way for me to die, so I had to be extremely careful on the road.

Fortunately, the road was very peaceful, and nothing special happened, and there were not many people checking the post.

It is estimated that the people in the special task force are very busy at the moment and are concentrating on the matters on Guiyong Road and have no time to pay attention to me. Or they think that I am still in the border of Jizhou and have relaxed their vigilance about the search here.

That night, I left Jizhou and went directly to the territory of Jiangxi Province. The car drove until late at night, and we stopped in a town to rest and refuel the car by the way.

The car drove for two or three days before we arrived at Yizhou. Not long after arriving at the boundary of Yizhou, I got out of the car and asked the driver to leave, and then called Zhou Yiyang.

The call was quickly connected. Zhou Yiyang looked a little excited and said it was great to receive my call. He had already heard about what happened a few days ago. Monk Hua and Bai Zhan were very anxious, and they didn’t know you. how is it now.

What Zhou Yiyang said was that the special investigation team and Dan Chengshan jointly hunted down me, and the incident that Gui Yongdao participated in.

I told Zhou Yiyang the general story, and Zhou Yiyang sighed, saying that it was too dangerous, and the three forces encircled and suppressed me, so I was able to get out of trouble.

However, things were not as simple as Zhou Yang imagined. I told Zhou Yang that in fact, I was the one who called the people from the special team and Dan Chengshan. When Mr. Xue from Guiyong Road found me, I knew something was wrong. , I guess Gui Yongdao came to deal with me this time, so I had a foresight in advance and made a phone call to Director Su Bingyi of the Southwest Department and humiliated him. Then he sent someone to arrest me. The people from Gui Yong Road met.

In the end I took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

As for Chen Qingan and Li Kexin, I did not tell Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang did not know these two people. Even Li Kexin only heard me talk about them a few times. It was meaningless for me to mention them to Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yiyang was still very excited and praised him greatly, saying that I could think of such a method and using the enemy to contain the enemy was simply wonderful. After this happened, it was Fatty Jin from Wanluo Sect who gave Bai the Zhan called me and told me that I was being attacked by three enemies and the situation was very dangerous. Both Laohua and Bai Zhan were confused and asked him to come with them and rush to that place for help.

In the end, Li Banxian persuaded them, saying that even if we rushed over, the day lily would be cold and of no use at all. By then, no matter which enemy party they fell into, they would have enough to drink.

In the past few days, they have been worried about my safety, and they were all very anxious. Zhou Yiyang finally felt relieved when he finally received my call today.

Then, I told him that I had arrived in Yizhou and what should I do next.

Zhou Yiyang told me that he is now in Zhouyi District. He has been in Yizhou some time ago and noticed something strange. He always felt that some people were following him. Zhou Yiyang thought those people might be members of the special task force. , so I didn’t dare to stay in Zhouyi District, for fear that the people from the special task force would kill us both.

Therefore, now he has arranged for a close relative to be in Yizhou, and he will be responsible for sending me to Zhouyi District.

I asked him if this route was reliable, lest he be caught alive by the sea.

Zhou Yiyang said that he could rest assured that everything was done through formal channels. Every week he had to transport various supplies from Zhouyi District to Tianzhou. Those ships belonged to the Zhou family and there would be no problems. error.

Then, Zhou Yiyang gave me a phone number and asked me to contact him, and he would be responsible for sending me safely to Zhouyi District.

I responded without saying anything to Yiyang Yang.

After hanging up the phone, I pulled out the phone card and threw it away. I got a new phone card and contacted Zhou Yiyang's subordinate.

It's not that I don't trust Zhou Yang, I'm worried that it will be troublesome if the special investigation team monitors Zhou Yang's phone calls.

Zhou Yiyang's subordinate was surnamed Wang, called Wang Runsheng. I called him. When I explained who I was, the boy named Wang Runsheng became very polite, called Master Jiu, and asked me where I was. Wherever you are, come and pick me up.

I gave him an address, and Wang Runsheng told me to wait there for half an hour and he would arrive shortly.

The place I am now is in a small town in the east of Yizhou. In order not to attract attention, after hanging up the phone from Wang Runsheng, I hid on the roof of a house, and then After checking the escape route, I am now afraid of being betrayed, so I have to be careful. If Wang Runsheng sells Zhou Yiyang, I will be in trouble.

Half an hour later, a brand new flying carriage drove over and parked under the house where I was. Then the door opened and a young man in his 20s stepped out. He was dressed neatly and looked around. At one glance, he took out his cell phone and dialed me.

Seeing that there were no ambush around, I climbed down from the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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